Did you go to speech therapy as a kid?

Guys, I have grilled fruit and vegetables on the table along with BBQ weenies, fried deer steak chunks, and a HOOOGE fruit punch bowl.

There is beer and wine in the fridge of the restricted age area for those of you who want something a bit stronger.

I'm off to bed for the night.

I'm hoping Jiro will read you a story about Baby Owl Sock before you go to bed tonight... :lol:
I would like a Baby Owl Sock story. And being slapped for not being able to speak correctly, felt very immediate, and as if it was for failing to speak!

I have never thought, he would have hit me for something else. That didn't matter. It kind of diminishes what I told you to say that.
Yes I am thinking a Baby Owl Sock story would soothe me to sleep! :lol:

Owl Sock took Baby Owl Sock to speech therapist because teacher told him that Baby Owl Sock was talking a little funny.

Speech Therapist said to Baby Owl Sock - "repeat after me - Elephant. Elephant."

Owl Sock lipreaded what therapist said. His eyes were opened wide.

Speech Therapist said to Baby Owl Sock - "Dinosaur. Dinosaur."

Owl Sock lipreaded what therapist said. His eyes were opened really wide and his jaw dropped.

Speech Therapist said to Baby Owl Sock - "Elephant. Dinosaur. Bird. Z...." Before she said the next word, Owl Sock grabbed Baby Owl Sock and stormed out of the room. He was appalled in disbelief, shaking his head.

Owl Sock asked Baby Owl Sock - "What's going on??? What is she talking about??? Why did she say I love you and then give you a bad name???"

Baby Owl Sock was perplexed - "Dad... we were practicing animal words. She said elephant, dinosaur, and bird."

Owl Sock was dumbfounded.... thought for a second... and laughed - "Oh child.... Daddy had a long day today... Let us visit Botti so Daddy can nap at her new backyard."

Owl Sock took Baby Owl Sock to speech therapist because teacher told him that Baby Owl Sock was talking a little funny.

Speech Therapist said to Baby Owl Sock - "repeat after me - Elephant. Elephant."

Owl Sock lipreaded what therapist said. His eyes were opened wide.

Speech Therapist said to Baby Owl Sock - "Dinosaur. Dinosaur."

Owl Sock lipreaded what therapist said. His eyes were opened really wide and his jaw dropped.

Speech Therapist said to Baby Owl Sock - "Elephant. Dinosaur. Bird. Z...." Before she said the next word, Owl Sock grabbed Baby Owl Sock and stormed out of the room. He was appalled in disbelief, shaking his head.

Owl Sock asked Baby Owl Sock - "What's going on??? What is she talking about??? Why did she say I love you and then give you a bad name???"

Baby Owl Sock was perplexed - "Dad... we were practicing animal words. She said elephant, dinosaur, and bird."

Owl Sock was dumbfounded.... thought for a second... and laughed - "Oh child.... Daddy had a long day today... Let us visit Botti so Daddy can nap at her new backyard."

A perfect bedtime story. :lol:

Good night, Baby Owl Sock!
Did you go to speech therapy as a kid? How many times per week did you take speech therapy?

Yes. I was late in learning how to speak at 8 1/2 years old. No ASL. I don't remember how many times per week for Speech Therapy. Once or twice or three times a week? I never paid much attention as what is going on in the Speech Therapy room.

How did you feel about going to speech therapy when you were a kid? Were it fun? Were it boring? were it tiring?

I really don't like Speech Therapy at all. I cried a lot because I could not get the vowel or consolation right until the Therapist corrected me with a happy face (I think. :hmm:) sticker on my forehead that I made the right consolation or vowel. I stopped crying like I got an award for being corrected. It was not fun and not boring, just hate to speak the vowel or consolation and I don't remember if I got tired from it. :dunno:

Do you have any good speech therapy memories? Or Bad speech therapy memories?

All I remembered was the crying to make the sounds right. I was not punished. But it make me not like the Speech Therapy at all for trying to make me talk.

Do you plan to send your kids to speech therapy, just like what you did as a kid? Any suggestions for this improvement of speech therapy methods for kids?

I don't know why I never thought about having my son who is hearing get Speech Therapy to correct his speech. He learned to speak from me as I mispronounced the vowels and consolations. Now that you mentioned the question, that I should have told the hearing school to give him the Speech Therapy to improve his speech. Yeah, he would need to do that but now it is too late as he is already a grown up man with children of his own (all hearing)
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Thank you everyone, for sharing your experiences. I appreciate your time the experiences of yours here. I do learn more about each of you to see what you guys went that i went the similiar experiences with different results.
I remember going once or twice a week. I loved my speech therapist because I got to get out of class and play board games. One game involved sticking a mini marshmallow in the roof of my mouth and try to pronounce a word.
I remember having to practice a whole bunch of tongue-twisters. For the life of me I cannot figure out how the therapist expects a deafie to be able to do it, if a hearing person can't either. Try this really really fast articulating every sound. RED LEATHER, YELLOW LEATHER - aaaarrrrggghhhh. I still especially have to concentrate to say s,th,w and r properly. Now I am inclined to think - why bother. I still can't say r (and my name begins with r -go figure why oralism infuriates me - and for those who are clueless, I am forced to struggle every single time I speak my name!). BTW, if I shorten it, everyone thinks my name is Beth.
I went to speech therapy when I was in elementary school. I think it was either a twice-a-week or once-a-week thing... don't really remember.

It was very beneficial for me.
I went to speech therapy when I was in elementary school. I think it was either a twice-a-week or once-a-week thing... don't really remember.

It was very beneficial for me.

I feel I have benifit from speech therapy as well. I use speech daily, to communicate with others.
Did you go to speech therapy as a kid?
Yes, From age 3 to 10

How many times per week did you take speech therapy?
twice a week to take me out of classes.

How did you feel about going to speech therapy when you were a kid?
I wasn't thrilled and not looking forward to it

Were it fun?


Were it boring?
were it tiring?

Yes I kept yawning a lot.

Do you have any good speech therapy memories?
Didn't remember one. Or

Bad speech therapy memories?

teachers bad breath, pointed a finger up in my chin and it hurts but it was once. I dont remember why she did that to me. She constantly touched my chin, cheeks and use the stick on my tongue that made me gag.

Do you plan to send your kids to speech therapy, just like what you did as a kid? Yes I would question speech therapist's plans and expects to ensure that she or he would not say anything like " no thats wrong!" But i met my girl's speech therapist and she seems like she knows what to do with kids. It's completely different because my girl is hearing. Any suggestions for this improvement of speech therapy methods for kids?

More games, more visual aide and let kids express their thoughts so it will lead them willing to speak on their own paces.

Same here, FF.
It was very boring and wasting my time as well because I didn't have time playing with my classmates, which is sad. We all were talking about this Speech Therapist named Tom D. who had bad breath, whom we were making fun of. Do you know him, FF?
Approximately, 80 percent people who understands my speech! Thank goodness!
Can someone explain the finger under the chin thing? What purpose does that serve? Never experienced that.
never had therapy, not even a single session. :dunno:

don't think it would have a lot of benefit for me in my case though.
Can someone explain the finger under the chin thing? What purpose does that serve? Never experienced that.

Same here.

I don't remember why the speech therapist did finger under my chin when my tongue was out of my mouth very slightly like i was going to pronounce "TH". I recalled that was once because it hurts. if you were referring to me. :giggle:
Off the point,

I bet most of you all who know how to pronounce the bad words? I do! :lol: My siblings must have bad influencing on me.
Can someone explain the finger under the chin thing? What purpose does that serve? Never experienced that.

I don't know if this is what Sosie was referring to, but ST will often use a form of Cued Speech to indicate what sound is to be produced. A finger on the chin under the lips indicates the "f" sound, while the thumb on the chin under the lips indicates the "th" sound.

We have found that to be useful when my son mis-articulates a word whether it's new or not. I remember when he was younger he would sometimes say "thinger" instead of "finger". I was able to show him the difference easily with that technique. Obviously you could fingerspell as well, which would achieve the same end.