deaf 2 years old kids wear CI

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If you have such great insight into the mother's mind, can you explain what the statements I bolded meant? What did "I just wish kids know more signs and stop use CI" and "if kids can talk very well and can hear good, why not they go to class with hearing kids?" mean, if it didn't mean "I wish would stop using CI's" or "Go to a hearing school". The second set of quotes are my interpretation, explain why I am so far off and deserve a "shame on you".

It doesn't take that much insight, faire jour. Take the statements in context, for one thing, and a fluent knowledge of the phrasing of strongly based ASL users will provide you with the rest of the equation.

The meaning of this mother's post, when taken in context and in its entirety, is that she wishes that the children were getting signs and not relying solely on the CI for communication.

And the next comment is the same one we all ask. If these children are not going to be provided accommodation, and are to be treated as if they are hearing children, why bother to place them in a deaf program? We have all pointed out the contradicitons in assuming that a child with CI does not require the same accommodations as does any other deaf child. And, if the parents don't want the children to be able to communicate with other deaf children, why are they not limiting their exposure to only hearing kids. Again, these are questions that have been asked over and over on this forum.

The meaning of the mother's post was clear, not just to me, but to the majority of posters who replied. The misunderstanding occurred with the reply on the first thread that saw the words CI and became so defensive that the meaning of the mother's post was never considered. And you have managed to keep that tone going. This is a mother looking for understanding and open discussion regarding her deaf son. A select few posters, as a result of their own issues, have turned it into an anti-CI argument.
This is just catch my attention. Some of you guys didn't understand her POV, Melika's. I personally knew her since she and I were in the same school before. So...

First of all - Melika (aka DamienMommy) had talked with the parents of children with CIs for the questions, and their answers to her: "That class is for all deaf, hearing aids, and CI kids mixing. But my son is only one that don't wear hearing aids everyday. I did asked kids who have ci, their parents about where school they would put kids in when kindergarten time? Most of them said want put kids in Oregon school for the Deaf. I was like oh, I say nothing, because there's most deaf teachers at deaf school, how can they teach or talk to kids with CI who don't know signs? They better be learn the signs then teach kids so they can understand what the deaf teacher saying."

For your info, I was graduated the deaf school a few years before Melika's graduation, 2008. In the school, there are actually many deaf teachers and only some hearing teachers. Okay - what the importance question is, why are hearing parent of children with a CI want to put them in the deaf school when there are mostly deaf teachers?

Melika already stated her post:

Clearly - In the city, Salem, there is only one deaf program in the school. So, that is why she wander of why hearing parents put their kids in the deaf program class if there are actually mostly deaf teachers, along with some hearing teachers, in the deaf school when their kids are able to speak and learn without to use the signing?

I encourage you to re-read her posts for what she actually said is what she felt about. I have to agree with Jillio's posts because it is a concern of the mother's feeling.

I can't believe ADers attacked Melika. Oh, wonderful! :mad:

*shakes head*

PS - I'll come back whenever I have a time..

Thank you, Karissa. I explained earlier that if people would look at this post in context, and understand that this woman is a strong ASL user, her meaning is very clear.
I am a hearing parent of a Deaf child with a CI. She attends a bi-bi school for the Deaf with many Deaf teachers. I do that because I want her to be a part of the Deaf community. I want her to go to a Deaf school and I want her to be taught by Deaf teachers. Just because she has a CI doesn't mean I don't want those things for her. So what if they can speak, maybe the parents want both. Why can't they go to a Deaf school?

There is the problem. This was not about you, it was about the OP. You have to see beyond your own issues.
But I think that by putting their child in the school that has so many Deaf teachers they could be showing that they want their children to learn ASL. If they wanted their children to be mainstreamed, they would be. They put them in the Deaf school because that is the kind of education they think is best for their children. That sounds like a good thing to me.
There is the problem. This was not about you, it was about the OP. You have to see beyond your own issues.

But she is judging children just like mine, and parents just like me. Why is that ok? These parents have gone out of their way to put their children in a Deaf school, that is the right choice! Why are they being judged for that?
It doesn't take that much insight, faire jour. Take the statements in context, for one thing, and a fluent knowledge of the phrasing of strongly based ASL users will provide you with the rest of the equation.

The meaning of this mother's post, when taken in context and in its entirety, is that she wishes that the children were getting signs and not relying solely on the CI for communication.

And the next comment is the same one we all ask. If these children are not going to be provided accommodation, and are to be treated as if they are hearing children, why bother to place them in a deaf program? We have all pointed out the contradicitons in assuming that a child with CI does not require the same accommodations as does any other deaf child. And, if the parents don't want the children to be able to communicate with other deaf children, why are they not limiting their exposure to only hearing kids. Again, these are questions that have been asked over and over on this forum.

The meaning of the mother's post was clear, not just to me, but to the majority of posters who replied. The misunderstanding occurred with the reply on the first thread that saw the words CI and became so defensive that the meaning of the mother's post was never considered. And you have managed to keep that tone going. This is a mother looking for understanding and open discussion regarding her deaf son. A select few posters, as a result of their own issues, have turned it into an anti-CI argument.

I also love the implication that those of us who disagree don't understand because our ASL isn't strong enough...lovely.
But she is judging children just like mine, and parents just like me. Why is that ok? These parents have gone out of their way to put their children in a Deaf school, that is the right choice! Why are they being judged for that?

No, she isn't. Your child signs, and you sign. She is talking about non-signing parents. Again, look past the letters CI. Drop the defensiveness about CI.

Likewise, she is asking a question that only requires simple logic. She wants to know why, if parents are not going to use sign with their children, why are they then placing them in a Deaf environment for school? Her question is simple, and only requires an answer based on simple logic. Quite frankly, I don't see the logic in the situation she describes, either.
I also love the implication that those of us who disagree don't understand because our ASL isn't strong enough...lovely.

Hey, drop the defensiveness. I didn't say anything about your signing skills. Good Lord!

But it would seem that those who are fluent in ASL had no problem understanding her post. That is a noted correlation, not a judgement.
No, she isn't. Your child signs, and you sign. She is talking about non-signing parents. Again, look past the letters CI. Drop the defensiveness about CI.

Likewise, she is asking a question that only requires simple logic. She wants to know why, if parents are not going to use sign with their children, why are they then placing them in a Deaf environment for school? Her question is simple, and only requires an answer based on simple logic. Quite frankly, I don't see the logic in the situation she describes, either.

I think the logic lies in the fact that these parents do want their children around Deaf teachers and other Deaf kids. It is obvious from their actions that that is what they want. There are plenty of parents at my daughter's school who can not sign. It doesn't mean that they don't want their children to.
I think the logic lies in the fact that these parents do want their children around Deaf teachers and other Deaf kids. It is obvious from their actions that that is what they want. There are plenty of parents at my daughter's school who can not sign. It doesn't mean that they don't want their children to.

Then why aren't they signing? That is the OPs question. If you want your child around Deaf individuals, why are you making no effort to teach your child to communicate with them? There is no logic in that. The two actions are contradictory in nature.
Then why aren't they signing? That is the OPs question. If you want your child around Deaf individuals, why are you making no effort to teach your child to communicate with them? There is no logic in that. The two actions are contradictory in nature.

So are you saying that there are no parents who do not learn ASL themselves, but do send their children to schools where ASL is used?
I have seen it many times at my daughter's school. The parents themselves do not learn, but they know it is important for their child to use ASL so they send them to a Deaf school.
So are you saying that there are no parents who do not learn ASL themselves, but do send their children to schools where ASL is used?
I have seen it many times at my daughter's school. The parents themselves do not learn, but they know it is important for their child to use ASL so they send them to a Deaf school.

Still makes absolutely no sense. If they know it is important for their child to learn ASL, why aren't they using it at home? Communication is important everywhere, not just in school.

And, no, that is not what I am saying. I've seen numerous parents as well, who abdicate the learning process totally to the deaf teacher and refuse to learn with their child in order to improve parental/child communication. It still doesn't make sense. There is no logic to the action or the reasoning behind it.
Still makes absolutely no sense. If they know it is important for their child to learn ASL, why aren't they using it at home? Communication is important everywhere, not just in school.

And, no, that is not what I am saying. I've seen numerous parents as well, who abdicate the learning process totally to the deaf teacher and refuse to learn with their child in order to improve parental/child communication. It still doesn't make sense. There is no logic to the action or the reasoning behind it.

I can not comment to the reasons they don't learn, I have no idea. I just think that since these parents are putting their children in a school where they will be taught by signing individuals reason says that they must want their children to use sign.
I try to give all parents the benefit of the doubt. I believe that almost all want to do what is best for their children, whether the parent is Deaf or hearing.
I need to express my opinion about CI, ASL and what's what. Intelligence is ACQUIRED MOSTLY from reading whether it be encyclopedia, comic books, novels, newspaper, watching closed caption on TV and other things. Language is language expressed in whatever they can be, it doesn't promote or demote how one learn how to write or to read.

Whatever we read in one's country, they are fluent in whatever they read, it's simple as that. I've seen a lot of hearing folks writing so many words incorrectly i.e. "Tomarrow", "now" (should be know) and so many simple words. Being able to hear things doesn't mean they are good in writing, so this argument in CI, ASL, PSE or oral is MOOT.

So why do we worry about how we acquire our learning abilities other than to read and write?
I can not comment to the reasons they don't learn, I have no idea. I just think that since these parents are putting their children in a school where they will be taught by signing individuals reason says that they must want their children to use sign.
I try to give all parents the benefit of the doubt. I believe that almost all want to do what is best for their children, whether the parent is Deaf or hearing.

You certainly did not give this parent the benefit of the doubt. Does your generosity extend only to non-signing hearing parents?
You certainly did not give this parent the benefit of the doubt. Does your generosity extend only to non-signing hearing parents?

I had a nice nasty response written, riddled with sarcasm, but you know what, you aren't worth it. Every single time you post you are right and every person who disagrees with you is wrong, and GOD forbide the person who disagrees with you be hearing! That means that they are an oralist and do not understand ASL and Deaf culture. I bow out, you win again. You are right again, whether it is Deaf Education, abortion, CI's, animal testing, vaccinations, whatever, I conceed, you are right. OK?
I had a nice nasty response written, riddled with sarcasm, but you know what, you aren't worth it. Every single time you post you are right and every person who disagrees with you is wrong, and GOD forbide the person who disagrees with you be hearing! That means that they are an oralist and do not understand ASL and Deaf culture. I bow out, you win again. You are right again, whether it is Deaf Education, abortion, CI's, animal testing, vaccinations, whatever, I conceed, you are right. OK?

Sorry, girl, but you didn't give her the benefit of the doubt. You are the one that stated that you gave all parents the benefit of the doubt. Obviously, this is a case in which you didn't. Perhaps you should attempt to clear that up.
I can empathise your feelings. Must be hard.

Is there any pre school deaf kids without CI around your area? Ask your Audi/ent/healthworker or somesort. Can he have one to one teacher of deaf? friends is about my age, they told me that school is good place for deaf program, and they are too smart..they went to this school when they was 2. My best friend went there too when she was young. In the back, nobody wear CI because of course that time CI sucked but now this year, they got better CI, more techinally more than before which I don't blames them for have CI. So they go to same school where deaf kids used to go there. My son going to school as right one. It not wrong school for him. Just itself world changes, getting less for ASL and more oral coming now, for little kids. which is upset me. Where school that have deaf 2 years old kids who know signs? none. for in this city. friends is about my age, they told me that school is good place for deaf program, and they are too smart..they went to this school when they was 2. My best friend went there too when she was young. In the back, nobody wear CI because of course that time CI sucked but now this year, they got better CI, more techinally more than before which I don't blames them for have CI. So they go to same school where deaf kids used to go there. My son going to school as right one. It not wrong school for him. Just itself world changes, getting less for ASL and more oral coming now, for little kids. which is upset me. Where school that have deaf 2 years old kids who know signs? none. for in this city.

I understand your feelings, damienmom. Your son is in a deaf school program, but his needs are not being met. You have every right to be concerned.
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