I don't need a therapist or psychiatrist. I'll be just fine without one. I feel as though you don't have one of these and just look down upon them as I have found out many people are able to understand speech upon activation day.
You may not think you need or want one now ... but in 3, 6, 12, 24months - you might change your mind. I don't "look down" on CIs ... I just know many people with them you - like yourself- have though that somehow they were going to go in on activation day and "hear" (hear and understand like a hearing person) ... this just isn't the way it works. While some people (who lost there hearing and were quickly implanted) DO recognize SOME sounds, and perhaps even some words quite quickly ... it's not like they walk out of the office and would be able to transcribe lyrics verbatim that day, week or even month - especially in a place with background noise (concert/classroom etc). If you think that you'll be able to transcribe a signers voice (thats 2 complicated listening tasks, much more complicated than transcribing a speakers voice) - you are setting yourself up to be very disappointed and frustrated. BELIEVE US ... if it WAS that "easy" - if getting a CI was like turning on a hearing & understanding "sound switch" like you seem to hope it is ... the CI people here and everywhere would be TELLING YOU ALL ABOUT IT... but that's just not how it works. I truly am sorry that it's not like that for you (and others who've lost their hearing - but it's just not.
I also think that its dumb to say have a discussion with my audiologist because right now I cant hear!
There are plenty of ways to communicate without being able to hear ... and there will be times that you'll need to use those skills (CIs DO break etc) so might as well practice with the pen & paper, laptop (open a word program and type) etc.
As for the time being I think that i'll be fine without an alarm clock, I don't see why I couldn't wear it at night. And as for a visual alarm clock, or a visual smoke/fire detector. I don't see how either of these would help me while i'm asleep.
I'm guessing your living at home right now ?? You'll need all these things for MANY years (if not a lifetime) as you can't wear the CI at night - not only will the CI magnet fall off, but you also need to give the skin between the internal & external components a "rest" otherwise you will get skin breakdown issues ... which will force you to go without the CI at all until the breakdown heals. "Visual" signallers - flash lights (you'll notice when your sleeping) - and have bed options that vibrate (a strong vibrating "puck" is placed between the mattress) and shakes you awake. As for a fire and monoxide detector that is Deaf Friendly (ie a strobe indicator) these are LIFE SAVING devices that you NEED ... if your home/apt/dorm etc is on fire you will NOT smell it (you can't smell in your sleep ... which is how people burn to death while sleeping) You need to talk with your audiologist (email them !) and find out what type of assistive devices you need to be INDEPENDENT ... you want to be "normal again" - that means being able to be independent. Visual and tactile signallers WILL give you your independence.
And sure I'll be "deaf forever" when its off, but when its on i'll get to continue to see the world with sound. Its been so hard for me not being able to hear anything. I can barely walk because I can't hear anything. I'm putting all of this in God's hands. If he wants me to hear in time to work it will be so. If he doesn't that will also be so. He is the great Physician. He is the ultimate Doctor who can heal and do anything if He wants.
If you don't want to hear this coming from me as a Hoh/Def person ... then hear this coming from me as a Seminary student ... Be STRONG enough to see a therapist/psychologist so that you can talk through the anger, frustration, hope, dreams, disappointments BEFORE you really "need" one.
And remember that sometimes "healing" isn't about restoration of a sense, it's about growth as a person.
So until then I'm going to stick with my God and let him guide me.
If that's what you believe ... then also believe that each of us have been brought INTO your life for a reason. You found AllDeaf, posted your query and we responded - we might not have said what you WANTED to hear ... but we posted what you NEEDED to hear.
I honestly wish you the very best with your CI. I hope that you can come back to us and say how you walked out of your activation appointment understand every word that they said, that you were able to transcribe all the lyrics a singer sung, and how it's as good as being hearing.... I do.
I also know that sometimes we don't get what we do desperately want. I was in a car accident that changed my life and and the wanting and hoping and exercise and therapy and extremely hard work didn't change the fact that I was unable to do some of the things that I loved before (including my job) because of the permanent change that happened in the split second that someone else's car hit mine.I have a happy, full life - but I have a DIFFERENT life than I did before the car accident ... because I was given the gift to grow from that experience and be better (and different) for it.