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oh, the hearing parents, right.
oh, the hearing parents, right.
Why am I here?
I want to be.
Why are you here?
And just FYI- I'm accepted by those that matter. I'm also respected within my community at large for what I do. The voice I give to individual needs, the main one being deafness.
So, I'm quite satisfied with where I'm at. I've never made a habit of basing my self esteem on a handful of those who just want to fight and hate on others for making a different choice. My world is filled with linear thinking, pragmatic people. I try not to assosciate with people who have nothing but negativity and venom to spew. Unfortunately, some of those people just can't be avoided.
I'm here because I have been asked to be here and have been accepted as a member of the Deaf community.
Your hearing community? I daresay they are as ignorant regarding deafness as all other hearing communities. Receiving their praise is really nothing to brag about.
Satisfied? Then why are you continually trying to convince people you are something you quite obviously are not?
See. There it is... All in it's own glory.
The exact people who don't know the best for the deaf.
I am not impressed at all.
Know what's funny?
After this week, a HOH lady.. I mean shes HOH. She can hear the oven beeping outside the house...
She actually told me this WITHOUT ME TELLING HER ANYTHING.... "I should go voice off all the times. It would make things easier on me, my husband, etc..."
She gets it. She sees exactly how her ability to function as hoh is used against her.
yea.. I also added a tidbit.
And Jillio---- one of the movies I just watched... would give you the creepers. O_O
See. There it is... All in it's own glory.
The exact people who don't know the best for the deaf.
I am not impressed at all.
I'm sorry the sarcasm was lost on you. Although, I suspect you knew I was being sarcastic and are just being insolent.
I'll be frank; I view you as a dumbass, and I will respond to everything you say as it was said literally. I'm just super tired of you pulling the "sarcasm" move every single time. It's going to stop.
I am not sorry to say either.
BTW; I honestly think it still was a honest answer not a sarcastic answer.
Your daughter is not capable of understanding what Deaf entails. She is a 5 year old. She understands things as a 5 year old understands them.
Fine. Disagree with all of the well known facts of child development. That is just one more topic on which you are deluding yourself.
Nor is it for you to say, yet you consistently attempt to define your daughter as Deaf.
Tell me, when will she be publishing her theories on cultural identification? The age of 6?
Once again, the hearing bouncer of Deaf Culture checks my child's ID and this time determines she is now too young to enter -- and the appropriate age for entry is 25?
Get over yourself. My daughter is Deaf and wears CIs. The only place that's a conflict is in your head and on this forum, in threads where you love promoting an imaginary division between being a part of Deaf Culture and wearing an assistive hearing device.
I suppose some will say she's "not Deaf enough" because she hasn't yet written her thesis on what it means to be Deaf. Or entered Kindergarten.
So, she identifies as "Deaf. And Hearing." She knows that being Deaf means more than her audiogram, that it comprises the language someone uses among other things. You can discount her opinion because she might be heavily influenced by her school for the Deaf where her picture is posted under a sign that says "Deaf" rather than under the sign that says "Hearing." Or because she knows her parents are hearing, unlike her grandfather and grandmother who are HOH. And she may add "and hearing" because she wears CIs and has access to sound and uses spoken language and thinks of that as hearing.
But when it comes to cultural identification, externally perception and recognition can play a big part. She uses ASL with those around her, she is familiar with and participates in cultural traditions with other Deaf families, and she interacts on a regular basis with other Deaf kids and adults.
So, I don't discount her opinion despite her youth. It may change. Maybe not.
Having updated my reading-run that again-there is NO Deaf militants?
Is this an ongoing "theological vs gnostic" discussion: Who is really deaf?
The reality of latedeafened persons with Cochlear Implants- is "airbrushed" out-don't exist!
Something to ponder-swimming- is silence enough to be deaf-after disconnecting my Implant? There is another "weighty problem"-sleeping without dreaming in sign language-okay?
Haven't aired this weighty matter-suppressed?
Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
First off, Grendel, just call it what it is - poor attitude and anger issues. Don't tack such a misleading label onto it that suggests what they stand for is 'nothing' and extreme. Sweetmind may have had anger issues and handled herself poorly during her online interactions, but it doesn't mean some of her pro-Deaf Culture beliefs should be invalidated or dismissed. It still doesn't justify how she talks to people or how she treats them, though, in my opinion. These kind of posts you and Sweetmind, Richard Nesuth (sp), et al, contribute to have zero substance for me. There's a certain recurring circular logic in the posts that is just boring. I am making this reply in hopes that you could consider a slight change in perspective regarding your use of 'militant' in the substance of your posts.
Black people can be angry about how some black people have poor attitude as a sense of entitlement -- Not all black people who advocate equality have poor attitude. Same for deaf/hearing people. I do get angry and disappointed when some deaf people have bad attitude and think it's justified. I will give you that, if that's what you meant by the 'militant' wording - but please stop using that word for people who just have shitty attitude in debates. If they are just strongly opinionated and do nothing overly radical or illegal/or cause harm toward themselves or others, militant is not even a proper label for them. Using poor attitude as an excuse to dismiss differing views is a poor cop-out and lacks substance in the thought-process IMO.
When I think 'militant', I think of someone who is fighting aggressively for a cause. So, combined with Deaf, what's the platform or cause? ASL language parity + other economic, social, academic rights for all who are deaf? Seems like that would make any and all of us who lobby our congress reps for insurance coverage for hearing aids, fight for public awareness of what it means to be deaf, work towards bettering our schools and making academics accessible, etc.
I think what I'm seeing are some widely varied impressions of what a Deaf militant is, which probably explains confusion in both new people on the board and veterans. You seem to see the term as an externally defined pejorative, an insult referring to combative, violent behaviors of those who are against CIs in children, Beo seems to sees it as self-defined role as 'firebrand' and d/Deaf activist in general. And I've got some impression, probably based heavily on the individuals I know, one personally, some others more distantly, of those who self-identify as 'Deaf militants" as activists for a range of causes of benefit to the deaf community, not just armchair QBs, but who engage aggressively with organizations and legislative bodies.