DC Police attack man in wheelchair


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2009
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdkJxw1mPoM&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - ‪Guy on wheelchair taken down by officers‬‏[/ame]
That looks bad. :(

Do you know why the police did that?
I hate cops like that. They seem to abuse their power.

I hope the guy's okay. No one deserves to be treated like that.
Simple, disable the wheelchair.

Otherwise, that man must have something, like doesn't coop with police.
Simple, disable the wheelchair.

Otherwise, that man must have something, like doesn't coop with police.

I agree. He could have told them he had a weapon hiding on the chair. Never know. Would like to find out more about this video.

I do think the busted face is excessive. It is almost like a trade mark for officers to slam peoples face to the concrete.
http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Arrest-of-Man-In-Wheelchair-Raises-Concerns-122423619.htmlBy Michelle Tetu

Thousands of people have already viewed the video on YouTube (Warning: graphic language/images). It was taken by a passer-by on Thursday afternoon. It has people questioning whether Metro Transit Police were justified in subduing the man who was in a wheelchair.

The incident happened at around 3 p.m. outside the U Street-Cardozo Metro Station.

Metro Transit Police were on routine patrol at the station when they spotted the man in a wheelchair drinking an alcoholic beverage, according to Metro Spokesperson Steven Taubenkibel.

The officers asked him to leave the area but he refused, police say. The officers attempted to give him a citation.

When he refused to cooperate, they told him he would be arrested, according to a statement issued by Metro.

The statement goes on to say "the patron resisted arrest which resulted in him falling out of his wheelchair."

Some say the man was thrown to the ground causing a gash over his eye that bled onto the sidewalk.

In the video, you can hear witnesses challenging the way police handled the incident.

The man was taken to the hospital. His injuries were minor, police say. He was arrested for assault on a police officer and drinking in public.

Metro says they are following up on this incident.
"Encounter between Metro police, wheelchair-bound man caught on video - The Washington Post"

Here's the article about it in today's Washington Post. It was the Metro Transit Police (D.C. has several different police forces, including city, Federal, and transit police), and they said the man in the wheelchair was drinking, was asked to move on, and didn't do so.

So of course the appropriate reaction is to haul him out of his chair and slam him down to the concrete. Sigh...
The statement goes on to say "the patron resisted arrest which resulted in him falling out of his wheelchair."

I think they are going to have a problem with that statement since the video shows the two police picking him up and tossing him on the sidewalk.
I think so too. I see a couple of suspensions, at minimum - and I'd love to see the two policemen dismissed entirely - coming out of this.
Thanks for the stories with more information.
Just over an alcoholic beverage? Too extreme. And assault on a police officer? I don't see any assault?
I don't see any problem with this. Why blame officers? Blame the guy for making officers' job harder. All he had to do was leave as politely asked. Simple as that.

Why don't you tell us how can officers do better than that instead of standing there, heckling officers for police brutality?
So of course the appropriate reaction is to haul him out of his chair and slam him down to the concrete. Sigh...

while it looks like they slammed him down to the concrete... it looks like they "slipped" onto ground because of guy squirming around.
while it looks like they slammed him down to the concrete... it looks like they "slipped" onto ground because of guy squirming around.

for a guy who doesn't want his rights infringed upon i'm kind of surprised you're fine with the police going out to do these things...
while it looks like they slammed him down to the concrete... it looks like they "slipped" onto ground because of guy squirming around.

You could see he was paralyzed by the foot drop as he was lying on the ground.

Not his fault they dropped him.
for a guy who doesn't want his rights infringed upon i'm kind of surprised you're fine with the police going out to do these things...

I know better to not drink in public and refuse to leave after being asked by officers. This wouldn't happen to me. My rights won't be fringed upon.

Since you go to Avery's often... you know this is to be expected if the drunk is being stupid with cops.
You could see he was paralyzed by the foot drop as he was lying on the ground.

Not his fault they dropped him.

right. not their fault for resorting to this either.