CI's for under 1 ???

That's where I have conflicting feelings about CI' gives people, like your MIL, the false sense of the child being "fixed" and then expect the child to funtion just like a hearing person when it is impossible. Also, it is people like your MIL that sees deafness as a flaw therefore creating the oppression against deaf people in general. I am not saying your MIL is responsible for it but people who think like her that are responsible for viewing deaf people as incapable of doing more. Those are the people I had to fight against all my life and still do to this day. Some of my family members still think because I can speak so well therefore I can hear just as well with my HA and they get frustrated with me for not understanding what they were saying therefore, I get frustrated and it becomes a cycle. If people like them could just accept that no matter what, deaf people cant be fixed and try to learn some sign language too (dont have to be 100% fluent) or at least accept ASL as a language then maybe more people can be accepting of CI's as a tool rather than as a "cure".


I think it's wrong to implant deaf babies or anyone else who is not capable of communicating wether they want the device or not. Child should be old enough to make their own minds up. Some people do well with Implants. Some people hate them. You should at least be given a choice as wether you get this device or not.
You hold her down and I'll:smash:

Wrong Jillio....I have read many many of your posts and always marvel at the sheer arrogance of many of them. This one above is a prime example, good role model for your son too
But you're missing the point. It is one of five senses. People has eyeglasses to aid their vision, why not CI when hearing aid can't help?

Plus children with pigeon toed feet or bowed legs are put in braces to help fix the problem. Why not CI to help fix hearing loss? Plus it's not as invasive as you think. I was from the same school of thought until I saw my son go through everything.

If it were invasive, my son wouldn't want a second CI operation... but he wants the second one.

You can think whatever you want to think but my son is going to communicate with the world on his own. That is 100% freedom, my fishing friend.

Hear....hear..........a world without dependency on others, no terps, no pen and paper, tty or other hinderances. I have a profoundly deaf oral cousin who has travelled the world alone, could he have done that depending on different sign languages in different countries, or with a terp tagging along, cramping his style.
Believer: Welcome !!! I must applaud you......... my child is bi-lateral and it was the best decision that we ever made. Our child was implanted at 11 months and then got the second implant at the age of 5. Our surgeon tried to discourage us from the second implant, but by that time, my child also assisted in making the decision. Any questions or help you may need, please holler!!

I was wondering about the 2nd implant. My son received his first implant at 3 about a dozen years ago. He is doing very well with it. Lately we have been hearing about two implant. But I am not sure about it because he hasn't used that other ear for a dozen years. What do you think?

Hear....hear..........a world without dependency on others, no terps, no pen and paper, tty or other hinderances. I have a profoundly deaf oral cousin who has travelled the world alone, could he have done that depending on different sign languages in different countries, or with a terp tagging along, cramping his style.

Excuse me...I know so many deaf people who are signers and dont have oral skills that have traveled around the world just fine. Deaf people, oral or not, are capable of doing anything. To think that deaf signers cant do this or that is typical of the public's view on deaf signers. That needs to be changed!

My brother who is deaf and has no oral skills spent 2 weeks alone in Hawaii and he is still alive. BTW, he didnt need a terp at all. He is smart enough to know how to overcome the communication barriers so can many other deaf people who dont have oral skills.

That kind of view is what is hurting many deaf people out there. Have some faith! :roll:
I am curious Raykat..have u ever interacted with deaf signers who have professional degrees?

I dont know where u got this view that oral deaf people live independent lives and non-oral deaf people dont.

I have met thousands and thousands of different deaf people since I got involved with the Deaf community 10 years doesnt matter who is oral or who is not to live a successful and independent life. It matters who they are inside and what their desires are...some are lazy and work low paying jobs (yes oral deaf included!) and some have professional degrees and working in careers (yes deaf signers included!). To make that kind of statement is ignorant and an insult to non-oral deaf signers!!! I do not appreciate it at all! :pissed:
U know what? I am gonna go off topic here...

Yes, oral skills help a lot for deaf people but if u and others view that not having oral skills is the end of it for the deaf children, u are all sorely WRONG!

I was raised orally and raised with that stupid view and u know what happened? It destroyed my self-esteem to the point where I was constantly controlled by hearing people because I had no faith in myself after years and years of being told that I cant do this or that due to my deafness and being told that my brother is worse off because he has NO oral skills and was unable to develop them. I started believing that about my brother too. Well, THANK GOD for my brother, he was exposed to AWESOME deaf role models at his school who SHOWED him that he doesnt need oral skills to be successful and had so many people at his deaf school BOTH hearing and deaf show faith in him and others so as a result, he grew up full of self confidence while I, who grew up ORALLY, was constantly reminded of my shortcomings, my limitations (directly and indirectly) but I OVERCAME that and realized the irony of the goal of my being raised orally and assimilated into the hearing world 24/7 only to alienate me big time. I had no deaf role models so I grew up being scared of my future cuz I wasnt exposed to any successful deaf adults. That is pretty shitty if u ask me!

U people NEED to stop having the view that having oral skills equalize a better life. Sure, it will help BUT if u teach and show the non-oral deaf signers that they are just as capable and as smart, they will be FINE! They will live lives independently and happy. That's why many of my friends from the deaf schools dont have self-esteem fact maybe too many of them have overblown egos while on the other hand, many of my deaf friends who grew up orally had to work thru their fears in order to overcome them and gain self-confidence in themselves.

I was so close to cussing u all out after RayKat's comment cuz it really made it so personal but I stepped out and cooled off.I realized it is not worth it but that comment really hurted big time! This shitty view needs to stop!

Yes, CIs will help many deaf children and I am happy for them but pls pls do not raise them nor teach them that by having oral skills, they are better than deaf people who depend on sign language. That would be f*&cked up.

Come on people...finish with this stupid oral-only means more opportunities and shit view...have some faith in all deaf people whether they are oral or not. With that faith, all of them can accomplish a lot..they need to know that they are not looked down at. That is an unhealthy way to grow up but people like u RayKat with that view still encourage it. Enough is enough.
Wrong Jillio....I have read many many of your posts and always marvel at the sheer arrogance of many of them. This one above is a prime example, good role model for your son too

My son is doing just fine. And since you know nothing about him, nor anything obviously about me either, I suggest you get your facts straight. And, by the way, stick to the issues being discussed. To break into a discussion and start hurling personal insults around is a sign of true ignorance. If you can't engage in an intelligent discussion, it would perhaps be best to say nothing, because you are begigning to show your true character.
As for ignorance, as you obviously don't have any knowledge on which to base your comments, and the definition of ignorance is without knowledge, then you have chosed a word that more aptly describes yourself.

Hear....hear..........a world without dependency on others, no terps, no pen and paper, tty or other hinderances. I have a profoundly deaf oral cousin who has travelled the world alone, could he have done that depending on different sign languages in different countries, or with a terp tagging along, cramping his style.

Ever read "I Didn't Hear the Dragon Roar"?
It's the diary of a Deaf signer's trek through China.....without oral language of any kind--English or Chinese, and no Chinese sign, either. She accomplished the same theing that your oral cousin did, and made money off the book besides. How limited is that? How dependent is that? As I said, inform yourself of a little Deaf history and issues before jumping into a discussion and showing your ignorance.

Hear....hear..........a world without dependency on others, no terps, no pen and paper, tty or other hinderances. I have a profoundly deaf oral cousin who has travelled the world alone, could he have done that depending on different sign languages in different countries, or with a terp tagging along, cramping his style.

And if oralism is so freeing,why the need for educational accommodations for oral deaf? Why the need for oral terps?
Now tell me what it says, because I obviously see things in here that you don't get.
b) Prelingual profound deafness in children and central plasticity

In cases of prelingual deafness, anatomical and physiological lesions are found all along the hearing pathways though the actual cause of deafness is restricted to the inner ear. Sound deprivation is responsible for significant alterations in the brain stem and cerebral hemispheres. These alterations are due to cerebral plasticity which compensates for an anomalous situation. For example, in animals blinded at birth a kind of colonization of the visual cortex by the hearing function occurs (5). The younger the subject is, the more important the role plasticity has; with age, the phenomenomn of adaptation becomes irreversible. An early restoration of the hearing function is able to avoid the alterations created by sensorial deprivation. Treatment of deafness should therefore be carried out before that critical point after which anatomical alteration becomes definitive, even when the hearing function is restored. We were able to demonstrate this several years ago (6). In guinea pigs deafened at birth, after several weeks we observed atrophy of the hearing centres of the brain stem. Such atrophy can be largely avoided by a cochlear implant which can supply the cerebral centres with sound information necessary for their development. This preventative effect of the cochlear implant does not, however, occur in cases in which auditory stimulation is not supplied early enough, that is, before the critical age of 45 days in guinea pigs which corresponds in humans to aprox. 4-5 years old. If the restoration of the hearing function is too late, the cerebral structure is already altered by deafness and is incapable of modifying itself further for the eventual development of language. For this reason, we maintain that the restoration of the hearing function in children through cochlear implants should be considered as urgent. We can thus formulate three fundamental concept which are linked together: 1) The notion of a critical period in which the treatment of profound deafness with cochlear implants is truly effective; 2) The notion of a time limit, variable, but set well before the onset of adolescence, after which such treatment loses its efficacy; 3) The notion of urgent therapy.
U know what? I am gonna go off topic here...

Yes, oral skills help a lot for deaf people but if u and others view that not having oral skills is the end of it for the deaf children, u are all sorely WRONG!

I was raised orally and raised with that stupid view and u know what happened? It destroyed my self-esteem to the point where I was constantly controlled by hearing people because I had no faith in myself after years and years of being told that I cant do this or that due to my deafness and being told that my brother is worse off because he has NO oral skills and was unable to develop them. I started believing that about my brother too. Well, THANK GOD for my brother, he was exposed to AWESOME deaf role models at his school who SHOWED him that he doesnt need oral skills to be successful and had so many people at his deaf school BOTH hearing and deaf show faith in him and others so as a result, he grew up full of self confidence while I, who grew up ORALLY, was constantly reminded of my shortcomings, my limitations (directly and indirectly) but I OVERCAME that and realized the irony of the goal of my being raised orally and assimilated into the hearing world 24/7 only to alienate me big time. I had no deaf role models so I grew up being scared of my future cuz I wasnt exposed to any successful deaf adults. That is pretty shitty if u ask me!

U people NEED to stop having the view that having oral skills equalize a better life. Sure, it will help BUT if u teach and show the non-oral deaf signers that they are just as capable and as smart, they will be FINE! They will live lives independently and happy. That's why many of my friends from the deaf schools dont have self-esteem fact maybe too many of them have overblown egos while on the other hand, many of my deaf friends who grew up orally had to work thru their fears in order to overcome them and gain self-confidence in themselves.

I was so close to cussing u all out after RayKat's comment cuz it really made it so personal but I stepped out and cooled off.I realized it is not worth it but that comment really hurted big time! This shitty view needs to stop!

Yes, CIs will help many deaf children and I am happy for them but pls pls do not raise them nor teach them that by having oral skills, they are better than deaf people who depend on sign language. That would be f*&cked up.

Come on people...finish with this stupid oral-only means more opportunities and shit view...have some faith in all deaf people whether they are oral or not. With that faith, all of them can accomplish a lot..they need to know that they are not looked down at. That is an unhealthy way to grow up but people like u RayKat with that view still encourage it. Enough is enough.


AQnd judging from the bitterness and hatefulness evident in some of these oralists postings, they aren't as happy and successful and independent as they would like for everyone to believe.

AQnd judging from the bitterness and hatefulness evident in some of these oralists postings, they aren't as happy and successful and independent as they would like for everyone to believe.

It's opposite... from looking at your old posts including the one you blew your top off.. *shrug* :D It's sad..