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So, "this place" had to lay off 21 employees because of the OWS protests.
Now there's a credible statement if there ever was one~
before I leave, do you believe that I am lying about it?
So, "this place" had to lay off 21 employees because of the OWS protests.
Now there's a credible statement if there ever was one~
before I leave, do you believe that I am lying about it?
Hint....he is referring to one that is linked
Mm.. No wonder the protesters weren't eating there.A manager at the cafe confirmed the reports. She also said that Marc Epstein, the restaurant's owner, is now interested in hiring back the 21 employees whom he claimed he laid off because the blockades -- which police originally put in place to control the nearby Occupy Wall Street protests -- have impeded access to his restaurant's front door for six weeks.
Restaurant Near Occupy Wall Street Lays Off 21 Employees [UPDATE]
"Because of police blockades"
"Hiring them back"
Just sayin'
A manager at the cafe confirmed the reports. She also said that Marc Epstein, the restaurant's owner, is now interested in hiring back the 21 employees whom he claimed he laid off because the blockades -- which police originally put in place to control the nearby Occupy Wall Street protests -- have impeded access to his restaurant's front door for six weeks.
Restaurant Near Occupy Wall Street Lays Off 21 Employees [UPDATE]
"Because of police blockades"
"Hiring them back"
Just sayin'
No, I think the Gateway Pundit is either making it up or completely distorting it, and you are just repeating it.![]()
Oh my... What a nasty attitude you have...
No I did not make a quick exit outta here to avoid anything. I am having a pleasant dinner with my parents at our usual local pizza joint. I guess I'll have to cite it too for your satisfaction.
Better read the update on the situation before you bother.
Nasty? Not at all. I am sitting here with a great big smile on my face.
yea I already read it. See? that wasn't too hard, wasn't it? It's better than making bunch of snarky comments. and no I didn't get my source from Gateway Pundit. Never heard of it. Never seen it. I read it from Metro - (UPDATE) Barricades removed from Wall Street, Cafe owner thanks Donald Trump which appeared in CNN frontpage earlier today.
and the barricade wasn't there just because. It was placed there because of Occupy Wall Street. As the result of OWS' prolonged protest, the restaurants have suffered economically. One phone call to Donald Trump and they had a breathe of relief.
Wondering how long till it will last.
"Today's news" about the restaurant that jiro and tx golfer claimed:
Came from "Gateway Pundit"...one of those extreme right wing sites that are responsible for the brain damage we appear to be seeing in this very thread.No wonder jiro made such a quick exit.
Cops should've thought of that when they placed them.
For the most part, obeying the law is good. But when the powers that be are not responsive to the people's concerns, then the only recourse left may be civil disobedience or even a revolution. To me, civl disobedience is much preferable to revolution.
Did our generals of our Revolutionary war wait for the King's permission before they started a revolution? Should they have waited for the King to give them respresentives? I have no doubt businesses were ruined and properties were lost. Lives were lost as well. From the British POV, they would have been criminals. Would it have been in the British's interests to keep the revolutaries in good light? I think not.
Let us consider the Civil War. Should the slaves have kept themselves on the plantation so they woudn't be stealing themselves? It was agaisnt the Southern law help slaves escape or the slaves to escape from the plantations and other slave holding insituations. I hear many Southerners talk about seceding from America. This is empty talk for now yet no one thinks they're outlaws for talking about it. Secession has been illegal ever since Texas v White decision in 1869. The bit about Texas having the right to seceede is just folklore. Anyway, would it have been in the South's interest to paint their escaped slaves and Harriet Tubman in a good light? Hardly. For the record, I support seccesion but I'd never secede to support the South. It would have to be for other reasons.
Now let us consider the civil rights movement. As most Americans know, an important milestone in the Civil Rights Movement started with Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her seat. It was against the Southren custom at the time to refuse a seat if a white person wanted it. Her arrest sparked a year long boycott. I guess we can now throw out all the gains we made because Rosa Park got arrested and therefore she's a criminal? :roll: Remember, many blacks could not vote due to Jim Crow laws so they could hardly lobby local politicans at the time. I guess they should have stayed home on March 7 1965. After all, it was their fault for being gassed by cops at the Pettus Bridge. They should've stayed home and obeyed the law instead of champaging for the right to Vote.
Then there's the 1930s and 40s when Americans started strikes for better wages. The unions were responisble for a huge middle class in the 1950s and the 1960s. Unfortunately, minorities didn't benefit from unions. They didn't obey the law either. The law was on the companies' side.
If laws have to be broken so change can happen, so be it. It's better than breaking the law to defraud Americans out of their homes and savings in the name of greed.
protestors should have thought it beforehand about its impact they will have on others especially the locals
Meh, if it's Revelotion they want so be it. If they want to break laws have at it. But, there should be no crying when they suffer the consequences. Pretty simple
BTW The strongest weapon of the occupy movement just got a little scare
Anonymous retreats from Mexico drug cartel confrontation | Technology | guardian.co.uk
"Anonymous from Veracruz, Mexico, and the world, we want you to know that a member has been kidnapped when he was doing Paperstorm in our city.
We demand his release. We want the army and the navy to know that we are fed up of the criminal group Zetas, who have concentrated on kidnapping, stealing and blackmailing in different ways. One of them is charging every honest and hardworking citizen of Veracruz who busts their rears working day after day to feed their families.
We are fed up of journalists and newspapers of Xalapa, Córdoba and Orizaba because they are constantly crapping on honest authorities like the army and the navy.
We are fed up with taxi drivers, commanders and "police-zetas" officers of Xalapa, Córdoba, Orizaba, Nogales, Río Blanco and Camerinos... who are chickens and have made themselves the most loyal servants of these (expletive).
For the time being, we won´t post photos or the names ... of the taxi drivers, the journalists or the newspapers nor of the police officers, but if needed, we will publish them including their addresses, to see if by doing so the government will arrest them.
We can´t defend ourselves with a weapon, but if we can do this with their cars, houses, bars, brothels and everything else in their possession ... It won´t be difficult. We all know who they are and where they are.
(Images with sound of explosions)
You made a huge mistake by taking one of us. Release him. And if anything happens to him, you (expletive) will always remember this upcoming November 5th .
Knowledge is free. We are Anonymous. We are a legion. We don't forgive. We don't forget. Expect us."
lol! I read about it last nite. I thought it was amazing. All they did was posted a youtube video, wearing V for Vendetta mask and said this -
Anonymous Veracruz copia - YouTube
Not bad for some computer nerds against powerful drug cartels armed with military weapons and machette to behead people, eh??? They already have my support from just one video.
just an interesting tidbit - that "Anonymous" hacker group is a huge rival of another hacker group shown in my avatar (Lulz Sec). interesting, huh?