'Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone'

If you are running a company with over 50 employees and you cannot afford to provide health benefits, it means one thing, you have too many employees. My bet is that a good number of business owners have bought liability insurance, yet provide nothing to their employees.

I am often dubious of people who claim that they want to hire people provided that they are able to afford them. They only say that to build up their reputation. It's quite simple, you don't hire people if you cannot afford them.

That does not answer my question about Obama and HHS doling out waivers. Were they wrong to do that? And instead, should they have let companies tough it out like all the rest?
Do you know the history of Guy Fawkes?

Speaking of V for Vendetta, Alan Moore has said of his character V that he was intended to be a composite of an anarchist and the media's perception of an anarchist. People who sit down and protest do not make for a very good graphic novel or comic book material.
It's too bad some people can't differentiate between fiction and the actual reality.
no they are not forcing you to buy government-run insurance. since you're an airport security... that means you already have healthcare insurance. you are not required to buy government-run insurance. beside - do you realize that millions of Americans are already using government-run insurance? it's called Medicaid/Medicare. Military vets are using it too.

Federal government officials, both Gop and Dems are also on government-run health insurance both public and premium (government pays up to 75% of premium coverage).

Funny how GOPs bitch so much about government health insurance yet they have no problems being on it, not surprising when it also covers 75% of premium healthcare coverage.
Federal government officials, both Gop and Dems are also on government-run health insurance both public and premium (government pays up to 75% of premium coverage).

Funny how GOPs bitch so much about government health insurance yet they have no problems being on it, not surprising when it also covers 75% of premium healthcare coverage.

Exactly. Hypocrisy at its finest.
Speaking of V for Vendetta, Alan Moore has said of his character V that he was intended to be a composite of an anarchist and the media's perception of an anarchist. People who sit down and protest do not make for a very good graphic novel or comic book material.
It's too bad some people can't differentiate between fiction and the actual reality.

"intended to be a composite" does NOT equal actual reality.
Federal government officials, both Gop and Dems are also on government-run health insurance both public and premium (government pays up to 75% of premium coverage).

Funny how GOPs bitch so much about government health insurance yet they have no problems being on it, not surprising when it also covers 75% of premium healthcare coverage.

Um, that's not the issue. One of the big issue is to insure that choices will remain in place so that workers can choose between having private insurance or govt' sponsored insurance coverage (and the fact that companies be allowed that flexibility as well). The control should be in the hands of workers to choose from, not the govt through a forced mandate. Simply put, Obamacare ends up restricting and undermining insurance choices and competition. The govt is attempting to do a “One-Size-Fits All” approach rather than take into consideration the state's differences. Doing so ultimately ends up with increasing premiums and reduced patient choice. It's much more a complex situation than what you're describing.
If a GOP President proposed the idea, there wouldn't be such an uproar. It would be said that the complexity will ensure that everyone gets covered. :cool2:
Then, why is it that 28 States have sued to stop Obamacare and the Supreme Court will have a look-see at it?
That's not an answer few dumb ole me.......

That's okay, Tousi, I was just joshin' with you.
Who is to say how the Court will rule, anyway? If it gets shot down, then where are we? Still smack dab in the middle of the worst health care crisis in history. Just look around you. So many people simply cannot afford the health care they need, and that cries for a solution, does it not? We cannot let things ride the way they are now.
Throw the book at him for what? Expressing his opinion! The Obama administration has created hundreds of new regulations on businesses. The red tape is costing them time and money for no reason.

If you want socialism why don't you move to Europe because this is still America.

If he is manipulating the employees he does have to vote his particular way in order to retain employment, it is illegal. I don't put anything by people like this. They are rabid.