Do you think it's good idea to label

Should the clone meat to be label?

  • Yes, they should (opinion)

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • Yes, the label on clone meat is an obligation - no opinion but fact

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • No, they don't have to

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Why should they label clone meat for?

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • I don't care - meat is meat, period

    Votes: 2 9.5%

  • Total voters
In spite of the Cloning Label, I totally all for it just like Organic food is all labelled for people to see the difference. I don't see no harm to it unless if they want to cheat us then that's a no no...

In respect to Moderator situation, maybe they just learning how it is but the comments to respect all ad'ers no needing to criticize, simple to keep your personal out of this situation I think... be humble, then we will be humble...
I know and respect AD's rule. I do not appreciate that Bear humliated my post to say that my post cause misunderstanding. Its up to ADers either they understand my post correct or not.. If they unsure then ask me. I often ask ADers either I understand their posts correct or not. They are glad to explain/convince me what they want to say.

If one of moderator feel that I cause bad or what then solve with me via PM, not humliate here because I know I did nothing wrong. What's do with respect when I feel being humliated and offend by moderator who removed part of my post for no reason when none of ADers complaints about my post here? It would be understandable if I insult/bash/offend ADers but misunderstanding???? I do not see anything in Alex's rules here about misunderstanding.

Look at Defee's post dated 17th January short after my post... Do she complaint about my post...? None... I am sure that she know what I am talking about... None of ADers complaint my post for 4 days until Bear... You as moderator must have known it.

I am sorry but I stand what I see it here.

I would have to agree with Liebling in regards to the humiliated response simply is to put personal aside as it's business... totally agree that we have a need to know the reason why it was removed or maybe it was removed by mistake.... like some other moderators will explain the reason then be it..
Here are the basic ground rules that will be enforced on the Forum. First of all, the Administrator and Moderators reserve the right to remove, edit or move posts without explanation. If you have any questions, please contact me at

I agree with Roadrunner here, she should have took this in PM instead of humiliated the moderator in charge for edit such a post. My posts has been edit before and I never air on the public forum why a moderator edit my post, I used a PM for that. :dunno:
Yes! Thats what i said in the other thread!!
The FDA better label meats "cloned" so people
can decide whether to buy cloned meats or the
Im still leery about buying cloned meats but i will
try one little piece of it.......well, i dont

problem is... it's not always cloned but mix with other animal. It's possible no way we could know which are cloned or not and thought maybe most company don't care and offer cheap price to people who will buy and eat to enjoy.
yeah cloned meats must be labeled.... in case some people are allergic to something inside the cloned meats...
yeah cloned meats must be labeled.... in case some people are allergic to something inside the cloned meats...

I was wondering about allergy , isn't cloned meat the same as regular meats? I remember hearing somewhere on the web site that FDA says meat and milk from cloned farm animals are just as safe as the meat and milk that we eat and drink.
Not many members read a thread in one or two days, some will view it a couple of days, weeks or months later, who knows :dunno:

Excuse me please...

It´s PowerON who label the people as "dummy" who misread the label, etc which is a provoke and not nice word. I quoted his post telling him to not say "dummy" please because it´s not nice word. Is my post hard to understand or what? I wasn´t realized that I was being humliated and blamed for that which is an unacceptance. Is those word, I made an offensive, insult and bash?

I agree with Roadrunner here, she should have took this in PM instead of humiliated the moderator in charge for edit such a post. My posts has been edit before and I never air on the public forum why a moderator edit my post, I used a PM for that. :dunno:

Who started to humliate me in first place then they get it in return!!! I wasn´t realized that my post cause misunderstand that´s because I told him to not say anything nice word. It´s not really hard to read my post... "Please don´t label the people dummy...... and then explain why............." in friendly manner way.

I would have to agree with Liebling in regards to the humiliated response simply is to put personal aside as it's business... totally agree that we have a need to know the reason why it was removed or maybe it was removed by mistake.... like some other moderators will explain the reason then be it..

:ty: for got my point and understand where I come from.
Why 4 days later then?

I would convince ADers to ask ADers to explain/convince them if I am moderator. I have seen many posts around to ask each other either they understand correct or not without jump conslusions.
I don't know why it took four days, and to me that's not even relevant. Believe it or not, some people don't spend every waking moment sitting at the computer reading every single post in AD. Sometimes it takes a while to get around to a post.

If a mod determines that something needs to be cut or locked the timing doesn't matter. If the post was offensive 5 minutes after posting or 5 days after posting, it's still offensive (or potentially offensive, whatever the case may be).

I don't think it does anyone any good to publicly castigate the mods. It's better to question the mod privately for an explanation in order to avoid a repeat experience, and then move on.

I will now take my own advice and shut up. :bye:
Reba, I really never thought about you... *shake my head* Re-read my post #28 instead of treat me as a bad person. Is it offensive, insult and bash when I told someone to not label the people "dummy" which is not nice word in manner way. I thought some of you know me. *disappointed that my explanation post was being ignored and don´t care how and what I feel*

Who humliated to make me look bad and blame in the public in first place deserve in return because I know I made an innoncent post toward PowerON and do not upset anyone with my "bad" misunderstanding post.

Ban me if you think I am a bad person for public humliate moderator. I find no right to allow moderator to humliate ADers with their innoncent posts and then ADers do not allow to stand up themselves in return when they know they did nothing wrong. I personally know that I did not anything wrong that´s why I stood up myself BECAUSE I know I did not break AD´s rules.

Before I might get banned, I will never forget you and your support post, :ty: again, Canuckian_Chick. :hug:

Wish you all best of good luck.

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Excuse me please...

It´s PowerON who label the people as "dummy" who misread the label, etc which is a provoke and not nice word. I quoted his post telling him to not say "dummy" please because it´s not nice word. Is my post hard to understand or what? I wasn´t realized that I was being humliated and blamed for that which is an unacceptance. Is those word, I made an offensive, insult and bash?

Wow, you still do not get it I'm sorry Liebling, when a post or quote is no longer exists the moderators has to removed those who quote that member's post, you weren't even in trouble or anything, you did the right thing but they can not leave post that someone quote on the public forum that is no longer exisits get it?, I dunno why you are taken this soo personal and thinking that this moderator is humlated you when she is not...
I know and respect AD's rule. I do not appreciate that Bear humliated my post to say that my post cause misunderstanding. Its up to ADers either they understand my post correct or not.. If they unsure then ask me. I often ask ADers either I understand their posts correct or not. They are glad to explain/convince me what they want to say.

If one of moderator feel that I cause bad or what then solve with me via PM, not humliate here because I know I did nothing wrong. What's do with respect when I feel being humliated and offend by moderator who removed part of my post for no reason when none of ADers complaints about my post here? It would be understandable if I insult/bash/offend ADers but misunderstanding???? I do not see anything in Alex's rules here about misunderstanding.

Look at Defee's post dated 17th January short after my post... Do she complaint about my post...? None... I am sure that she know what I am talking about... None of ADers complaint my post for 4 days until Bear... You as moderator must have known it.

I am sorry but I stand what I see it here.


Im sorry I will take this in pm with you not here in the open forum. I did not realize you were even upset with me. I try to read all the posts daily, but sometimes life does get in the way.
Mod Note:

When posts are edited, there are various of reasons for doing so, most commonly done when a specific quote/post was removed, therefore, all other posts/replies pertaining to that one quote/post will also be removed, simple because it's non-existant. It doesn't mean when a post is 'edited', that any one of the moderators is humiliating anyone whatsoever.

Hopefully this clears it up--therefore, anything else or concerns/questions, please use the PM feature and contact any one of the moderators. :ty:

Yes Roadrunner :ty: this is what happened here. I did not mean or intend to humiliate anyone. My only intention was to edit posts to do as you said above.

Hopefully this clears this up.
Mod Note:

When posts are edited, there are various of reasons for doing so, most commonly done when a specific quote/post was removed, therefore, all other posts/replies pertaining to that one quote/post will also be removed, simple because it's non-existant. It doesn't mean when a post is 'edited', that any one of the moderators is humiliating anyone whatsoever.

Hopefully this clears it up--therefore, anything else or concerns/questions, please use the PM feature and contact any one of the moderators. :ty:


I felt like you have erase my brain and I look up. I was like... what? am I lost my mind? lol. Just penny of thought.
I was wondering about allergy , isn't cloned meat the same as regular meats? I remember hearing somewhere on the web site that FDA says meat and milk from cloned farm animals are just as safe as the meat and milk that we eat and drink.

I am allergic to mlk.. lots of people does have allergic to some certain foods...
Wow, you still do not get it I'm sorry Liebling, when a post or quote is no longer exists the moderators has to removed those who quote that member's post, you weren't even in trouble or anything, you did the right thing but they can not leave post that someone quote on the public forum that is no longer exisits get it?, I dunno why you are taken this soo personal and thinking that this moderator is humlated you when she is not...

No, you still do not get what I quoted and explain you about. Yes I got what you said because you thought I was upset over that edit posts. I know you and few posters thought the same. Wrong! Please re-read my previous posts carefully. I never have any problem with edit posts in the past because the moderators accurated the reasons of edit posts, not that what moderator did here because she wrote to make me feel being blame for cause posters with bad misunderstanding writing to lead war here in bad way which is inaccurate. What a moderator edited my post Mod Note: Edited to remove words that could cause misunderstanding is very embarrassment and sound is my bad misunderstand writing, not someone's unacceptance comment. Yes, I felt being humliated over that. It's embarrassment because those word is not true. It make me look that I ask for trouble that's because I quoted someone's post telling him in friendly and manner way to not say anything nice word. If you know I did not ask for trouble then edited to remove part of my post and explain: Remove's poster's unnacceptance comments in poster's quoted post or whatever then I will know it's someone, they referred to, not my post like some AD moderators often did in any threads that's why I never have problem to have my post edited by moderator with accurate words in the past.

Yes, I took it serious and stood up myself if I see those words is not true or not right. I don't beleive in keep myself when I know those words is not true or not right. It's me.

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