Court of public opinion looms large in George Zimmerman murder trial

TM was defending himself against GZ. People are forgetting how this whole thing got started . It was GZ action that cause TM to feel threaten and this is how TM end up dead. And it is sicken that people think it OK to target a person by the way they walk. So now people have to be careful if they walk the wrong way, WTF! I do not believe one word GZ said about what happen and he made sure there would no one to talk.

So....if someone is walking behind you, you have the right to punch them in the face? What about someone following you in the mall parking lot...that might feel threatening.... Can you punch that person? I don't think that is true.

The lead investigator testified that it would not be illegal for GZ to get out of his SUV. It is also not illegal for GZ to follow Trayvon in a common area. There is no evidence that GZ did anything illegal before Trayvon attacked him. None.

As for feeling threatened...Trayvon had THC in his system. Paranoia is a common side affect of Smoking pot. So it is questionable whether Trayvon's fear was rational.
Chances of him losing in civil court is about 15%, those family sueing him in civil court will have to fight much much harder because there is no guilty verdict. If there is guilty verdict, that is the only evidence they needed. But since no guilty verdict, almost impossible to win.

I disagree. The bar is much lower in civil court.
absolutely tasteless to post a joke here. it's inappropriate and sick. it's just as bad as fake Asiana Flight crew names in news

I wasn't making a joke. And I don't know what you are talking about regarding the Asiana Flight crew members. I don't see the connection.

Maybe you do - you seem to be able to connect racist acts of hatred with people who are not racists all the time.
So....if someone is walking behind you, you have the right to punch them in the face? What about someone following you in the mall parking lot...that might feel threatening.... Can you punch that person? I don't think that is true.

The lead investigator testified that it would not be illegal for GZ to get out of his SUV. It is also not illegal for GZ to follow Trayvon in a common area. There is no evidence that GZ did anything illegal before Trayvon attacked him. None.

As for feeling threatened...Trayvon had THC in his system. Paranoia is a common side affect of Smoking pot. So it is questionable whether Trayvon's fear was rational.

There was a recent article about that connection - seems that there is a connection between schizophrenia and smoking marijuana (reefer madness).

Anyways, you are absolutely correct. Trayvon Martin had no right to follow GZ to his car, then yell "You are going to die tonight" and proceed to act on his threat all because of Trayvon's racist views. I guess he felt justified in attacking GZ, because to TM he was just a creepy ass cracker.
I disagree. The bar is much lower in civil court.

The bar is lower. But the risk is greater. Florida doesn't allow for compensation of attorney fees. Also as mentioned before, FL has excellent asset protection. Even with a book GZ could probably write through a trust and not have book income attached. Plus, SD can be used for immunity from civil court just as easily as criminal court and this time there is no risk with evidence. There is really nothing to gain from a civil suit here.
So....if someone is walking behind you, you have the right to punch them in the face? What about someone following you in the mall parking lot...that might feel threatening.... Can you punch that person? I don't think that is true.

The lead investigator testified that it would not be illegal for GZ to get out of his SUV. It is also not illegal for GZ to follow Trayvon in a common area. There is no evidence that GZ did anything illegal before Trayvon attacked him. None.

As for feeling threatened...Trayvon had THC in his system. Paranoia is a common side affect of Smoking pot. So it is questionable whether Trayvon's fear was rational.

Even you must recognize that clearly Trayvon's fear and or "paranoia" was justified. Look at the result.
Even you must recognize that clearly Trayvon's fear and or "paranoia" was justified. Look at the result.

I do feel that those who do drugs often have paranoid emotions/feelings....and if some crazy-ass cracker was following me, then of course, I would run...and Martin was an athlete, he could outrun Z....Plus, Martin lived very close by....
I disagree. The bar is much lower in civil court.

Criminal court decision requires evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.

Civil court decision requires only a preponderance of the evidence.

"A preponderance of evidence has been described as just enough evidence to make it more likely than not that the fact the claimant seeks to prove is true."
Preponderance of Evidence legal definition of Preponderance of Evidence. Preponderance of Evidence synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.
Zimmerman lawyer to move ‘asap’ against NBC News

Last night’s not-guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman trial will enable the neighborhood-watch volunteer to resume his case against NBC News for the mis-editing of his widely distributed call to police. Back in December, Zimmerman sued NBC Universal Media for defamation over the botched editing, which depicted him as a hardened racial profiler.

I think he is going to become a very rich man. If he survives the death threats from the NBPP that put a bounty on his head.
Even you must recognize that clearly Trayvon's fear and or "paranoia" was justified. Look at the result.
If TM was in fear, then how come he confronted/attacked GZ instead of running home? I can't believe that you think TM was afraid. He was not afraid!

Look at what results?
Even you must recognize that clearly Trayvon's fear and or "paranoia" was justified. Look at the result.

Not really. A lot of variables went into the final result that were not present in the beginning. Variables like a splattered nose and head wounds.
Like I said before, TM had no fear. If he had fear, he still had no reason to defend himself since GZ didn't confront/attack him. TM had no injuries on his body except a gun wound.

The case is over. GZ's found not guilty.

That's not correct - TM had fear - see conversation between TM and his girlfriend. The phone call described as fear.

Naisho is correct about fear doesn't mean you have to run away and some people did act to got out of fear.

TM had other injuries than gun wound - his knuckles.
Autopsy results show Trayvon Martin had injuries to his knuckles |
Like I said before, TM had no fear. If he had fear, he still had no reason to defend himself since GZ didn't confront/attack him. TM had no injuries on his body except a gun wound.

The case is over. GZ's found not guilty.
We will never know what Trayvon and George felt during the incident, what really led to the chase, fight and gunshot, only George and maybe O'mara does. Yes, the court has been adjourned.

George may not be found guilty in a court of law, but that doesn't mean other people can't have opposite opinion about it. It is their beliefs.

Dwyane Wade joins Twitter chorus of upset athletes reacting to Zimmerman verdict - Miami Heat -

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