Clarke School for the Deaf. in Northampton. Even at the upper levels kids have speech therapy THREE TIMES a day!!! I was also reading Train Go Sorry and the (hearing) narrator/author attended Lexington School for the Deaf's preschool in the early seventies. She said something like " Every single mintue my deaf classmates spent on speech and spoken language, I spent learning content"I'm NOT anti speech therapy, either; when it's needed. But, to overly focus on therapies and make "every opportunity a language opportunity"?
Uh, ok.
I'm unfamiliar with Clarke, though, DD.
Even if a little kid has the abilty to learn speech, they still have to concentrate on learning the language, rather then learning about CONTENT!!!!!!!
jillo, and all......are you guys familiar with the Listen-Up site? OMG, that is a prime example of what you guys are talking about. I know the creator of that site, (from a listserv) and one time during a debate, she responded that her son had speech therapy not in formal situtions (ie in a speech therapist's office) but in all sorts of diffferent situtions like at a park or at a fair or whatever.....She was all " My child has FUN!!"
It's still therapy, therapy and even more therapy.....I mean that methodology assumes that kids aren't smart enough to take away lessons from formal speech therapy sessions and apply it in real life.