DVDs that are NOT subtitled.


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Jun 29, 2003
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There's no compulsory closed captioning on DVDs in Australia, so if I want a DVD that's not subtitled, I have to get it overseas. Has anyone else found this a problem? Also, if anyone could list all the DVDs they've come across that are not subtitled, that would help, I'm making a list of DVDs that are not subtitled, compared to the ones that are. I'm trying to find out which distributor is too slack to subtitle their DVDs, I've found quite a few Roadshow ones not to be subtitled. Mainly R4 (Australia) ones would help.
Ziusudra said:
There's no compulsory closed captioning on DVDs in Australia, so if I want a DVD that's not subtitled, I have to get it overseas. Has anyone else found this a problem? Also, if anyone could list all the DVDs they've come across that are not subtitled, that would help, I'm making a list of DVDs that are not subtitled, compared to the ones that are. I'm trying to find out which distributor is too slack to subtitle their DVDs, I've found quite a few Roadshow ones not to be subtitled. Mainly R4 (Australia) ones would help.

The old sitcoms are probably not subtitled/cc. For example, "I Love Lucy" is not cc tv show. I'm sure 95% of the movies made in the last third of 20th century are cc/subtitled.
Hey Mod..

Where I was talked about DVD subitites post the website link somewhere thread.. Hoping can you bring this merge here and show to Ziusudra. Hope will helps him information about DVD subitites by link.
Thank you very much for your time...
tekkmortal said:
The old sitcoms are probably not subtitled/cc. For example, "I Love Lucy" is not cc tv show. I'm sure 95% of the movies made in the last third of 20th century are cc/subtitled.

Actually, that's not true.

I Love Lucy is now captioned. It has been for years along with many other ol' TV shows.
I use "Video RF Modulator" box when some DVD movies don't work with C.C. and that box helps to support C.C. in DVD movies. Without it, C.C. will not work in some DVD movies. I have my own DVD player and a T.V. with VHS (Combo).
Oh sorry, I didn't know there was another one. Bullymom, I'm female btw. I need this information so I can get DVD distributors to subtitle EVERYTHING.
By the way, I'm only talking about CC on DVDs... not TV shows. I just want a list of all known DVDs that are not subtitled.

Ok, how about the movie called "Revelation" ? It's a DVD movie and it has no C.C. Grrr... I've always wanted to see that movie and I would like to know what this movie is about. Think you can get DVD distributors to subtitle it ? :mrgreen:
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Oh... okay I'll add that to my list and check it out. What region is it from, ie. which country? Also, does America have compulsory closed captioning legislation on all DVDs?
Banjo said:
Actually, that's not true.

I Love Lucy is now captioned. It has been for years along with many other ol' TV shows.
She's probably referring to the old television shows released on DVDs. I'm a member of Columbia House. They offered me a whole lot of old classics on DVDs, but I had to turn them down cuz they weren't subtitled. Some of the shows were Airwolf, The A-Team, Knight Rider, and The One Million Dollar Man. They listed them, but they had no information on them. I contacted them and they were like, "Uh... no they aren't. Sorry."
Ahhhh... thanks for that, that makes sense now. Knight Rider is subtitled here I think.
You'll have a hard time getting money from some companies. Some shows are so old that they are released by private companies. They do not have the money or budget to make them captioned/subtitled. It's usually the more recent shows that are captioned/subtitled like The Simpsons or Star Trek: The Next Generation. Other companies that almost never make subtitled/captioned DVDs are usually independent companies: Two Left Shoes, City Head, etc...

They are independent and don't have the budget to make the subtitled. They might eventually begin doing it a few years later if they become more popular. If they release more than 10 copies at stores, they are more likely to be captioned/subtitled. If they release only 1 or 2 at stores, they are possibly likely to not be captioned/subtitled.
May I add that most library tapes are not cc. grrrr!

Im sure John Wayne shows and other western shows are not cc either!
That does suck. However, many major distributors DO subtitle their DVDs... and Vampyrox, I'm trying to ascertain whether there should be legislation in Australia for compulsory closed captioning on ALL DVDs that are released, at least, by major DVD companies... for this, I need information on the ratio of DVDs not subtitled to the DVDs that are.

Sorry, I spelt your name wrong Vamp, I had to edit that.
wow, i don't know about you guys, but here in america (new york) i've come across so many movies on dvd that aren't captioned or subtitled blockbuster now has a majority of movies that aren't available with captioned or subtitles (they carry mostly big budget filmz (which is a minority in blockbuster) and b-movies (the majority)

however, i'd like to point out thhat i came across something very weird....call me weird, but ice-t happens to be my favorite actor (role model, you know) there is this movie with ice-t called corrupt and i wanted to see this movie, along with many other ice-t movies that aren't closed captioned....since the box doesn't say captioned or subtitled, i didn't bother paying 5 buckz to view this film....i was in best buy once, saw the movie on sale for 2 buckz, figured i'll buy it just to watch it once and see how it goes even though i wouldn't understand it, i can still say i watched it once....to my shock, the movie was closed captioned! why would you pay to have a movie closed cpationed, then not advertise it

the only reason why so many movies aren't availabble with captions or subtitles is because it costs money....i can almost guarantee you, if it was free to caption a movie, most movies would be captioned from now on

also, something else i noticed....there are so many movies that i see aren't captioned or subtitled on dvd (or tape for that matter) but when it comes onto cable, it's captioned! there's a movie i really like called dance with the devil, it'z not captioned on dvd, and only has spanish subtitles....on tv, it was captioned so i wound up taping it

and even more ironic is some movies that should be captioned on cable, aren't....rennaisance man, a big budget film with danny devito is rarely captioned on cable....it'z the same with the movie see no evil hear no evil with gene wilder and richard pryor (if your deaf, you must see this movie at least once, the dvd is captioned....this movie is hilarious)
Yeah, I'm focusing on independent/low budget film companies, because even though it costs them to subtitle movies, people can easily do it at home, with DVD subtitling programs and a transcript of the movie/show available. This means, surely, they are capable of subtitling movies for low costs.

Well, if it does cost a fair bit to subtitle, I'd love to hear all available information on the subtitling process of DVDs so I can better understand it. The low budget DVDs that they release without captions are usually full screen format, and with hardly any extras, so I'm guessing they did things in a bit of a rush and couldn't be bothered cropping it to widescreen and putting extras on. I'm hoping that they will put close captioning on all DVDs for the deaf/hearing impaired people out there, but first they have to be aware of a major need for it.
it pisses me off so bad that when a brand new DVD does not have subtitles... Im a huge fan of 2pac and their is a documentery about him and Biggie Smalls... and the gay thing is that its not subtitled at all. Its called "Biggie and Tupac" It is discrimination yes, Its kind of like not putting a ramp for the hanicapped. TV shows also dosent have CC but most of them do... On TLC they mostly dont have CC.. the history channel ALWAYS has CC which is what all TV channels should be... I mean come on are they stupid enough to let us Sue them?
I hate it when new releases have no captions... Coming To America claimed to have English subtitles but when we put it on, there was nothing!! Luckily, they had closed captioning so I could watch it with my boyfriend on the computer.
wait a minute, here's a question....do you prefer captions or subtitles? i've always preferred captions cause it'z easier to read and more accurate....and besidez a lot of timez, subtitles get mixed in with the background
Yeah subtitles are from the script and sometimes actors say things that are not from the script and closed captions is when a person listens and types it for the movies, so therfore its accurate.