Commander in Chief doesn't know "corpsmen"?!

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Oic, I guess I naturally assumed Teaba**er was a member of said party. Yikes!

Anyway, I tried to make u famous with something I said over at Alex's "Diary" thread. :lol:
Uh, oh.... :Ohno:
It will be interesting to see what else Obama has mis-pronounced in the future.
It will be interesting to see what else Obama has mis-pronounced in the future.

I'm sure that previous presidents have mis-pronounced in past.

We are human so we do make errors, nothing is perfect.
It will be interesting to see what else Obama has mis-pronounced in the future.
I don't know about the future but in speeches he's given he also mispronounced "Orion" [ame=]YouTube - Barack Obama mispronounces Orion[/ame], "Massachusetts" [ame=]YouTube - Barack Obama Mispronounces Massachusetts....MASSATOOSITS[/ame], and "Malia" Obama Forgets Daughter's Name? (VIDEO) Calls Malia 'Maya'.

He also forgot that the United States are only 50 [ame=]YouTube - Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States[/ame] ("It is wonderful to be back in Oregon," Obama said. "Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit, but my staff would not justify it."), and he gave a shout out to a Medal of Honor "winner" who wasn't [ame=]YouTube - Obama gives 'shout-out' to Dr. Joe Medicine Crow[/ame] ("I hear that Dr. Joe Medicine Crow (ph) was around, and so I want to give a shout out to that Congressional Medal of Honor winner. It's good to see you.").
Yup, it sounds like Al Gore made misspoke over global warming.

Good thing, I don't believe Al Gore's view over global warming.
Maybe he needs to fire whoever is in charge of typing out his teleprompter?
Reba, I didn't know it was this bad & terrible.

What kind of a man mis-pronounces his own daughter's name ? :eek3:
I hope no one will expect me to give a speech when I am President if people are that picky. :o

I say "mother" with a Brooklyn accent.
I hope no one will expect me to give a speech when I am President if people are that picky. :o

I say "mother" with a Brooklyn accent.
Since Obama was elected in part due to his supposed oratory skills and superior intelligence, his flubs are more serious than those of people who aren't so "articulate" and "gifted."
Since Obama was elected in part due to his supposed oratory skills and superior intelligence, his flubs are more serious than those of people who aren't so "articulate" and "gifted."

Okay, so far from seeing what you had to say I only got this point: He flubs.

What is your concerns about this? I do not want assumptions.
Other tips:

Marine Corps Depot (core) (dee-po) (long o)
boatswain (bo-sun) (long o)
coxswain (cock-sun) (short o)
colonel (kernel)
yeoman (yo-mun) (long o)
forecastle/fo'c'sle (folk-sol) (long o's)

Oh boy. I am so disgusted I have been saying these wrong for so long without being corrected. :lol:
Mod note:

Okay, I've removed several posts, let's play nice here and be civil.

I dont know what to say. I agree with Reba..he should have ensured that he could pronounce it correctly. Like someone said, Obama needs to take cued speech lessons.

Is it really the end of the world though?
I wonder if the President is getting enough sleep. Sometimes I'm sleep deprived and I mess up stuff. Being President really demanding and it ages a person. Glad that I'm not leader of the free world. Especially if everyone is hanging on every word!
I knew it was a vulgar word since it's a common act in videogames to show that one is the victor, and the other is the loser by going to prone then going to crouch repeatedly. I just found it humourous that it was used to describe the Tea Party, but I didn't know that it was originally meant to be in reference to the said act above.

When I first saw a thread about teabaggers, I was like wtf does WOW PVP (world of warcraft player vs players; you kill the other player in fights. I'm not going to explain what some people do to their victims after they kill them. Most WOW PVP doesn't include teabagging.) have to do with politics? I was sure nextrox was going to get banned for even saying that till I read the thread.
I dont know what to say. I agree with Reba..he should have ensured that he could pronounce it correctly. Like someone said, Obama needs to take cued speech lessons.

Is it really the end of the world though?

As mistakes go, it's a relatively minor one. If you got disqualified or fired, every time you said it wrong, then there's a larger issue at hand than the person's ablity to pronouce a word.

Bush wasn't the best orator ever but I considered that minor compared to the other stuff he did.
I wonder if the President is getting enough sleep. Sometimes I'm sleep deprived and I mess up stuff. Being President really demanding and it ages a person. Glad that I'm not leader of the free world. Especially if everyone is hanging on every word!

If I was president, I would fail just because I wouldnt be getting enough sleep at all.

Thats why I give him the slack. No big deal.
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