Bush Says Marriage Is Only Man With Woman


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Apr 5, 2003
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Bush Says Marriage Is Only Man With Woman.

WASHINGTON - President Bush says Americans should respect homosexuals, but he wants to make sure marriage is defined strictly as a union between a man and a woman.

Government lawyers are exploring measures to enshrine that definition in the law, the president said Wednesday.

"I believe in the sanctity of marriage. I believe a marriage is between a man and a woman, and I think we ought to codify that one way or the other," he said.

Still, he urged Americans not to ostracize gays.

"I am mindful that we're all sinners, and I caution those who may try to take the speck out of the neighbor's eye when they got a log in their own," the president said, invoking a biblical passage from the Gospel of St. Matthew.

"I think it is very important for our society to respect each individual, to welcome those with good hearts, to be a welcoming country," Bush said.

The Vatican (news - web sites) launched a global campaign against gay marriages Thursday, warning Catholics that same-sex unions was "gravely immoral."

"There are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar or even remotely analogous to God's plan for marriage and family," according to its orthodoxy watchdog, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in a 12-page guide approved by Pope John Paul (news - web sites) II. "Marriage is holy, while homosexual acts go against the natural moral law."

Bush's remarks Wednesday offered a sop to conservatives who were angered earlier this month after he distanced himself from a House proposal for a constitutional ban on gay marriage.

Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, R-Colo., was the main sponsor of a proposal to amend the Constitution to read: "Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman." It was referred on June 25 to the House Judiciary subcommittee on the Constitution.

Musgrave wants "to let the people decide, not unelected judges who are virtually unaccountable to voters," she said Thursday on NBC's "Today."

Bush ran as a "compassionate conservative" in 2000, and is still trying to bridge the gap between his conservative base and critical swing voters. Some advisers fear any hint of intolerance will alienate middle-of-the-road Americans.

Recent polls have shown that just over half of Americans oppose gay marriage, though that opposition has been declining in recent years. A CBS-New York Times poll released Thursday found that 55 percent oppose gay marriage and 40 percent support it.

Bush's statement touched off passionate responses from groups with an interest in the issue.

"There is a real movement for same-sex marriage, and if the president doesn't intervene, and if he doesn't take leadership in this area, we could lose marriage in this country the way we know it," said Franklin Graham, president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and the son of the Rev. Billy Graham. "I think the president is doing the right thing."

Gay-rights activists and a member of Congress took offense at Bush's comment that "we're all sinners," interpreting the remark as reflecting on gays and lesbians.

"While we respect President Bush's religious views, it is unbecoming of the president of the United States to characterize same-sex couples as 'sinners,'" said Matt Foreman, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (news - web sites)'s executive director.

Rep. Janice Schakowsky (news, bio, voting record), D-Ill., wrote Bush a letter charging that he "seemed to equate homosexuality with sin," and demanding that the president apologize.

White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Bush had not meant to single out homosexuals as "sinners."

"The president doesn't believe in casting stones. He believes we ought to treat one another with dignity and respect," McClellan said.

The Human Rights Campaign, which says it is the nation's largest gay and lesbian political group, branded Bush's exploration of a law on gay marriage a "call to codify discrimination."

In 1996, President Clinton (news - web sites) signed the Defense of Marriage Act, which denied federal recognition of same-sex marriages and allowed states to ignore same-sex unions licensed elsewhere. Bush's aides have said they are studying ways to strengthen the law.

"We ask the president to explain to the American people why DOMA does not already meet the objective he set this morning," the Human Rights Campaign said.

The group also pointed to a statement by Vice President Dick Cheney (news - web sites) that suggested he had a different view than Bush's.

Asked during an October 2000 debate whether homosexuals should have all the constitutional rights enjoyed by each American citizen, Cheney said: "I don't think there should necessarily be a federal policy in this area.

"People should be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to enter into," said Cheney. "It's really no one else's business, in terms of trying to regulate or prohibit behavior in that regard."

Cheney's daughter Mary is a lesbian.
Yeah. that is what his belief. but he also said "important for society to welcome each individual," but administration lawyers are looking for some way to legally limit marriage to heterosexuals."

I think he meant is He wants to legally limit marriage to heterosexuals.

I give Bush high five :cool:
I do know that there are at least 11 states are illegal to have same sex in marriage.

But I kind agree with Bush... Sorry.
Our president has other people doing his thinking and they have their eye on 2004 because, among other things, they'd like to have jobs after the election. Who knows what the president really thinks.

I am wondering why the GOP, the party of less goverment, would want to enact MORE restrictions on the rights of Americans?:crazy:
maybe it give the bad influence to kids that lead them to think about marriage in same gender? :dunno:
I personaly don't think there's anything wrong with same-sex-marriage. In fact, I have a friend who is lezbo that want to get married to her girlfriend, but she knows she can't. I thought it was a free country after all. :Shrug: Guess not.
i would be voting for someone ELSE not stupid Bush! :thumbd: WAYYYYYY DOWN to Bush! hes totally NUTS :crazy: basket case! but with the last elections -- i have LONG SINCE believed it was all a dirty vote why qq JEB BUSH is the governor of Florida so therefore he would tell the ppl down there handling the votes to destroy any votes for Gore and thereby giving MORE votes for his stupid brother!!!!!!!! it all REEKED of deception!!!!!!

NO BUSH for next term no way!
ok ive ranted LOL -- Bush's philosophy is SO ice ages!!!! society overall has better acceptance to the gay/lesbian community and worldwide countries are starting to recognize there ARE same sex relationships and with the US Supreme Court's ruling on the Lawrence et al vs Texas striking down the sodomy law -- and to remind those who doesnt realize this -- Bush is MIXING church and state :-x politically wrong cuz historically we keep church and state SEPARATE on many issues -- look at the abortion issue ref: Roe vs Wade (1973 if i remmy right US Supreme Court ruling) and today the women have a right to choose damn the extreme right wing ppl THEY can rant all they like but us women have that right after all its our body and we make our own decisions independently
"bad influence"

bad influence? now why would that be bad influence?

I'd be more concerned about our President lying about "massive amounts" of weapons of mass destruction and the "bad influence" it has on our kids to see our president lie. But I'm getting off topic.

I don't even know why Bush's brain trust even thought it was necessary to go on record with the gay marriage thing. All he's gonna do is offend those in the middle of the road and perhaps swing them to Gov. Dean in 2004.
Bush is a complete waste of a human life.
Originally posted by Bush_in_2004!

I don't even know why Bush's brain trust even thought it was necessary to go on record with the gay marriage thing. All he's gonna do is offend those in the middle of the road and perhaps swing them to Gov. Dean in 2004.

I'd rather pick Dean over Bush even if Dean's a Democrat, but his record in VT speaks a lot more for him than what Bush did in Texas as Governor.

At least this Vermont governor has more COMMON SENSE than those Texans in the White House put together.

Besides isn't America supposed to be the Land of the FREE and the BRAVE? All I'm seeing is Canada is kicking our asses on the rights and freedom issue.

All I can say is I'm predicting (who knows if it come true or not? so please dont flame me on this) that if this dumb-assed legislation passes, expect a huge outflow of a lot of disenchanted people from the USA to Canada where the real freedom is.
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"All I'm seeing is Canada is kicking our asses on the rights and freedom issue."

Yep. I'm beginning to think the Bush admn likes it: "OW! more. OW! more. OW! more."
Originally posted by DefMATRIXense
Yeah. that is what his belief. but he also said "important for society to welcome each individual," but administration lawyers are looking for some way to legally limit marriage to heterosexuals."

I think he meant is He wants to legally limit marriage to heterosexuals.

I give Bush high five :cool:

you sure you typing it right? read the article again!

heterosexuals or homosexuals?
Originally posted by bbnt
Bush is a complete waste of a human life.

You think Bush is a waste of a human life, you should see our Prime Minister, of Australia....this is where I stop because I don't have anything nice to say about our Prime Mini-star!
To say someone is a complete waste of human life, a dumb ass, ad nauseaum has absolutely no value in what is supposed to be a rational, well-thought out discussion to rally support to your(those of you saying the above)view. These kinds emotional outbursts are considered "puke" and will get scant attention and makes a mockery of your views. You will have to do a better job to attract people to your views. If that's not your intention, well then, rant away and be ignored. :D
tousi, your arguments has merit of course. but sometimes the behavior of some of our political leaders bring out a gut-level human response in voters. certainly there was no shortage of it from certain-leaning voters when clinton entertained us, right? perhaps it can be exused to this point in this thread and hopefully we'll do better.

I am curious however if you ever posted a reminder (anywhere, not just here) that posting "puke" on the boards is not too intellectual when the clinton bashers were out in full force?? just curious.:D