We have had and continues to have violence, vandalism, threats of death against shop or vendor owners or other people, private properties that get damaged, serious case of rampant head lice in one squatter camp, cases of drug-resistence tuberculosis in an Atlanta camp, rapes (for both male and female), the general assault on each other, the pissing and crapping in parks and on sidewalks you can see and smell, crapping on a police car, loss of business revenues in nearby stores and shops, deaths in camps with a few from drug overdose, news reporters assaulted and threatened in public areas, trash...lots of trash, lots of arrests, too, a Molotov cocktail attack on Portland's World Trade Center, hacking into a mayor's website, the throwing of urine, blood and other bodily fluids at food vendors for not serving free meals, unplugging an ATM so they can use it to power their laptops, damaged some of the businesses bathrooms, etc, etc, etc..........
I guess you get the picture. They own it. That's what the public will remember them as. And people thought that the Tea Party was bad?