Declaration of Occupy Wall Street

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They do? Or is it that they support their right to free speech and assembly?

It would seem unpatriotic to allow only some people a right to free speech and assembly.

Might as give our country back to England and subject ourselves to colonial era English common law anti sedation libel laws again. Guess the Tories won after all.
It would seem unpatriotic to allow only some people a right to free speech and assembly.

Might as give our country back to England and subject ourselves to colonial era English common law anti sedation libel laws again. Guess the Tories won after all.

If they allowed Glann Beck to have his sic 'em party on the National Mall, anything goes.
I have linked several sites in this thread. Even an OWS site. :)

Oh, okay. It is just that fixating on just one aspect of something is mentally unhealthy. I have a friend who is constantly reading and discussing 9-11 conspiracy sites, and even though he is correct over many things about it, I avoid him whenever possible. Just saying.
Oh, okay. It is just that fixating on just one aspect of something is mentally unhealthy. I have a friend who is constantly reading and discussing 9-11 conspiracy sites, and even though he is correct over many things about it, I avoid him whenever possible. Just saying.

I enjoy the comedy of it. No anger here. Not to fond but I wouldn't expect anything less from these folks. It's probably going to get much worse. I will be there again next week.
these protestors.... what a bunch of shameless trolls. all they gotta do is follow their order and protest in a peaceful orderly fashion at designated site. I am in 100% support of NYPD's aggressive response to aggressive hecklers.
Today I saw picketers in front of the Post Office. They were almost all seniors, elderly folk with white hair, and I was struck by one sign which read "Winning a war is like winning an earthquake." It got me to thinking about the movement all day. It seems like all criticism of it is from fear and uncertainty, and I see a lot of scoffing at the movement in here. Change must come from within first of all, and if these protesters could articulate their feelings and desires, then change could happen, even if in only a few people.
Today I saw picketers in front of the Post Office. They were almost all seniors, elderly folk with white hair, and I was struck by one sign which read "Winning a war is like winning an earthquake." It got me to thinking about the movement all day. It seems like all criticism of it is from fear and uncertainty, and I see a lot of scoffing at the movement in here. Change must come from within first of all, and if these protesters could articulate their feelings and desires, then change could happen, even if in only a few people.

Oh I think change has already happened. I have no doubt at all.
The question is, is the change for good or not?

I can't help but notice that the media single out the morons in the crowd and make it seem they are all that way, so the change will have to come in spite of the media. I didn't stop to talk to the elderly protesters at the Post Office, and wish I did. I know they weren't morons. Sad.
I can't help but notice that the media single out the morons in the crowd and make it seem they are all that way, so the change will have to come in spite of the media. I didn't stop to talk to the elderly protesters at the Post Office, and wish I did. I know they weren't morons. Sad.

I'm not saying that they are morons or are not morons.. That being said...just wanted to ask you a question....

Are you saying they are not morons cause they are elderly? Just curious.
I can't help but notice that the media single out the morons in the crowd and make it seem they are all that way, so the change will have to come in spite of the media. I didn't stop to talk to the elderly protesters at the Post Office, and wish I did. I know they weren't morons. Sad.

Meh, they are doing a pretty good job of making themselves look bad on social media too.

But at least they are endorsed by Iran and Hugo Chavez.
"The problem with quotes on the internet is that you can't be sure of their authenticity" --Abe Lincoln

That caught my attention, Is that the same Abe Lincoln that was the president during the civil war? If so, that's a very interesting quote since internet as I know it was started in another century. :)
I'm not saying that they are morons or are not morons.. That being said...just wanted to ask you a question....

Are you saying they are not morons cause they are elderly? Just curious.

I didn't have more than passing glances at them, but they seemed a pretty civil bunch, about a half dozen of them. I had the feeling they had a lot of wisdom and just plain horse sense. It seemed they were specifically protesting the financial drain caused the perpetual "war on terror." That is something I would have loved to learn more from them about. Tomorrow is Sunday so I doubt they will be there.
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