She hasn't been labeled as deaf ever. HA's will only make the "fuzzy" sound louder, not clear it up.
She does quite well. Her speech is not good, but that due to her not hearing things right. She had 9 years of speech therapy, both in public school and in an outside clinic. They got her talking enough for SSI to stop her payments, but it still isn't real clear. If she takes her time and is thinking about what she is saying, then she gets her diction correct about 50% of the time. Mostly her diction is at about 20-25%. We can deal with it. I look at it as , this is the way G_D must have intended her to be since her therapy "didn't stick" so that's the way she is. She's a happy well adjusted 16 y/o.
I'm glad she does well and I'm glad that you replied thanks
Thats good that her speech has improved and yes G_D creates us all unique and for a reason the way we are.