early vote for President US 2008 - D

Who is strong 2008 Presidential candidates for D?

  • Biden, Joe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Clinton, Hillary

    Votes: 37 60.7%
  • Dodd, Chris

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Edwards, John

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • Gravel, Mike

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kucinich, Dennis

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • Obama, Barack

    Votes: 17 27.9%
  • Richardson, Bill

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
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My personal is different than your several black friends? How comes? Yeah some christians are against the lifestyle of people. Some whites are against the stereotype of the blacks, on and on.. But my point is another countries like mexico, africa, middle east are against gays and against blacks. You know what I saying. don't take so personal. I just say it on prescptive (sp).

Yup but you aren't alone, I had noticed about other people are acting like that, I had nothing to against on your personal, for homosexual support in countries, Mexico has support homosexual for long time since they are over 90% roman catholic, less crazier and more tolerate than fundie Christian in USA. Most muslim countries are against on homosexual due religion concern, except for Turkey. Right now, Mexico has better system for homosexual than in USA but their lifestyle isn't much as my type.
LGBT rights in Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yupp I bet! Because of his race.

Actually I was speechless about what his wife said..

I suggest you go yahoo or google search about Obama's wife what she made comments on public supports. but you don't have to. :)

I don't know about his sexual orientation, and at first time, he said that he would support decriminalize the marijuana, but later he says that he is against decriminalize the marijuana and are okay with the medical marijuana.. Hopefully one of congress success decriminalize the federal laws on marijuana recently.. About the wars, well everyone can speak out about what they can do with the war issue, IMO.

I just kidding about him being a gay. He is family man of childern and wife. ;)


Because Obama wants to get votes.

Yes, I can see him in his way he wants to get more voters and their donates $$$$ He really disguest me!

If they're honest, they can't.

You are right! there is no truth from Him ;)

She's not running for President right now.

I aware that. I just say about her recent comments about obama and hillary adviser (i'm not sure) before she step down from hillary's adviser or something she work for her.

No, you can't erase history. But there are different ways of dealing with the situation we have now, and stirring up hateful feelings isn't the way to solve racism. Shouting, "God d**n America!" doesn't solve anything.

Yes you're right about stirring up hateful feelings toward eachothers that is not solve.. but can't help.. Like K-white: he told on media saying "Bush don't care about black people in N.O. crisis". He had spoke against the republic politican bush on his mind, thats what he impressed me he stand for my people. this still show the racist nation of america by dem or republic. thats what exact wright had spoke against Obama and america who neglect us and race issues since they interested to help israel and iraq much more than this country

My questions is Can you walk in Harlem community of NY or compton of L.A. ?

I'm not a supporter of Billy Graham but I guess the difference was that he wasn't the 20-year personal pastor of any of the past Presidents. Obama and his family sat under Wright's preaching and influence for 20 years, and supported Wright with their donations. That shows a longer connection with a spiritual leader than an occasional visit to the White House. I don't believe any of the previous presidents were actually under the influence of Graham.

I surprise that you are not big fan of Billy Graham.. excuse me, please.. I do agree with what you said about the previous presidents were u.i. of Graham. But my point is why the previous presidents invited Graham into white house who was anti-semtic slurs for special dinner with those presidents?

Yup but you aren't alone, I had noticed about other people are acting like that, I had nothing to against on your personal, for homosexual support in countries, Mexico has support homosexual for long time since they are over 90% roman catholic, less crazier and more tolerate than fundie Christian in USA. Most muslim countries are against on homosexual due religion concern, except for Turkey. Right now, Mexico has better system for homosexual than in USA but their lifestyle isn't much as my type.
LGBT rights in Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yeah Pac, I see that, I honestly dont aware that mexico accpet and welcome homosexul in country.. why not you move down there? Ha I bet you wont.. Ha j/k
I am myself Pro-Hillary Clinton for President! Sen. Clinton has wonderful experiences in her leadership for many years and very emphazies on her leadership. WHY??? She has listing of her leadership here:

* Former First Lady of President Bill Clinton for 8 years

* Been a lawyer for many years

* Former Arkansas Governor's first lady for 8 years

* Been a senator D-NY since 2000

* Proud to be Democrat

* support her husband, Bill Clinton

* mother for a daughter Chelesa

* being a woman!

Why not Sen. Clinton run for President 2008? Worth to count on her leadership and past experiences! I am voting for Sen. Clinton for President 2008!

there was this funny comment from a reader in TIME Magazine about Hillary Clinton -

"Ridiculous. As if being First Lady for a few years qualifies Hillary to be commander-in-chief. This is like saying, "My husband is a brain surgeon, and after being married to him for eight years, I can perform brain surgery myself now."

The Brit in me is tempted to call her a "silly cow", but that would be way too polite.

Anyone even considering voting for Hillary would, in fact, be in dire need of brain surgery."
Apples and Oranges again. Hillary is in fact a lawyer....which many politicos are. She has also involved herself in politics for many years before being first lady.....she involved herself during first lady years. And a senator from New York while learning more to be in contention for prez.
The examples you choose and exclaim as verified in some manificent way as fact....tooting your horn as if it were true. A surgeon's wife's medical skills and a president's wife's political skills ain't an equal comparison. Hillary involved herself for many years.....let's face it...politics ain't rocket science (or brain surgery). You exclaimed it as some kinda of equal metaphor to grandstand....once again thinking that grandstanding and exagerating equals fact.....nope....wrong again my friend. You can have your opinion of her skills....but twisty grandstanding and unequal comparisons are just forms of lying. Apples and Oranges.
Apples and Oranges again. Hillary is in fact a lawyer....which many politicos are. She has also involved herself in politics for many years before being first lady.....she involved herself during first lady years. And a senator from New York while learning more to be in contention for prez.
The examples you choose and exclaim as verified in some manificent way as fact....tooting your horn as if it were true. A surgeon's wife's medical skills and a president's wife's political skills ain't an equal comparison. Hillary involved herself for many years.....let's face it...politics ain't rocket science (or brain surgery). You exclaimed it as some kinda of equal metaphor to grandstand....once again thinking that grandstanding and exagerating equals fact.....nope....wrong again my friend. You can have your opinion of her skills....but twisty grandstanding and unequal comparisons are just forms of lying. Apples and Oranges.

you should write a respond to TIME magazine. that is a good point.
you should write a respond to TIME magazine. that is a good point.

Well that's a bit odd.....you 'quoted' it as more of your 'statistical' proof. When you concede a point I guess you deflect it to someone else's 'quote' when you 'quoted' it to make your point.
Only see what you want to see.
What is the point of your quotes and statistical arguments if you don't take responsibility for them.
Well that's a bit odd.....you 'quoted' it as more of your 'statistical' proof. When you concede a point I guess you deflect it to someone else's 'quote' when you 'quoted' it to make your point.
Only see what you want to see.
What is the point of your quotes and statistical arguments if you don't take responsibility for them.

I'm not sure I'm following you. I was simply typing out what I read from TIME magazine to share with you which I thought was a good point but you brought out a counter-argument which is even more good point.
Why is that shocking that he smokes?

I never see any president do smoking cigarette. I read about Obama's background and picture. I saw his picture of hold his cigarette in his lips. He admitted use cocaine before.
I never see any president do smoking cigarette. I read about Obama's background and picture. I saw his picture of hold his cigarette in his lips. He admitted use cocaine before.
I guess you missed all those pictures of FDR with his famous cigarette holder.

You might be interested in this:

USA Trivia Tobacco and Smoking
in reality, more people vote for Obama than Hillary.

Obama is getting closer up to finish for "D" race.
Everybody who vote Hillary are sore loser. :) No offense.

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