Argh, I don't really want to argue if CI or eye surgeries are right. I am just saying stop comparing knowledge to medical. I means if I am actually anti-CI, I wouldn't had handed you a hot-button issue (curing/fixing blindness) within the deaf world to better support your own arguments.
And yes, Rick, you are trying to "justify" things. Why? You are trying to invalidate other people's points' that means you are trying to justify your position in the debate. If you weren't trying to discard other people's comments, then you are not debating; because you are doing that, you are trying to justify your own position. Simple as that.
Make a statement, then you are just having an opinion: no more; no less. Trying to discredit other people, on the other hand, is justifying your position in a debate.
I wouldn't say vaccination is the proper comparison as well because the majority of people--both hearing and deaf, vaccinate their own children.
And actually, while the implants can be removed-- the
effects are permanent, even without complications listed under "surgical risks," it is even acknowledged on the FDA's website.
Benefits and Risks of Cochlear Implants
Try again.
I won't answer the question in post #83, because that is not in the realm of cultural or medical debate, but purely a religious or philosophical one. We are not suppose to talk about religions on the forum, nor is it appropriate for a debate; and in philosophical debates, they usually go nowhere on forums.
Now on the topic of "blind culture," there is a bit of a iffy thing about that. I have known people who claim "blind culture" in the CNIB. The problem is that the reason why we don't see it is because there is no language barrier so we don't see a rapid development of it. Before, I used to argue that "blind culture" was simply an art or literary expression found in sculptures, paintings, writings and so on. However I have found out by going to the events that there is a philosophical side to it as well; not to mention their own set of social norms (or courtesy and behaviour.)
So I will agree there is no "culturally blind" person, but "blind culture" is vague in itself. However there are people in the blind world that find the whole affairs offensive.
All i am saying is-- when you debate, use the proper examples. I loathe it when the CI debates boil down to so-called "forcing" knowledge and education.