That's where I have conflicting feelings about CI' gives people, like your MIL, the false sense of the child being "fixed" and then expect the child to funtion just like a hearing person when it is impossible. Also, it is people like your MIL that sees deafness as a flaw therefore creating the oppression against deaf people in general. I am not saying your MIL is responsible for it but people who think like her that are responsible for viewing deaf people as incapable of doing more. Those are the people I had to fight against all my life and still do to this day. Some of my family members still think because I can speak so well therefore I can hear just as well with my HA and they get frustrated with me for not understanding what they were saying therefore, I get frustrated and it becomes a cycle. If people like them could just accept that no matter what, deaf people cant be fixed and try to learn some sign language too (dont have to be 100% fluent) or at least accept ASL as a language then maybe more people can be accepting of CI's as a tool rather than as a "cure".

I think it's wrong to implant deaf babies or anyone else who is not capable of communicating wether they want the device or not. Child should be old enough to make their own minds up. Some people do well with Implants. Some people hate them. You should at least be given a choice as wether you get this device or not.