I'm butting in. I've only talked regularly and worked regularly with one adult who had a CI. I'm not sure how old he was when he was implanted, but going by his voice I'm going to say, not a baby, he's about 30 right now. He knows ASL, he was in my massage therapy class and had an interpreter. I ended up working with him a few years later. He would recommend CI, in fact he told me every time I saw him I should get one. Just saying. It's common knowledge Travis' CI failed. It's also common knowledge that you're anti CI.....so asking someone you know had a failed CI if they'd recommend is just to validate your own opinion, and isnt quite fair. There are a lot of members on here who are happy with theirs.
well, no Travis is one of the few "obvious fails", i was point out to him, that he has to Make up His mind, 'i respect blah blah, i see blah blah...isn't helping anyone, even nor helping him...and no, he was like 'reccomending it' - that's kinda embarrassing for himself..
surely there those happy with it, as the 'modern' 21st century society where everyone is re-arraanged by the fragmented lives, for example part time work is now very common and this changes not just time, but also how people saving their earnings and how they consume with it, but even more than that, its like technology connects for business but it separates people... ah this is getting messy now...same can be said for 'seeking support from others whose has success is used for validating their own opinions... LOL
yes, some wants to have it, when it 'becomes available to them later in life - due to technology changes and 'opportunity'...there are many deaf people in the borderlines of cultural and audiological sphere (crap i hate English... but - id try say it) can be unwittingly be practicing audism, and or are passive-towards the dominant mode of ideological comformity (passive audism) in a way they confuse themselves to think if they get close enough to be with hearing people then they are 'like hearing people' but strive for a long time, so its not how much they 'hear' or not , or 'how much they understand the hearing world or not' it is more like avoidance of 'shame' or avoidance of 'low standards' as would have them to perceive it. To me, that's weird, its like 'hating themselves for being deaf'... so like why try be something that you can be, but many do, because if you can't be, then you can 'fake it' even with 'fake hearing' yes that's what CI is, its LOUD but unnatural, its so close to 'normal hearing levels' but you're STILL going to be treated like a deaf person, no matter where you go...I can't see the point of this pretence. For all this money, time, efforts and obsession to perfect the art of hearing and speaking, can't I just be Me? that's the question, OK im not a full fledge fluent signer of anything, nor a full fledged fluent English-speaker either...
I concerns that many CI-users have suppression are going to be long-lasting and its quite strange...even...um...pathetic...its like women should wear high heels, what for? whats the all the hype??, same goes for guys with Lamborghini cars, what for? you see...values are socially-constructed, its not real, it is imagined and it is a lot to do with conceived statuses...same thing with 'hearing more' its conceived 'betterment' fine if you were hearing...but some of us haven't missed it, and the argument from Deaf community leaders (fading out in some ways)...says, all this pressure of following isn't healthy, there is no relaxing, no humility, and no time out to be what is real, you cant fake deafness, hearings can try, but deafies dont have to, same way for the hearing people, deafies can try, but hearing dont have to. This 'don't have to' is like no pressure to be something else you're not.
that's all