My son signs to them and they keep sayign that signing is interfering with his ability to talk and keep asking us when will he start talking.
My relatives thought it was cool that I was teaching my kids sign
language but always worried that it would delay their speech.
1. no it does not. If anything it improves their speech!
2 AND with all the noise hearing kids make anyway, why
wouldnt you want them to sign instead of yaking all the time?
Geeeez! Of course this is a comment comming from someone
with 7 kids

I like the quiet
Shel, here is my experiance, whenever I tried to relate my
opinion to my husbands family about any issue, they would
always discount it. BUT when ever an issue came up, if I
had any type of written material about it they would read
it and go over it and discuss it later. Just a weird thing about
my family. 6 years ago I told my nephew that his newborn
son had food alergies and it was probably gluten. I gave
my reasons for this diagnoses and they just blew me off.
a year ago I gave them supporting documentation and they
took off with the information and his health problems
cleared up. I told them what the problem was 6 years ago
and six years he suffered with broken skin and skin infections
and awful stuff. Tottally unnecessary. Grrrrrrrr. I don't expect
people to just take my word, but as a parent you own your
child to search out and do everything you can for them. Why
do people get so lazy and not learn anything new?