There are Myths on both sides. The claim that CI's 'cures' deafness for starters. Also calling it a 'bionic ear' is another. People may get misled by that in thinking they will get superhuman hearing if they have a CI done which is definately NOT the case. Also when people say 'you have everything to gain and nothing to lose'. That too is a myth. You do lose a certain tranquility from sound pollution. You also lose any natural hearing you may have and their is a possiblity of losing good health if things go wrong. So their are myths on both sides I think.
Another big myth is when people say it's the 'only' way. Which is so not true. There are many options that are much cheaper for communicating with hearing people. I communicate with hearies all the time and I don't have a CI. I have a computer and am linked up to the internet so can communicate with people that way.
The argument "CI's 'cures' deafness" is something that deaf people use, implying parents have said that. I have never said that, nor have I heared it being used by other parents of deaf children...
About "bionic ear" ... it is that. Why would it not be a bionic ear?
About "thinking they will get superhuman hearing".. this is the first time I heared about that.
About "Also when people say 'you have everything to gain and nothing to lose'." I agree that it is not true. You do loose residual hearing but when it was of no use, the loss is insignificant. If it isn't, you're not a candidate for CI.
About "it's the only way" is relative to what you want to achieve. When you want to hear, it's the only way. If you want to communicate, there are other options..
Overall, what I have seen in the last 3 years, is that when I have explained my daughters deafness and use of CI, people that are sceptical accused me of using some of the myths like you wrote about, when in fact, these are
assumptions by people opposing CI of how parents of deaf children think..
There seems to be an idea that a parent that chooses for CI for it's child:
A: Doesn't love the child because it's deaf,
B: Thinks the child will hear normally,
C: "Just " wants to take the easy way out,
D: Is against sign-language,
E: Hates Deaf culture,
F: Thinks it's the only way one can communicate,
G: Doesn't care that their child might die by the operation,
H: CI cures deafness,
I: Thinks deaf people are stupid,
J: ........ and some more...
So all these issues have to be addresses by the parents to show that this is not the case. And in reply one says...
well, you are doing a great job, but all the other parents.... they ARE like that..
I guess a lot of these assumptions are based on childhood experiences, but again, I would like to emphasise that there is quite a difference between a parent that has to decide to raise a deaf child 20 years ago versus nowadays.
There's more information and more technology.
A big step forward withing the thinking of d/Deaf culture would be to give these parents the benefit of the doubt, instead of comparing them with parents that unwillingly made a wrong choice...
(And many here in AllDeaf have... )