DC Police attack man in wheelchair

related story - a few weeks ago in Phoenix, there was a bystander video of Officer Patrick Larrison body-slamming a 15-years old drunk girl against concrete wall. I was horrified. Now that is excessive use of force. and unnecessary.

Could that officer have handled it better? yes
Did that officer break any law? yes

Was Force Justified in Police Video?

All I see is that she is able bodied young woman. Also the article never mentioned that she had disabilities like mental illness or deafness or what?

Also I am wondering if the officer might be lying about her or for that matter with the handicapped man in wheelchair, why do the officers had to lie and cover their asses. Eh? :roll:
First of all, you have or had always seemed to side with good and bad officers. You don't seem to tell the difference between them. :roll:

Remember about the Deaf Native American from Seattle, Washington, when we could not see what is going on when he was walking to the other side of the sidewalk out of sight. He was a lone officer (how come he was not with the other officer like back up? Why he was alone?) just being nosy when the Deaf Native walked across the sidewalk and was shot and killed by the officer thinking that the Deaf Native was carrying the small knife used to carve sculptures on the carving board. You sided with the officer on this.

There has to be a better way to deal with disabilities and people with mental illnesses. That is why they need to learn how to deal with people who have disabilities and mental illnesses so that they can work properly without being harmed in the classrooms.

If you were in his shoes to know what it is like to be disable or could not understand what the officers was saying, then you can understand why the police officers are not doing proper jobs like this. Just wake up and open your eyes for heaven's sake. :(

Since you claimed that we cannot see what happened when he walked out of sight... then what makes you think cop is in the wrong? You don't have any good reason.

FYI - I did not side with the Seattle cop either. If I recalled correctly, I said that it was a crappy situation and that Seattle Police Department needs a shakedown and that Chief Police needed to step down.

And no I do not need to imagine if I were in his shoes because I would never put myself in that kind of position. He should try to imagine himself in cop's shoes and he'd most likely do same thing. In case you didn't know, I am disabled too and I do not always understand what the officers are saying but I make sure we both don't have a problem with each other.
It looks more like he (guy in chair) tried to hold himself up a bit when they picked him out of the chair. He then ended up falling pulling the cops down with him but that's how I saw it.

Can't help but wonder if that is fake.

It looked to me like he was afraid and cringed back, and that the officers were taken by surprise by his lack of balance and stability.

On the ground he just looked terrified and stunned to me.
Other people say otherwise. So watch what you say about me to others because I DO hear of it. I don't appreciate you going around, spreading gossip about me.

Stay out of my life and I mean it. Don't even bother talking about me to others. Don't tell others about how I'm such an annoying little gnat. You know who you are and you're one hell of a shady person. And so is PFH. Everyone knows it so stop trolling my posts because every time you do, you seem to make it personal.

Don't you think PM or IM would be a better place to address this shyte?
It looked to me like he was afraid and cringed back, and that the officers were taken by surprise by his lack of balance and stability.

On the ground he just looked terrified and stunned to me.

cringed back? I don't see him doing that.

I think officers were more surprised that he supported his own weight for a short moment and that's why they fell.
cringed back? I don't see him doing that.

I think officers were more surprised that he supported his own weight for a short moment and that's why they fell.

At 03 seconds in the film is when I thought he leaned back in fear.
Don't you think PM or IM would be a better place to address this shyte?

It has been addressed in private several times already. He doesn't get it through his thick skull and starts preaching to me about his bullcrap so I'm resorting to ignoring his posts now. Not even worth my energy/time anymore.

Moving on. :giggle:
Well, I see it differently but it don't matter, it'll be up to jury or judge to decide.

that's assuming he pleads not guilty... which is not likely. He'll take a plea bargain.
Well, I see it differently but it don't matter, it'll be up to jury or judge to decide.

I agree with Botts. It does look like he's leaning back as in "Whoa, back off."

But of course, it's all up to jury/judge.
Still.. They coulda boot'd the wheelchair. Too easy, put a baton in the wheel. problem solved.

If the police thought he would run "ride" away, it doesn't say good things about the cops physical training. :)

My mom's chair is only as fast as a human's fast walking stride.

Clearly overreaction by the police.
When I first saw this video, I was like ... "what the ....???"

It almost looked like the guy in the wheelchair was pulling his hands out of his pockets when the two officers decided to body slam him. I thought, "maybe they thought he was reaching for a weapon?"

But no. He was drinking ... so what? Were they trying to give him a DUI for operating a motorized vehicle or something? I mean, come on, really?

You don't pick someone up out of a wheelchair and bodyslam them. Period.
When I first saw this video, I was like ... "what the ....???"

It almost looked like the guy in the wheelchair was pulling his hands out of his pockets when the two officers decided to body slam him. I thought, "maybe they thought he was reaching for a weapon?"

But no. He was drinking ... so what? Were they trying to give him a DUI for operating a motorized vehicle or something? I mean, come on, really?

You don't pick someone up out of a wheelchair and bodyslam them. Period.
That is one of the reasons you use your seat belts while operating a motorized vehicle.
But no. He was drinking ... so what? Were they trying to give him a DUI for operating a motorized vehicle or something? I mean, come on, really?
He can probably get a DUI operating that wheelchair if he is doing so under the influence. It doesn't matter if it is not a motor vehicle; you can be charged with DUI for riding your bicycle drunk.
First of all if the person is in the wheelchair then shouldnt bother try to pull the person out of the chair but to check if there is a weapon in the chair. Second of all there is a better way to handle a person who are in the wheelchair.

Another thing you dont know why they are in the wheelchair. It can be for anything. Why bother trying to pull the person out of the wheelchair.
In the video, it looks like the guy in the wheelchair started to stand and support himself. The officer on the left stuck his leg waaay out and tripped him. I don't know if he did it on purpose or if he was off balance and trying to steady himself, but if you watch the video again at the point where they pull him out of the chair you can see the officer caused them all to go down.
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

DWI-wheelchair edition
while it looks like they slammed him down to the concrete... it looks like they "slipped" onto ground because of guy squirming around.

I'm so glad you're not a cop. I can envision you being taser happy....
