Ok, after months of petitioning the insurance company to change their policy to include minors suffering from SSHL, the change was made (to my amazement), and my daughter received full coverage for her implant.
She did well, and recovered quickly. She had a few days of normal dizziness, and after 5 weeks, she was activated yesterday.
Now, on her first activation in the office, she did hear all the test beeps the computer did during its initial configuration, and she said it sounded really strange. This is a great sign, which means the nerve is working, and not severely damaged or dead. So, everything is working as expected.
When the Audi finally turned it on, she jumped like crazy with a typical jolt and teenage OMG!!! response.
It was a sensation she has never had in that ear. It almost gave her a headache, which she started getting used to quickly. He turned it up 6 steps during the appointment, and gave a her a few more programmed increases to do on her own at home with her remote.
Now, as far as sound goes.
By that evening (last night) she said she could her rumbling when we speak, but not clearly. She still can't make out any words yet. She also could not make out any pitch when playing the individual keys on her piano. Granted this is only the first day. My hope as the days go on, her speech perception will get better, and eventually will hear the piano better as well.
For today, she did not take it to school. The Audi recommended to leave it home for a few days, because the noise at school may be too much for her. Other than that, nothing else to report.
I think the problem was she watched all those YouTube videos of people hearing really well right away, and went home a bit disappointed. I keep telling her, since she has been deaf in that ear since she was an infant, it will be a long term process, and not happen overnight. Keeping fingers crossed.