What are you trying to say??? That I am faking my deafness? :roll:
Smile, I'm not talking about you but I added to it because this been brought up before when I had an serious discussion with group of terpies, in term of self identity with my personal experience in the past, with one of that story about deaf guy who slapped back of my head, and I did asked terps their opinions about it. Funny that you gave all the list of "are there's other words than HOH"? One terp say... you fake deaf person! That made me think about that.. Literally, I shot back to warn one terp that it's an insult to deaf community... but I get the idea what he meant. One terp admitted when he first met me and thought I was purely deaf, not until later that I spoke with someone in a heated debate. He was shocked that I'm more "not into deaf world", he said that I speak clearly and equal intellectual as hearing people.
You know, sometime HOH people get a split feeling and wanting to live in a deaf world but there's on going how deaf culture view us as being "HOH" instead of "deaf".
For me, I studied to learn about hearing world. This is my choice of learning about hearing world. It's same thing as hearing people wanting to learn about deaf culture. How? Read... read.... read... I did not learn to hear their languages, I learn from reading it. The more I learn to read, the more I know how to speak with hearing world, fluent. Here's one example when I was asked to join the interview because we have deaf person to interview and yes we did hired interpreter for that. Now there are few questions that deaf person failed to answer.... as for one example: "What is your weakness?"
He perplexed for moment and he was unsure of his answer... then he just said, "I don't have any weakness...." So, I waved and signed to him.. "What do you hate the most? Example, repetitive paper work? Same over and over again? That is your weakness, that you give up easily??" Then deaf person say..."Aaaah.." Then he stumble for minutes and he said..."I don't have any?"
So, that where it failed.
It just that I'm proud to be deaf, but I'm glad I studied about hearing world, their languages, there slangs and such. So when I use my "voice off", I'm living in a deaf world. Once they learned about me, sometime they called me fake deaf person, sometime they called me "not deaf enough" sometime they called me "HOH" and many more. I just simply accepted what they are trying to say.. that they live in deaf family and deaf generations, they live in institutionalized schools and such. Yes, they are pure deaf culture and yes I am different than this deaf culture but I'm deaf period.
This is my view. HOH? Or deaf?