It is the XV-M555, one of the older models. Crapped out on me a LOT, so i quit using it. I even wrote to JVC and asked why it wasn't passing along the CC stream, and their reply was "The player does not have CC. It has subtitle only." Excuse me? DVD players do not decode the CC stream...they merely should allow it to pass through. I learned about the subtitle option messing with the CC in a thread or two at one of the movie forums I used to frequent. Even in the setup there was no way that I could find to turn off the subtitles...all they had was codes for regions of the world, but no OFF option! The "Line 21" that the CC is on is passed through in the video signal. Somehow this player screwed it all up.
I use a Pioneer now so i can play both DVD-A and SACD music. I love listening to and converting stereo into surround sound music...which I guess is only natural for a deaf guy, huh?

But this one has never interfered with the CC signal.
And I will never, ever forgive MPI video or Dan Curtis productions, or whoever is responsible, for not captioning or subtitling Dark Shadows. I was so mad I wanted to sue somebody! And Wal-Mart is selling the box sets now for cheaper than they used to sell for anywhere else! Dammit!! I've waited for YEARS for a way to catch all the dialogue in that show, cheesy as it was.
Even the first season boxset of Highlander, I believe, is not CCed, though the rest of them are. I would have bought that the first day it came out, too.
Also on topic...I would like to see a lot of the movies that The Criterion Collection put out. I have quite a few, but they are expensive and the extras are NOT subbed or CCed unless the director is foreign. That pisses me off a lot, too. I hate it when the extras are not done like the movies are, so we deaf people are just supposed to enjoy the movie, only??
It feels good to vent around those who understand where I'm coming from.