DC Police attack man in wheelchair

Correction - You keep complaining non-stop about everything and I keep encouraging you to get out of shitty situation but you keep resisting. That's fine. Oh well.

You might want to start that first. and learn the definition of trolling.

What shitty situations?

Oh, that's right. There's nothing. You're just trying to make up shit about me that is not true at all. Talking about me to others behind my back is completely unacceptable as well. You're just a backstabber, face it. We haven't spoken in a while so stop assuming stuff about me. You really really really don't know who I am and you're trying to make this personal now. You don't know me at all or what's going on with me. I'm just a "pair of coconuts" to you.

You have been trolling my posts lately and I've been ignoring it. You're crossing the line now and I'm telling you to put a stop to it. Starting now.

I'm going to walk away from this now and be a better person. Keep ranting all you want, but I won't read any more of your insulting posts. :bye:
What shitty situations?
attempting to arrest uncooperative handicapped drunk. It's never pretty to see a disabled person getting arrested and it will always be a shitty situation.

Oh, that's right. There's nothing. You're just trying to make up shit about me that is not true at all. Talking about me to others behind my back is completely unacceptable as well. You're just a backstabber, face it. We haven't spoken in a while so stop assuming stuff about me. You really really really don't know who I am and you're trying to make this personal now. You don't know me at all or what's going on with me. I'm just a "pair of coconuts" to you.

You have been trolling my posts lately and I've been ignoring it. You're crossing the line now and I'm telling you to put a stop to it. Starting now.

I'm going to walk away from this now and be a better person. Keep ranting all you want, but I won't read any more of your insulting posts. :bye:
Talked about you with others behind your back? uh who? None of my friends know who you are. I know rest of you ADers know that I've never talked to you about lanapoo except PFH and we've never said anything bad about you. Just that we wonder why you are so illogical and bitter but that was a long time ago and we already forgot about it and moved on like a grown-up.

Right now - you're just a pair of trouble to me and that saddens me. You think I'm that kind of person to gossip about you? I'm not like your friend who backstabbed you. You are misdirecting your anger at me but I'll take it if that makes you feel any better.

Now let's be honest in here. You get all dramatic whenever you respond to my posts and PFH's posts and it's not even related to any topic. You turn everything into personal agenda.

1. Look at beginning of this thread. I've never responded to your posts. You replied to me and you could have chosen to simply ignore my posts... and then you accused me of trolling you? :crazy:
2. My post in response to your post was strictly on-topic and it's how it's done in many controversial threads. Your replies therein have gotten way personal and off-topic.
3. Since Day 1, you have been complaining to anybody with same old line - "you don't know anything about me so stop assuming stuff about me". What's going on, lanapoo?

My IM is always opened to you and we can discuss about any issue you have with me. I've IM'ed you before to say hi and to ask about bicycle but you ignored me and that was it. I didn't take it personal.
Maybe. But the wheelchair guy did something wrong too. I am not saying that two wrongs makes a right, but there is culpability on his part too.

Agreed. And, can't make a decision about appropriate action with one sided information.
attempting to arrest uncooperative handicapped drunk. It's never pretty to see a disabled person getting arrested and it will always be a shitty situation.

Talked about you with others behind your back? uh who? None of my friends know who you are. I know rest of you ADers know that I've never talked to you about lanapoo except PFH and we've never said anything bad about you. Just that we wonder why you are so illogical and bitter but that was a long time ago and we already forgot about it and moved on like a grown-up.

Right now - you're just a pair of trouble to me and that saddens me. You think I'm that kind of person to gossip about you? I'm not like your friend who backstabbed you. You are misdirecting your anger at me but I'll take it if that makes you feel any better.

Now let's be honest in here. You get all dramatic whenever you respond to my posts and PFH's posts and it's not even related to any topic. You turn everything into personal agenda.

1. Look at beginning of this thread. I've never responded to your posts. You replied to me and you could have chosen to simply ignore my posts... and then you accused me of trolling you? :crazy:
2. My post in response to your post was strictly on-topic and it's how it's done in many controversial threads. Your replies therein have gotten way personal and off-topic.
3. Since Day 1, you have been complaining to anybody with same old line - "you don't know anything about me so stop assuming stuff about me". What's going on, lanapoo?

My IM is always opened to you and we can discuss about any issue you have with me. I've IM'ed you before to say hi and to ask about bicycle but you ignored me and that was it. I didn't take it personal.

Other people say otherwise. So watch what you say about me to others because I DO hear of it. I don't appreciate you going around, spreading gossip about me.

Stay out of my life and I mean it. Don't even bother talking about me to others. Don't tell others about how I'm such an annoying little gnat. You know who you are and you're one hell of a shady person. And so is PFH. Everyone knows it so stop trolling my posts because every time you do, you seem to make it personal.
Other people say otherwise. So watch what you say about me to others because I DO hear of it. I don't appreciate you going around, spreading gossip about me.

Stay out of my life and I mean it. Don't even bother talking about me to others. Don't tell others about how I'm such an annoying little gnat. You know who you are and you're one hell of a shady person. And so is PFH. Everyone knows it so stop trolling my posts because every time you do, you seem to make it personal.

Says the one that tries to take cheap personal shots.

However: The topic is about a couple of thugs taking a limited mobility dude down.
Other people say otherwise. So watch what you say about me to others because I DO hear of it. I don't appreciate you going around, spreading gossip about me.

Stay out of my life and I mean it. Don't even bother talking about me to others. Don't tell others about how I'm such an annoying little gnat. You know who you are and you're one hell of a shady person. And so is PFH. Everyone knows it so stop trolling my posts because every time you do, you seem to make it personal.

yes I'm sorry. I will watch what I say about you to others.

*winking at imaginary people*
Seriously, guys. Left lanapoo alone. She is upset now. Just stop make things worse for her. Just shut up, okay? ;)
related story - a few weeks ago in Phoenix, there was a bystander video of Officer Patrick Larrison body-slamming a 15-years old drunk girl against concrete wall. I was horrified. Now that is excessive use of force. and unnecessary.

Could that officer have handled it better? yes
Did that officer break any law? yes

Was Force Justified in Police Video?
related story - a few weeks ago in Phoenix, there was a bystander video of Officer Patrick Larrison body-slamming a 15-years old drunk girl against concrete wall. I was horrified. Now that is excessive use of force. and unnecessary.

Could that officer have handled it better? yes
Did that officer break any law? yes

Was Force Justified in Police Video?

What's what she get for! it's her fault that she drunk
Do that guy is okay with cops slam him like that? No I don't think so. Not even his family is okay with too.

so why do you think the girl deserved getting slammed by cop but you don't think the guy deserved it? Both of them were drunk.

I'm confused.... never mind.
I don't see any problem with this. Why blame officers? Blame the guy for making officers' job harder. All he had to do was leave as politely asked. Simple as that.

Why don't you tell us how can officers do better than that instead of standing there, heckling officers for police brutality?

First of all, you have or had always seemed to side with good and bad officers. You don't seem to tell the difference between them. :roll:

Remember about the Deaf Native American from Seattle, Washington, when we could not see what is going on when he was walking to the other side of the sidewalk out of sight. He was a lone officer (how come he was not with the other officer like back up? Why he was alone?) just being nosy when the Deaf Native walked across the sidewalk and was shot and killed by the officer thinking that the Deaf Native was carrying the small knife used to carve sculptures on the carving board. You sided with the officer on this.

There has to be a better way to deal with disabilities and people with mental illnesses. That is why they need to learn how to deal with people who have disabilities and mental illnesses so that they can work properly without being harmed in the classrooms.

If you were in his shoes to know what it is like to be disable or could not understand what the officers was saying, then you can understand why the police officers are not doing proper jobs like this. Just wake up and open your eyes for heaven's sake. :(
so why do you think the girl deserved getting slammed by cop but you don't think the guy deserved it?

I'm confused.... never mind.

Cop slamed that girl and she is not disable. That's bit different but what Cop did to her was wrong too. But slam that disable guy like that? They need go back to training to proper arrest him instead of slam him because he can't even hurt them. I watched that video and he did nothing expect stry said that he said no. Still Cops should have done proper arrest him without cause any harm
I think they are going to have a problem with that statement since the video shows the two police picking him up and tossing him on the sidewalk.

It looks more like he (guy in chair) tried to hold himself up a bit when they picked him out of the chair. He then ended up falling pulling the cops down with him but that's how I saw it.

Can't help but wonder if that is fake.