Cash for clunkers

If you want cheap oil then get the United States to stop buying imported oil from unstable and unfriendly countries! And invest and use our own oil here in the United States. Lord knows we have enough to last us a few hundred years.

You do not understand about shale oil. It's called Kerogen or "almost oil". The oil properties are nearly the same as conventional oil so there is no "negative impact" per se. It makes sense to use our own resources, whatever they may be, and be completely dependent on our own natural and renewable resources, including oil. We have enough. But this is about Congress and the White House have the power to control what people can or cannot use under the guise of "global warming" which is a big lie and myth and that man has nothing to do with it. We're puny creatures. Can't even stop hurricanes or tornados. No more than we can stop global warming (or cooling) from happening since it's a natural cycle.

If you say global warming is myth and I'm not agree with that, it's highly debate and I do believe in global warming, not in your way or conservative way.

It does matters but I'm done with you because we already debate in other thread with Puyo, let agree to disagree.

Calvin want us to stop on discussion about other than cash for clunkers or this thread can be locked up, unless Calvin said it's ok.
To continue...

No, ethanol is NOT "more cleaner" and less emission than gasoline. What's more it takes energy to process the plants, move it, transport, convert it to ethanol, collection of ethanol and transport it to refueling stations. All requires coal, natural gas, diesel, and electricity to help make this happen. So, no, it's not "cleaner" in a wider sense. Secondly, adding ethanol *reduces* MPG in a car, which means you'd have to buy more of the E85 gasoline mix than just gasoline alone. Remember, the energy density of gasoline is 60% greater than ethanol which means you get more out of your gasoline than you would with ethanol when driving. Bottom line, you still have to depend on gasoline. Population continues to grow. More people will be buying more gasoline (and ethanol, too).

Yup, It's true that Ethanol reduces MPG. I've posted AD about my E-85 experiment last year (or was that two?). It smelled like corn when mowing with E-85 in tank (I like that smell, better than gasoline!). It is a bit hard to start when cold. It uses 2 1/2 tankful of gas to mow 10,000 sq ft yard (that's my yard).

Basically, E-85 is actually a "moonshine" itself but adding 15% gasoline to "poison" the ethanol to prevent anyone from drinking it straight from gas can :giggle:

Here's my old Thread :

because majority of their time - they never turn it off. those truckers are constantly on move.

What works for other country does not mean it will work in here. It's a completely different country with a different infrastructure and system. I would say Europe is more of a dependent type - we're more of self-sufficient and self-reliant type.

[ame=]YouTube - -31 Cold Start[/ame]

No problem to start engine. :)
Word on the street is that auto dealers raised their prices for cash for clunkers, especially for more popular models. I don't want a car payment so I'll keep driving my clunker (which is in pretty good shape).
Word on the street is that auto dealers raised their prices for cash for clunkers, especially for more popular models. I don't want a car payment so I'll keep driving my clunker (which is in pretty good shape).

Very smart of you.
Yup, It's true that Ethanol reduces MPG. I've posted AD about my E-85 experiment last year (or was that two?). It smelled like corn when mowing with E-85 in tank (I like that smell, better than gasoline!). It is a bit hard to start when cold. It uses 2 1/2 tankful of gas to mow 10,000 sq ft yard (that's my yard).

Basically, E-85 is actually a "moonshine" itself but adding 15% gasoline to "poison" the ethanol to prevent anyone from drinking it straight from gas can :giggle:

Here's my old Thread :

I readed your old thread of the lawnmower that was interestly story. Hey you mentioned the jet on the side of the carburetor that you unscrew. Is this jet refer you adjust the air/fuel mixture screw richer? Not too many E-85s in gas stations in my town but I saw one.:hmm:
The Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association, which represents dealerships in the New York metro area, said about half its 425 members have left the program because they cannot afford to offer more rebates. They’re also worried about getting repaid…

Schienberg said the group’s dealers have been repaid for only about 2 percent of the clunkers deals they’ve made so far…

“But it’s in the hands of this enormous bureaucracy and regulatory agency,” he added. “If they don’t get out of their own way, this program is going to be a huge failure.”

The Associated Press: NY dealers pull out of clunkers program

It's already a failure. Remember, we have already a clunker of a govt in place. A sign of an increasingly inefficient govt....and you put your whole trust into a govt that is like that? It's be better to keep at arms length than to cozy up to it. Else, in the end you get bitten.

This whole clunker deal is a microcosm of this whole federal govt beauracy. It's a clunker of a deal.
The National Automobile Dealers Association is urging the federal government to begin shutting down the Cash for Clunkers program immediately.

In a statement released Wednesday evening, NADA said that, given the rapid pace at which deals are being done, it will be difficult to say when the program’s funds may run out.

But Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said earlier Wednesday that all dealers would be reimbursed.

However, the NADA said, in its statement, that the group had “confirmed elsewhere” that dealers would not get paid if cash ran out.

Although, according to press reports, Secretary LaHood stated today that “there will be no car dealer that won’t be reimbursed,” NADA believes that this is based on DOT’s view that sufficient funds remain available. It is important to note that NHTSA has confirmed elsewhere that if the program’s money runs out before a dealer is reimbursed, that dealer will not be paid.

In a survey nearly 800 dealers,

97% of dealers who responded, say the government is not reimbursing fast enough
13% of dealers have dropped out the program because the government is not reimbursing fast enough and overall concern payment problems
87% percent of dealers are concerned the money will be exhausted
3% of CARS program deals have been reimbursed
66% of dealers have not received one payment from the government
25% of dealers are experiencing servere cash flow problems that require short-term loans to fix
11% of submitted applications have been approved (though dealers still are waiting for the money)
16% of submitted applications have been rejected
55% of dealers are not confident they will get reimbursed for every deal
40% do not want the program to continue, even if changes are made to the CARS program
Car Dealers Survey: Cash for Clunkers a Failure ? Reviews & Ratings

Again, a microcosm of what the federal govt is like. A clunker.

Face it, this program was broken from the get go. An ultimate failure.
I wouldn't want cash for clunkers and rather to get deal with high gas price.

If I have nice SUV or truck that's good enough so no need to bother the government program.

Most SUV and trucks today is around 18-22 mpg.
Cash for Clunkers ending

Cash for Clunkers ending

With money running out, $3 billion Cash for Clunkers program will end on Monday. The tally so far: 457,000 cars and $1.9 billion in rebates.

NEW YORK ( -- The $3 billion Cash for Clunkers program will shut down on Monday, the government said Thursday.

Dealers must submit any pending Clunker deals, including any necessary paperwork, by 8 p.m. ET Monday.

"It's been a thrill to be part of the best economic news story in America," said Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. "Now we are working toward an orderly wind down of this very popular program."

Officials decided to wind down the program, which Congress passed to spur flagging auto sales, after determining that it would soon run out of money.

As of Thursday, the program has recorded more than 457,000 dealer transactions worth $1.9 billion in rebates.

The Department of Transportation is confident, based on its own analysis of Clunker deals that have been submitted and those that are still pending, that the program has enough money left to continue through Monday night, a senior White House official said.

"We are providing several days for consumers and dealers to finalize deals," the official said.

Under the Clunkers program, which launched July 27, vehicles purchased after July 1 are eligible for refund vouchers worth $3,500 to $4,500 on traded-in cars with a fuel economy rating of 18 miles per gallon or less.

"We expect there will be a flurry of activity over the weekend as the program comes to a close," Jeremy Anwyl, chief executive of the automotive Web site, said in a statement.

"With a date certain, NADA is strongly recommending that all dealers now focus their attention and efforts on submitting reimbursement claims prior to the looming deadline," said John McEleney, chairman of the National Automobile Dealers Association in a statement on Thursday.

Car dealer Brian Benstock, president of Paragon Honda in Woodside, N.Y., said he's already written 200 Clunker deals and will have a big advertising push this weekend to get a few more.

"We're leaving nothing behind," Benstock said. "When it's over its over and we're leaving no dollars on the sidelines."

Car buyers trading in a vehicle must prove that the vehicle has been titled to them for at least a year and, in most states, that the car has been insured for a year.

Dealers are required to disable and destroy any clunked vehicle so that it cannot be resold.

Dealers have complained that the Transportation Department has been slow to process rebates -- slowing their rebate checks and putting them in a financial squeeze. In response, the department recently hired additional personnel.

The program proved wildly popular, running through its initial $1 billion in its first week and leading lawmakers to approve an additional $2 billion in funding on Aug. 7.

Cash for Clunkers has been credited with boosting auto sales, sparking several automakers to re-open closed plants in an effort to refill ravaged inventories. Industry analysts at J.D. Power and Associates forecast that August retail auto sales, a figure that excludes fleet sales to businesses, will pass the 1 million unit mark, thanks largely to the program. That would make it the first million-plus retail sales month in a year.

"Improved consumer confidence and credit availability during the past six months have combined with the CARS program to lift industry sales out of their slumping year-to-date levels, which have been down approximately 35% year-over-year," said Gary Dilts, senior vice president of global automotive operations at J.D. Power and Associates, in a statement.

Overall auto sales are still expected to be down slightly, mostly due to low inventories hampering fleet sales, J.D. Power said. The company has boosted its overall projected sales for the year due to the success of the program.

What remains to be seen now is where things go from here.

"The effectiveness of the 'cash-for-clunkers' program will be judged in a number of ways, but a key measure will be how does the automotive market respond to the absence of the 'clunkers' incentive to buy now?" said Jack Nerad, editorial director at auto pricing trackers Kelley Blue Book, in a statement.

Cash for Clunkers ending

Wow, over 450,000 junked :eek3:
That traslates to over 450,000 new cars with better gas mileage. Their goal was 800,000 but guess it ended earlier.
Yeah, plan works, but for how long? Just bought a new Toyota Tacoma, before this plan started.... Not worried, but HEALTH CARE is the biggest problem ! Obama really spend too much time talking, and not getting s*** done..... See, what happens when we 've got a f***ed up government, and a president with too many ideas crammed in his head.... but still a NO-GO! sorry!
Yeah, plan works, but for how long? Just bought a new Toyota Tacoma, before this plan started.... Not worried, but HEALTH CARE is the biggest problem ! Obama really spend too much time talking, and not getting s*** done..... See, what happens when we 've got a f***ed up government, and a president with too many ideas crammed in his head.... but still a NO-GO! sorry!

You need learn more about peak oil. Do you know what is peak oil?
Yeah, plan works, but for how long? Just bought a new Toyota Tacoma, before this plan started.... Not worried, but HEALTH CARE is the biggest problem ! Obama really spend too much time talking, and not getting s*** done..... See, what happens when we 've got a f***ed up government, and a president with too many ideas crammed in his head.... but still a NO-GO! sorry!

You are really off topic about health care, it has nothing with cash for clunkers and tthis plan is already ended in few days ago.

Not only just Obama, also same with congresses and Bush admin too, regardless on parties.

We never got perfect government, man.
My future (?) parents-in-law bought a new mini-van. It has far better mileage than their old SUV, so they were able to take advantage of the Cash for Clunkers program. I say kudos to them because they got a great vehicle out of the whole process.
Final tally for Cash for Clunkers: 700,000 sales, $2.877B — Autoblog

Final tally for Cash for Clunkers: 700,000 sales, $2.877B

Top 10 new vehicles purchased

1. Toyota Corolla

2. Honda Civic

3. Toyota Camry

4. Ford Focus FWD

5. Hyundai Elantra

6. Nissan Versa

7. Toyota Prius

8. Honda Accord

9. Honda Fit

10. Ford Escape FWD

Top 10 trade-in vehicles

1. Ford Explorer 4WD

2. Ford F150 Pickup 2WD

3. Jeep Grand Cherokee 4WD

4. Ford Explorer 2WD

5. Dodge Caravan/Grand Caravan 2WD

6. Jeep Cherokee 4WD

7. Chevrolet Blazer 4WD

8. Chevrolet C1500 Pickup 2WD

9. Ford F150 Pickup 4WD

10. Ford Windstar FWD Van
I'm surprised Toyota Corolla ranks 1st, wow! Interesting most people junked that Ford Explorer, I see.

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