Dad sells son's 90-dollar video game online for more than 9000

1. Where in the story did it say the boy was humiliated?

Go and read his ebay website.

2. Where have I said that I use humiliation as a form of punishment?

:confused: I never said that you said that you use... I only said that you agree humilation as a form of punishment, that´s all.

3. If a guilty child feels embarrassed for doing something wrong what's wrong with that?

This is an exactly what I said in my previous post that you agree humliation as a form of punishment... See yourself what you said this which mean you don´t DISAGREE... Right?

4. Just because I wouldn't handle the situation the same way as the ebay dad did, it doesn't mean that he shouldn't use it.

Still confused?[/

This is a confusion when you are for Dad form of discipline on his son for sell video game to ebay accord your previous posts and then said that you personally would not do that... It make no sense to me.

When I said that I disagree with Dad´s form of discipline which mean is I personally would not do that.

True he’s entitled to punish his son the way he sees fit but this only opened the door for harsh feelings between him and his son especially when Christmas is just around the corner. :(
Really? Is that another family magazine "fact"?

How about it teaches kids that misbehavior has negative repercussions? How about a kid thinking, whoa, I don't ever want to do that again--it's just not worth it.

Really? Is that another family magazine "fact"?

Anyway, I am not only one who see the same view that the kid took parent´s things and sell for money to buy drug or whatever that´s because the kid was being taught to think it´s okay to take things from someone else to sell for money.

I am surprised that you didn´t know that many children look up at their parent´s role and use their example.
Here’s the deal:

So I spent who knows how many hours of my life trying to get “Guitar Hero 3” for the Nintendo Wii for my 15 year old son who has been begging for it since he was born (well not really but he’s wanted it for awhile). So after waiting in lines and going into every game store in the city over the last 2 weeks (practically being laughed at when I asked for guitar hero 3) I finally got lucky and got one at EB Games (they just got a shipment of them 25 minutes before I walked in!).

So I was so relieved in that I had finally got the Holy Grail of Xmas presents pretty much just in the nick of time. I couldn’t wait to spread the jubilance to my son.

Then, yesterday, I came home from work early and what to I find? My innocent little boy smoking pot in the backyard with 2 of his delinquent friends.

Now I know santa applies the “naughty or nice” paradigm to determine who gets what on Christmas. My son (Isaac) hasn’t exactly been Mother Teresa this year (he got suspended for fighting in the spring, among other things) but I thought I could still justify getting him this present. Maybe it would make him stay home more and “rock out” on this fake guitar thing. He pretty much spends all his free time at his friend’s house playing it anyways (while high on marijuana, I would imagine).

Anyways, I am now finding it hard to justify rewarding him with this gift after he so greatly disappointed me. I know smoking a joint isn’t the end of the world, but if you can convince me that he deserves the gift, then I will end the auction. You will have to be very convincing. I am an elementary school teacher and I know that rewarding bad behavior is just asking for more of the same…

After I caught him getting high on my patio I did the typical yelling, screaming, kicking out the friends, etc… but I had not decided on a suitable way to punish him. As of the time of me writing this, he does not know I got him Guitar Hero 3. I will show him the auction once it is posted and we can watch it finish together. Sort of a “Father-Son bonding experience”. While I doubt this will keep him from ever smoking pot again, I think it will make him think twice before doing illegal (well I think pot is still illegal in Canada) drugs on my property.

I am still considering getting him a game for his Nintendo. Maybe something like Barbie as the Island Princess or Dancing With the Stars. These games are in stock everywhere I go, and I know he will just love them.

Merry Xmas Isaac. I hope you’ve learned your lesson. –Father.

Father sells game on ebay

There's so much more comments made by the father, seems to me none of it makes any sense. He could be a good lying father for all I know.
Cheri, I am glad that you reconize Dad´s behavior in ebay website. It´s an immaturity parenting.

Tell the world about his son´s behavior... and his immaturity comments. I has no good feeling after read all what he had wrote.

"So I was so relieved in that I had finally got the Holy Grail of Christmas presents pretty much just in the nick of time. I couldn't wait to spread the jubilance to my son," the father wrote on the eBay website."

"I am still considering getting him a game for his Nintendo. Maybe something like Barbie as the Island Princess or Dancing with the Stars ... I know he will just love them," the father said, tongue-in-cheek."

I cannot beleive that he is a teacher and wrote immaturity in ebay website. Example of all, he label his son´s friends as friends... Is it good role as a teacher to call/label his son´s friends as dilinquent friends ? :roll:

All what I say is Dad just hurt the relationship...
I wonder what he will say about after he shout "FAKE!" until you have item of number ebay. I am edge to see what the response alike.:giggle:

I really don´t care either it´s hoax or not until Dennis´s post come... I can understand his point because $9,100 for that video game sound pretty illogical? I thought I would give Dennis right until I found out thru ebay and was total speechless that it´s not hoax when I found the ebay number and plus his immaturity story to humliate his son like that. I do not buy his story.

I told my son about this. My son laughed too hard and never beleive that anyone can buy video game for that $9,100. I showed his ebay to him but he suggest that the Dad might made up the story and know the person who is willing to play the game to help Dad to make his son anger? I told my son who will pay the % charge to ebay of $9,100? and then suggest him to wait and see either the bidder really pay or not... since it does not say it was sold on ebay yet. We have to wait for few days or next week to check his positive/negative rating to see either Australian bidder really buy or not.

What do you think of my son´s suspect and suggestion?
Let's see......

1) Father caught son smoking pot

2) Father sold gift intented for son's Christmas as a form of punishment

3) Father made a profit of $9,000

Nope, no assumptions. Simply stating an opinion based on the above facts is not an assumption. It is simply a discussion that has evolved from the facts.

Now I am gonna state my opinion on the story itself.

Yes, we entitle our opinion since article open to the world. It´s not forbidden since Dad allows the article open to the public around the world. :)

I believe what the father did is right. NONE of us like to be told how to parent our children, so why do we always stick our noses in and tell others how to parent theirs?

In essence some of us are trying to tell this father that he is a bad parent or wrong in his judgement. Would we like someone to do that to us?

Well, I would not humliate my son to the media around the world. What I use form of discipline is between me and my boys, not to public around the world. Dad choose to allow media to spread out to the world and let the readers to view his form of discipline on his son. It means is he like to hear our views.

While we may not agree with what this father did, isnt it up to us to withhold our opinions and say that's his child, he may raise his child as he sees fit?

I dont agree with the way several of my friends raise their children and what they do, but it is not my place to tell them they are wrong, it is not my place to tell them what to do, and it is for sure not my place to tell them that raising their kids to go along with my beliefs is the only right way.

It´s normal to disagree with the way of your friends´s form of discipline on their children but they didn´t get the media to write the article for them to humliate their children around the world, don´t they?

I believe what this father did is right, in the fact that he is that child's father and raising that child as he sees fit.

It should be between Dad and son, not to the public around the world or humliate him to the ebay or public. Again, it´s not forbidden since Dad allows the article open to the public around the world and also ebay as well that´s because Dad wants our attention. :)
True he’s entitled to punish his son the way he sees fit but this only opened the door for harsh feelings between him and his son especially when Christmas is just around the corner. :(

*nodding sadly*

Do you think the boy would looking forward to spend with family on Xmas Day? I doubt.
Cheri, I am glad that you reconize Dad´s behavior in ebay website. It´s an immaturity parenting.

Yes tell me about it. This paraphrase doesn't seem to fit right with me.

I am not kicking my son when he is down, so to speak. He and I are very close and are more like best friends than father and son (right buddy?), especially over the last couple of years. I will not get into the details of my family life, but rest assured that I knew when posting this that he would not be driven to run away from home, or do any other of the un-thinkable. If this was a possibility, of course I would not have gone through with it. Think of the auction as me “joshing him”, as friends often do, in addition to letting him know that he seriously disappointed me. Yes, I thought it would be funny to an extent, and tried to keep it light which should be obvious from the description. Calling his friends “delinquents” and threatening to buy him a Barbie game just out of spite are really just jokes. Lighten up people. The good-hearted nature of the auction description was intended to counter-balance the more serious nature of the situation. He and I have shared many laughs about it since, as well as a few thoughtful discussions. To everyone out there who thinks I am a terrible parent, rest assured I am not. Every parent-child relationship is unique and generalizations should not be made. So while I sincerely appreciate your comments, I have no real intentions of them letting them govern my parenting decisions concerning my son.

He stated that his son and him are very close. (I believe he's lying) second that he said they had a laugh over this. (What's so funny about selling his game?) If he is really punishing his son for smoking and end up laughing about how he did it, then he is not really disciplining his son from the looks of it.
Cheri, I am glad that you reconize Dad´s behavior in ebay website. It´s an immaturity parenting.

Tell the world about his son´s behavior... and his immaturity comments. I has no good feeling after read all what he had wrote.

"So I was so relieved in that I had finally got the Holy Grail of Christmas presents pretty much just in the nick of time. I couldn't wait to spread the jubilance to my son," the father wrote on the eBay website."

"I am still considering getting him a game for his Nintendo. Maybe something like Barbie as the Island Princess or Dancing with the Stars ... I know he will just love them," the father said, tongue-in-cheek."

I cannot beleive that he is a teacher and wrote immaturity in ebay website. Example of all, he label his son´s friends as friends... Is it good role as a teacher to call/label his son´s friends as dilinquent friends ? :roll:

All what I say is Dad just hurt the relationship...

This man is a teacher? :jaw:
Yes tell me about it. This paraphrase doesn't seem to fit right with me.

He stated that his son and him are very close. (I believe he's lying) second that he said they had a laugh over this. (What's so funny about selling his game?) If he is really punishing his son for smoking and end up laughing about how he did it, then he is not really disciplining his son from the looks of it.

Well, I see one mistake he is making already. He is not his child's friend, and cannot interact with him in the same way his friends do. He is this child's parent, and is supposed to setting a mature example of behavior. There is time to become your child's friend when they reach an adult age.
Yes tell me about it. This paraphrase doesn't seem to fit right with me.

He stated that his son and him are very close. (I believe he's lying) second that he said they had a laugh over this. (What's so funny about selling his game?) If he is really punishing his son for smoking and end up laughing about how he did it, then he is not really disciplining his son from the looks of it.

What I think about this whole thing right now is the father may have been out of money, so instead he made up a sob story just to get people to make bid on this game.

He may fool many but he hasn't fool me yet. :sure:
$ 9, 100 ? Gee, that's pretty alot of money! Is the father bein' honest about the Guitar Hero III's original price where he bought it for 90 dollars ? Or is he rippin' an Australian buyer off a big time ? I wonder WHY $ 9, 100 dollars ? :ugh3:

I find this father is not bein' honest. If, he is THAT dishonest, then I don't see any difference between him and his son. Father's bein' dishonest and son's smokin' dope.

If, I were in father's shoes, I wouldn't sell it for $ 9, 100. I don't believe in eBay at all. I am glad I am not a member of eBay.
$ 9, 100 ? Gee, that's pretty alot of money! Is the father bein' honest about the Guitar Hero III's original price where he bought it for 90 dollars ? Or is he rippin' an Australian buyer off a big time ? I wonder WHY $ 9, 100 dollars ? :ugh3:

I find this father is not bein' honest. If, he is THAT dishonest, then I don't see any difference between him and his son. Father's bein' dishonest and son's smokin' dope.

If, I were in father's shoes, I wouldn't sell it for $ 9, 100. I don't believe in eBay at all. I am glad I am not a member of eBay.

No, at first the father posted the "Guitar Hero III'' game on eBay for $89.99 until the price increased after 42 bids until an Australian buyer won the bid for 9,100. That's crazy!
That is an outrageous price for a videogame. I am Wondering who would be :crazy: to buy this game?
We have guitar hero I & II. You can buy the guitar separately or as a package. In fact, if you already have a guitar, no need to purchase another one. I have been looking for guitar hero III (game only) since it came out and it has been virtually impossible to find.

I'm with Banjo on this one. If a kid is acting out of hand, no sense in rewarding bad behavior. The gift was never given. My stepdaughter got caught doing something extremely naughty just before her birthday this year. We ended up cancelling her birthday party on account of her poor choices. What is the use of discipline if it is not meaningful to the child?

I agree with you. I cancelled my daughter's bday party last year cuz she was engaging in very disrespectful behavior towards the family and her teachers. After that, she became more respectful towards us and now she is excelling in school where she was failing some classes before. Granted it may not work for all children but that father did what he thougt it was right for him and his son.
Yes I learned about this in several threads in the past. I am total speechless over the parents´s behavior and also humliation as well. It affect kids´s self-esteem.. I dont agree to take my children´s things to sell as punishment to ebay or whatever.

wow, good thing is Dad didn´t give guitar to his son YET. I can image what should Dad do if he ALREADY gave guilar to his son as gift and then took his gift away to sell ebay to make fat profit... Would he keep it or what?
Well, that's pretty much one of the other options that parents have.

Back then, parents simply spanked their kids. Nowadays, parents are afraid to spank their kids out of fear that they will be accused of abusing their kids. Also, some kids don't learn their lessons that parents have to do something severe.

Maybe this kid didn't learn his lesson and the father's past punishments didn't work... so this was probably the next step. ;)
Oh well That's boy's fault thats his fucked up! If it was up to me I d radom the boy piss test if pass the test every month for 6 mos then I would use this money to buy him one and earn his trust again !

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