[Tasha Casini - Occupy Oakland Protester] Source: LYBIO.net
Umm, quit his job, was giving the orders over a you know a megaphone some speaker of some type. That if people did not disperse they would use chemical weapons because they were in violation of penal code 409.
[Lawrence Francis O'Donnell, Jr. (November 7, 1951)] Source: LYBIO.net
I want you to listen to the intern police chief said last night after that event.
[Police Chief]
At that point we were in a position where we had to deploy gas in order to stop the crowd the people from pelting us with bottles and rocks
[Lawrence O'Donnell]
Did you see people throwing bottles and rocks at the police before they used those tactics?
[Tasha Casini - Occupy Oakland Protester]
Umm, ya, yes people were doing that.
[Lawrence O'Donnell]
And what do you think the police response should of been to that?
[Tasha Casini - Occupy Oakland Protester] Source: LYBIO.net
Umm, I think that the use of tear gas, rubber bullets, and ahh, flash grenades are a completely ah inappropriate response to bottles being thrown at police officers who are in full riot gear. So I think that they should of absolutely not used any chemical weapons.