wow, i don't know about you guys, but here in america (new york) i've come across so many movies on dvd that aren't captioned or subtitled blockbuster now has a majority of movies that aren't available with captioned or subtitles (they carry mostly big budget filmz (which is a minority in blockbuster) and b-movies (the majority)
however, i'd like to point out thhat i came across something very me weird, but ice-t happens to be my favorite actor (role model, you know) there is this movie with ice-t called corrupt and i wanted to see this movie, along with many other ice-t movies that aren't closed captioned....since the box doesn't say captioned or subtitled, i didn't bother paying 5 buckz to view this film....i was in best buy once, saw the movie on sale for 2 buckz, figured i'll buy it just to watch it once and see how it goes even though i wouldn't understand it, i can still say i watched it my shock, the movie was closed captioned! why would you pay to have a movie closed cpationed, then not advertise it
the only reason why so many movies aren't availabble with captions or subtitles is because it costs money....i can almost guarantee you, if it was free to caption a movie, most movies would be captioned from now on
also, something else i noticed....there are so many movies that i see aren't captioned or subtitled on dvd (or tape for that matter) but when it comes onto cable, it's captioned! there's a movie i really like called dance with the devil, it'z not captioned on dvd, and only has spanish subtitles....on tv, it was captioned so i wound up taping it
and even more ironic is some movies that should be captioned on cable, aren't....rennaisance man, a big budget film with danny devito is rarely captioned on'z the same with the movie see no evil hear no evil with gene wilder and richard pryor (if your deaf, you must see this movie at least once, the dvd is captioned....this movie is hilarious)