Do you treat teenagers as kid or young adult?

Do you treat your teenagers as kid or young adult?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 44.0%
  • No

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 20.0%

  • Total voters
I understand abt this. Pls dont close this thread. Its interested. Some people have different opinion abt it. It is only debating, not point the names to others. We only need their opinion and feedback.

That´s an exactly...

Yes I begin to interesting when some members quoted my posts in Taylor´s thread to disagree with me. I´d like to see why, con vs pro, etc.... we debated :topic: there... until one member´s suggestion to get my attention so I create a new thread here and thought some members would be interesting to share their debate with in nicely way to avoid :topic: debate in Taylor´s thread... All what I see here is they took my post personal because of my reaction toward SteelX. They think I´m upset... :roll:

Yes I would not want to lock this thread here because it´s good question either teenager consdier as kid or not...
Well, all under 18 are minor so I do use the word kid still because they are not mature in many ways and they do not have responsible alike adults do. Teenagers still kid to me because they are under parent's wing, we are responsible for them and their actions. And no adults above 18 should be hang around with youngsters under 18 without thier parents permission.
Angel, I did not know that you are still bitter about my declawing thread. My thread has nothing to do with this thread so leave that out of this thread and put that in the past. If you are still upset with me for creating the declawing thread then take it out with me privately not in this thread. I thought we have solved it over PMs but it appears to me that you are still bitter with it :(

She was only giving an example. What's so wrong with giving out examples? :ugh:
More of adolescent same meaning as a teenager, It falls between childhood and adulthood. I don't think Steel X meant to call her a child, a kid is another word for teenager I believe.

Yeah I called her kid cause she's very young...not only because she's a child.
Let me ask you something, Liebling...

Why are you taking it as seriously?

People say "kid" toward to 2hot4you, not you. So, maybe it's not bother her? If it does then she would say something and people would respect her. But since, I read other thread that she posted in there and she didn't say anything about how she feel for that name, "kid". Hmm, what's your point? People sometime don't care if they call them kid or not. My parents always say that I'm too young or a kid or child for that and this until I became 16 years old, finally they called me a young adult because I learned what is responsible and what is right and wrong too... Eh, please take easy same like you told us in other thread before becuase you dont take that person's posts as seriously now you took seriously when people called 2hot4you, a "kid" and she didn't complain about it YET. :confused:

:rofl: Thats so true...I called her a kid and she just didnt even say anything about that.
Well, it does happen to me before.

In other thread, that where Taylor was discussed about one guy is died in bootcamp since they sent him to here after theft his grandma's car. I don't trust with Taylor because he's from Maryland and other news are happen in Florida, and don't believe him until found out since he's police. 2hot4you replied an offensive post then found out from her profile and she's 14 years old then I told her to not discuss with me because she's kid, but I thought she's adult but... it's not and ask her to leave me alone until she got mad and sent PM to me then ignore her.

I believe that any person who are 16-17 years old are considered to be pre-adult because they are drop out from high school, able to obtain an driver license, get job, move out from parent and live in somewhere, such as friend's house and live in roommate with other people. Alot of latino students (mainly are mexicans) are drop out from high school, that even higher rate than all other races. Most other states can doing different with minor and parent policies, some parent don't want them to live for some reason.
Angel, I did not know that you are still bitter about my declawing thread. My thread has nothing to do with this thread so leave that out of this thread and put that in the past. If you are still upset with me for creating the declawing thread then take it out with me privately not in this thread. I thought we have solved it over PMs but it appears to me that you are still bitter with it :(

It wasn't my intention of putting you on the spot because of your declaw thread..I was only using it as an example of how some things can get carried away and personal...I've been able to move on and not hold anything against you.. I hope I have made this clearly now...I'm sorry you didn't see it that way and I thought you knew me so well enough to know that I wouldn't do that to you but I guess not.. :(
It wasn't my intention of putting you on the spot because of your declaw thread..I was only using it as an example of how some things can get carried away and personal...I've been able to move on and not hold anything against you.. I hope I have made this clearly now...I'm sorry you didn't see it that way and I thought you knew me so well enough to know that I wouldn't do that to you but I guess not.. :(

Well, I thought that you have put it in the past but yet you are still bringing it up. My declaw thread is nothing like this thread at all. I don't have anything against you either but I'd appreciate it if you would put it in the past.
Well, if she wasn't still bitter about my thread she wouldn't have brought it up again in here.

You're really are jumping to the conclusion. I understood her just fine while you going off the bat making assumptions 'this is what she is thinking'. I know my sister a lot better than you do. So, shall we get back on topic or do you wish to contuine? If so, take it in pm land. :)
No, I do not need to discuss more about it in the PM land because it is all in the past.

Now lets get this back on its topic.
Lieblin' --

I vote no. When all my 4 kids were in their teen years, I see them as teenagers. When they were under the age of 12, I see them as " kids " -- because, I am their mother. But, I never " called " them a " kid " when they were in their teen age years. It never came cross to my mind to think of this way, because I've seen them takin' their responsibility in some ways such as cookin', laundry and a few that I taught them. They know what they were supposed to do to take care of themselves - I would say that they were " young " adults but, really they were teenagers in my own eyes, because of their bodies changed as it developed - no longer a kid, if you get my drift. :)

For some young girls who started their menstrual cycle - I would congratulate them because, they become a " woman " after gettin' their first menstrual cycle ... so, I don't think it means that they are really a " kid " anymore. They could get pregnant at the age of 14 and becomes a mother after givin' a birth of her child. That will make her a " young " mother, not a kid. Of course, she will always be a " kid " in other elder people's eyes when they look at her. That's perfectly normal. :)

It applies to teen boys as well, except they do not have any menstrual cycle but, they DO have responsibility to use condom in order to avoid givin' a girl pregnant - if, neglect, then he will have to make his own decision on whether to keep his child or not. You see, it doesn't apply him as a " kid " if, he becomes a teen, because of his body changes - same goes with a teen girl, too.

Hope that helps to explain. :)
okay! as u all know from my thread i am a teen.
and we DO NOT want to be treated as kids. we
still want to know you care. but we like a little
more independance and freedom. i'd say from about
13-18 is a teen.
Thank you Jessica.. being your honest straighten forward about your feeling!

I do respect you as well as same my 2 teenagers' feelings.

I'm glad you spoke it out of loud... make everyone can understand how do you feel...

I didn't realize there was 2 threads like this until now so here's what I said in Steel X's THread on this subject...

I voted yes, even when they turn 18..Still a teenager yes merging into adulthood. When they turn 18 they are able to do more certain things legally like voting, allowed to be involved in more things, like joined the Armed Forces, even buy cigarettes, also be charged with crimes in adulthood..Although I hear more about younger teens getting charged as adults under 18 years old. Just depends on how severe the crime is.

I'm not sure what its like overseas there Liebling:))) I do know though that some teens do mature faster then others like 2hot4you. But she has the same rights & limited to things she can & can not do just like any other young teen.
Hold it there! If you don't like what someone said to a member, why don't you share your feelings with a member in the PM and not publically say it in front of a member who didn't mean to say it. This thread will be locked up anytime soon for sure.

:eek3: Excuse me... The is one who don´t like what she see my POV/reaction toward SteelX in first place... then do PM, not here.:cool:

Why are you taking it as seriously?
People say "kid" toward to 2hot4you, not you
So, maybe it's not bother her?
Hmm, what's your point?

Who don´t like my POV toward SteelX then do PMland, not here. I´m not here to create a thread for SteelX but question about teenagers to avoid off topic discussion at Taylor´s thread where the off topic debate with disgreement begin.

It´s not harsh, I made the post toward her but firm and polite post. I know it´s firm, I made post toward her. I have no intention to upset her with my firm post. I am also sorry if you felt my post is a harsh.
:jaw: :jaw: ...*speechless*

*stepping out quietly*

:( *nodding disappointment* because I thought you know me well and know I like debate with respectfully agree/disagree. I can´t beleive that you took my thread here personal. My reaction toward SteelX is not insult/bash/rude etc but suggestion and also POV as well.

I know you and your posts for over 2 years. I felt your behavior in my thread is: you are still upset over Declaw thread and use declaw thread is an excuse to compare here because you know my opinion about declaw. I wasn´t realized that you are still upset... I tried to positive your post without upset you back. I tried to explain you that this thread I create is about question, not educational/comparision.

I did gave you right about mothers´s nature feelings about teenagers as their babies becáuse it´s normal... that´s what I feel for my boys. I thought you also give me right as well. :( :confused:
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Like what CyberRed said that we as parents are still responsible for our children until they are 18 years old... As parents, I show my respect on my boys´s development instead of treat them as kids. Yes, they are still my responsible.... I firm with them if they do something wrong etc... All what they have to follow and respect my rules since they live in my house which is mainly important.

I agreed with CyberRed´s POV about teenagers.

I don´t understand why some of people consider teenagers as the kids when they have puberty. ?
okay! as u all know from my thread i am a teen.
and we DO NOT want to be treated as kids. we
still want to know you care. but we like a little
more independance and freedom. i'd say from about
13-18 is a teen.

I´m really glad that you come to post here... I know you are not first who says this but many teenagers said the same things...

Yes I know you are not a kid but teenager. I respect you for that because I myself has a teenage son. I hope 2hot4you will come to share her post here with you and us too. She is also 14 years old, too.

Thank you again for your post here.
I didn't realize there was 2 threads like this until now so here's what I said in Steel X's THread on this subject...

I voted yes, even when they turn 18..Still a teenager yes merging into adulthood. When they turn 18 they are able to do more certain things legally like voting, allowed to be involved in more things, like joined the Armed Forces, even buy cigarettes, also be charged with crimes in adulthood..Although I hear more about younger teens getting charged as adults under 18 years old. Just depends on how severe the crime is.

We are not here to talk about how and what we raise our children since we know that each parents have different view how to raise the children is normal. Yes we know we are still responsible for our children until they are 18years old. Its about question either teenager consider to be kids or treat your teenager as kid, not educate our children... This thread, I create is a simple question either teenagers are being treat as kids or young adult.

I'm not sure what its like overseas there Liebling:))) I do know though that some teens do mature faster then others like 2hot4you. But she has the same rights & limited to things she can & can not do just like any other young teen.

I´m very glad that you ask me question here... I will be back for answer your question soon... *I´m going to fix the breakfast for my family*