Sure, why?
Just curious, not many are familiar with the history of this particular historical figure.
Sure, why?
You are right. The healthcare crisis could have easily been prevented by couples first making sure BOTH had insurance on themself and a financial foundation BEFORE having a child. Which means as soon as that child is born and for childhood the PARENTS carry the responsibility of not only the childs health insurance but for themselves also.
NOT the government! It is called FAMILY PLANNING, something tooooooo few people have heard of.
The healthcare crisis could easily had been prevented in the first place. But the government had to let capitalists to put money first, people second. Thanks to all of the lobbyists over the years, many, many Americans now have to suffer and generations to come will be paying for their mistakes.
Anyway, the key to being a good business owner is to know what you are doing. You don't hire people if you know you cannot afford them. Real business owners don't whine about not being able to hire people, they don't seek attention by whining about how mean the government is and how they prevent you from hiring people. If you need help but cannot afford, you have to take a good look at what your financial status is and see what can be done about it. That's why people have financial consultants too as well. A good business owner should have one.
No one is holding a gun to their heads. Either you hire or you don't.
Just curious, not many are familiar with the history of this particular historical figure.
Hmmm, a "small business" must have a minimum of 60 employees to start "worrying" about providing health care insurance for its workers. If you cannot cut that mustard, you do not deserve to be running a business.
He was a member of a 1605 plot to blow up the British House of Lords. The mask came from a comic book, V for Vendetta, which which was eventually made into a movie. The movie’s character who wore a Fawkes mask never removes it while he kills policemen by the score with hate, and bombed landmark buildings in a London of the future. A plot that takes place in a imaginary place where people lead dehumanized and fearful lives . Anonymous, Wikileaks, and anarchists around the world have adopted this mask as a symbol. Julian Assange, of Wikileaks, wore one of these masks at Occupy London Stock Exchange recently, too.
no they are not forcing you to buy government-run insurance. since you're an airport security... that means you already have healthcare insurance. you are not required to buy government-run insurance. beside - do you realize that millions of Americans are already using government-run insurance? it's called Medicaid/Medicare. Military vets are using it too.Let me start with Obamacare. The government forcing Americans to purchase goverment run healthcare.
that would be Republican PartyThe bail out or buy out by the government of the banks and car industry.
that would be Bush Administration. the worst offender in the history.Failing to defend laws on record.
that would be Republican Party which favors spending trillions to the riches by "trickling it down to the poor" tactic.Spending trillions but refusing to create or allow job growth such as the pipeline.
eh?Telling the military how to handle religious matters.
eh okBad mouthing our country abroad.
I find it comical and puzzling that you and poor Republican voters consistently defend the riches when they have been getting richer while you're getting poorer. you do realize that the riches haven't been "overtaxed" or "taxed" for past several years? Do you realize that for the past few decades, the riches have been taking your money and giving it to themselves and their kids?Desiring to take money from the rich and supposedly give to the poor. Overtaxing the rich.
but... this mess was due to too many deregulations. look at what it brought us.Too many new business regulations.
are you talking about Bush? That's what he did with Homeland Security and Patriot Act.An over abundance of Czars, for what I don't know?
but according to poll, majority of military did not care.Destroying the morale of our military by repealing don't ask. How's that for starters.
oicCurrently I support Howard Cain for president as he has not been so much of a politician but more of a successful businessman in the past and I like his thoughts and ideas on reform. The only other canidate that I might support would be Ron Paul but I haven't heard his stance as much or as strongly as Cain's. I think he may be too radical of a change just yet for America? I also like Michelle Bachman as I think she makes good sense and I align myself with her beliefs. Unfortunately I don't think she will make a come back.
These are just my take and opinions. We all have our own don't we. America needs our prayers and strong support to recover.
Obama’s Regulations Killing Businesses…and Jobs « FactReal
Small Business Owners Speak Out Against ObamaCareEven if a business does offer a ‘qualified plan,’ it still might be fined just as much. Ironically, the fine for businesses that don’t offer coverage is $2,000 per employee… and the fine for a business that does offer coverage is $3,000 per employee, plus the cost they’re paying for coverage.
Right. People worry too much.
Until you actually own and run a business with employees I'd say people wouldn't know what worrying is like for an owner when it comes to trying to keep the company alive while trying to turn a profit and keep their employees knowing that they depend on you and the company for their livelihoods.
Until you actually own and run a business with employees I'd say people wouldn't know what worrying is like for an owner when it comes to trying to keep the company alive while trying to turn a profit and keep their employees knowing that they depend on you and the company for their livelihoods.
Again, this is not about me.
If you run a company with over 50 employees and you are not providing health benefits, you are an idiot.
Explain to me again the need to dole out 1,500 waivers to companies that obviously have more than 50 employees. That's a lot idiots out there. Care to explain?
Like I said, if you are running a company with over 50 employees and you are not providing health benefits one way or another, you are an idiot.
Like I said, if you are running a company with over 50 employees and you are not providing health benefits one way or another, you are an idiot.
So, Obama's an idiot to allow the doling out of those waivers then? HHS was wrong to dole out waivers? And that all those 1,500 companies who got their waivers should tough it out like the rest of the businesses and own up to getting the proper health benefits?
Do you know the history of Guy Fawkes?