Cochlear Implant is death sentence to your health!


While I appreciate that the author of the vlog is concerned about Meningitis, I find the title of the vlog over the top and provoking eye rolling. It implies that every single CI user is going to die.

As I understand it, roughly about 0.15% of CI users have contracted meningitis after CI surgery and fewer have died from it. This means that 99.8% of CI users are not likely to get it. Now, for some people that's still too many cases and I respect that but it's a long way off describing the CI as a "death sentence".

I think it's important for all people contemplating CIs to be informed about risks, because someone has to be part of that 0.15%! This should be the case particularly if they have predisposing factors which increase that risk e.g. inner ear malformation, previous incidence of meningitis, recurrent ear infections etc. As Neecy stated, the risks can be reduced significantly by immunization.

If the author of the vlog is concerned about CIs and meninigitis, I think it would be much more positive if he posted a reminder for people getting CIs to keep their immunizations up to date.

Well said. Nothing is without risks.
While I appreciate that the author of the vlog is concerned about Meningitis, I find the title of the vlog over the top and provoking eye rolling. It implies that every single CI user is going to die.
Actually... that part is correct !
Smoke,car accident,heart attack,cancer, and AIDs are death more than just Cochlear Implant.

Who care.
Err...There is one in every crowd. Pure FUD all around.

Let me see, I have had my CI for over three years and going strong. In fact, I'm the healthiest one in the family...rarely ever sick and when so, nothing to do with CI either.

Ignorance is bliss...NOT!
Doctors dont always tell a truth.

Excellent point. More often they omit information they should be providing, which is dishonesty by ommission. They have also been known to say things like "now, now. You just let me worry about that. I'm the doctor and you're the patient." How patronizing!
Doctors dont always tell a truth.

Exactly! It's the same with the company who invented/created Cochlear Implants. They don't always tell the truth, either.

Maybe, we should pay attention and research the FDA and see what they found out about CI ? :hmm: Just like that man said in video - he was talking about someone who was suing for over million of dollars. :)

I will research on that matters myself. :)
Exactly! It's the same with the company who invented/created Cochlear Implants. They don't always tell the truth, either.

Maybe, we should pay attention and research the FDA and see what they found out about CI ? :hmm: Just like that man said in video - he was talking about someone who was suing for over million of dollars. :)

I will research on that matters myself. :)
Maria, I don't believe it is necessary to pay attention and do some research. We have advocates like NAD doing that. If it is very urgent, they will do something about it and let the deaf community know about it.
Excellent point. More often they omit information they should be providing, which is dishonesty by ommission.
They have also been known to say things like "now, now. You just let me worry about that. I'm the doctor and you're the patient." How patronizing!
Such rubbish...

A bit like "now, now. You just let me worry about that. I'm deaf and you're hearing.... I know best". Patronizing indeed..
Would someone mind providing a text transcript, if possible?
Or even a summary or paraphrase. I am curious what this is about.
Doctors dont always tell a truth.

My doctor was great. He answered so many questions and helped so much. I spent a year e-mailing him with questions. He answered them all and directed me to places to find answers. I hope he is the norm. If I had two more ears, he could do them too.
My doctor was great. He answered so many questions and helped so much. I spent a year e-mailing him with questions. He answered them all and directed me to places to find answers. I hope he is the norm. If I had two more ears, he could do them too.
Quad-lateral.... interesting..:hmm:.
would that be hearing left, right, up down..??? :cool: