I'll do better than that. Directly copied and pasted from Steinhauer's Wiki link:
There were several reasons why Norman was suspected of starting the tragedy:
Norman was the only person on campus other than a Guardsman known to have been armed with a weapon;
The Guard continued to insist that a single shot of unknown origin preceded the 13-second volley of gunfire; and
There had been a previous and never-fully-explained incident on Blanket Hill in which Norman drew his gun and pointed it at students. Norman had scuffled with some fellow students and reportedly drawn his gun before being chased by several men across the campus to the campus police and National Guard. One of his pursuers, graduate student Harold Reid, yelled, "Stop that man! He has a gun."
The FBI squelched that speculation by announcing that Norman's gun had never been fired. However, the issue of his role on May 4 was revived three years later. Peter Davies, the author of the book The Truth About Kent State, and William A. Gordon, a journalist for the college's student newspaper and the future author of Four Dead in Ohio, reported that there were three additional witnesses who said they had heard either Norman admitting, "I had to shoot", or a Kent State police detective exclaim, "My God, he fires his gun four times. What the hell do we do now?"
See the word speculated? And also, a quick read shows that Norman was accused of firing at demonstrators, not the Guard. So Steiny's claim that someone fired a revolver at the National Guard is BS.