How much physiology and cognitive psychology have you studied boult?
*smh* This is not competition! get over it!
How much physiology and cognitive psychology have you studied boult?
*smh* This is not competition! get over it!
It's opposite... from looking at your old posts including the one you blew your top off.. *shrug*It's sad..
But the auditory centers only transmit stimuli into sound. It is the langauge centers inthe brain that turnthat sound into something meaningful.. .this can be accomplished either auditorily or doesn't matter. The brain is able to recieve the sound stimuli at any time. It is the language centers that need stimulation within an optimal period. Auditory centers receive information only, they do not process it into meaningful input.
I think it's wrong to implant deaf babies or anyone else who is not capable of communicating wether they want the device or not. Child should be old enough to make their own minds up. Some people do well with Implants. Some people hate them. You should at least be given a choice as wether you get this device or not.
My brother who is deaf and has no oral skills spent 2 weeks alone in Hawaii and he is still alive. BTW, he didnt need a terp at all. He is smart enough to know how to overcome the communication barriers so can many other deaf people who dont have oral skills.
That kind of view is what is hurting many deaf people out there. Have some faith! :roll:
This is the whole point of the discussion we are having. For many children who are eligible for a CI (i.e. not able to benefit from a hearing aid) waiting until they are old enough to make up their mind is too late. It's not really a choice because when they are older, they get very limited benefit from their CI due to the fact that the window for developing auditory stimuli in the brain slows down rapidly after the age of 5.
By not implanting a child, you are making a choice for that child in terms of what choices they will have as adults. It's not necessarily the end of the world or positive or negative - but let's call a spade a spade - it's a choice!
A recent study sponsored by the NDCS in the UK where deaf teenagers were interviewed regarding their parents' decisions to implant them as young children found that the majority were positive and understanding about the decisions that were made on their behalf when they were too young to do so.
There aren't many studies that address those issues and hopefully, more will come but it's a positive start.
Hawaii isn't exactly around the world since it's a state in the union.
*smh* This is not competition! get over it!
and your point is?
I explained to Jillio at one time recently how I really dont have that high of an opinion of all those 'educated' experts whom I've encounted. The phycologists I've encounted remind me of the one on the cave man commercials. LOL She was sorry I had had some bad encounters. Since I think I've seen her state that she has some type of degree in pyhcholgy I can see why her talking is reminding me so much about the personal encounters I 've had.![]()
Many people that i've encounted in the schools seem to think that their college degrees can trump common sense. Well for some maybe, but I've become to cynical (sp?) after all my encounters with the college educated masses, starting when my duaghter was actually young and I really really thought they knew and cared.
In Hawaii he wasn't dealing with people who spoke a different language. He was dealing with people who if he wrote down his request would probably be able to understand what he was asking. In countries where english is not the first language the communcation could become much more difficult, just because they can understand and speak some english does not mean that they would be able to read english.
In Hawaii he wasn't dealing with people who spoke a different language. He was dealing with people who if he wrote down his request would probably be able to understand what he was asking. In countries where english is not the first language the communcation could become much more difficult, just because they can understand and speak some english does not mean that they would be able to read english.
My son is doing just fine. And since you know nothing about him, nor anything obviously about me either, I suggest you get your facts straight. And, by the way, stick to the issues being discussed. To break into a discussion and start hurling personal insults around is a sign of true ignorance. If you can't engage in an intelligent discussion, it would perhaps be best to say nothing, because you are begigning to show your true character.
As for ignorance, as you obviously don't have any knowledge on which to base your comments, and the definition of ignorance is without knowledge, then you have chosed a word that more aptly describes yourself.
1) hurling insults........cant think of much worse than offering to bash someone who is being held down by someone else.
2) Breaking into a discussion......seems to me thats what this forum is all about, each having their say.
3) your whole above post is a perfect example of the way you lash out at thos who have a different view point.
I am curious Raykat..have u ever interacted with deaf signers who have professional degrees?
I dont know where u got this view that oral deaf people live independent lives and non-oral deaf people dont.
I have met thousands and thousands of different deaf people since I got involved with the Deaf community 10 years doesnt matter who is oral or who is not to live a successful and independent life. It matters who they are inside and what their desires are...some are lazy and work low paying jobs (yes oral deaf included!) and some have professional degrees and working in careers (yes deaf signers included!). To make that kind of statement is ignorant and an insult to non-oral deaf signers!!! I do not appreciate it at all!![]()
The solution is quite simple. Make it a point to learn a few phrases in the language they're speaking in and learn which gestures are offensive. I'd make sure that I learn the word deaf in their language so they'll know I don't hear normally.
You can also use home made signs to get your point across.
Your view as stated in your post about needing oral skills to travel or being indendepent was a personal insult to me because u are insulting my brother and my friends who dont have any oral skills whom I care so much about. So, dont try to come off as innocent!