Brain differences in political orientation

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Nope. All it takes is fMRI. No dissection necessary. And it isn't an anomaly.

No, again you are being too literal. Weekly attendance at Mass has nothing to do with the tendency toward a conservative world view or a liberal world view.

But I am seeing evidence that supports exactly what the reseach has shown. :cool2:

I think you are making up your definitions as you go along.

I'm calling it a night. Thanks for playing.
Nope. All it takes is fMRI. No dissection necessary. And it isn't an anomaly.

No, again you are being too literal. Weekly attendance at Mass has nothing to do with the tendency toward a conservative world view or a liberal world view.

But I am seeing evidence that supports exactly what the reseach has shown.:cool2:

So am I. :D
Speaking of being "dichotomous"... :roll:

I would consider a Catholic who goes to Mass every week a fundamentalist Catholic. Devout, consistent, and yes, conservative, probably, in many ways. But according to the percentages, quite likely to be "liberal," politically.

Evidently, you didnt grow up Southern Baptist. :P They would disagree - strongly- especially the more Fundmentalist faction of the Southern Baptist church.
Which part of the brain causes posters to over react to other posters, again and again with one :laugh2: after another :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
They would disagree that a Catholic who goes to Mass on a weekly basis is not a fundamental believer in Catholicism? Small "f" "fundamentalist," as in someone who fundamentally, deeply, whole-heartedly, believes in the teachings of his church.
Speaking of being "dichotomous"... :roll:

I would consider a Catholic who goes to Mass every week a fundamentalist Catholic. Devout, consistent, and yes, conservative, probably, in many ways. But according to the percentages, quite likely to be "liberal," politically.

It takes more than sitting in a pew every week to be a fundamentalist. And the most fundamental Catholic is still more liberal than the fundamental non Catholic Christians.

Devout and conservative are not interchangable terms. And quite likely to be more liberal in doctrine than a Fundamentalist.

You are trying too hard to to make every organization or religion all conservative or all liberal. There is a continuum in any religion. There are conservative Catholics and there are liberal Catholics. But neither is related to the devoutness of their spiritual beliefs and/or practices. There are liberal Methodists and there are conservative Methodists. Both can be equally devout in their spiritual beliefs and practices. And so on down the line with all denomiinations and all religions. Like I said earlier, your thinking about the topic is simply too restricted to be able to grasp the implications. But then, that is exactly what the brain differences are all about.
It takes more than sitting in a pew every week to be a fundamentalist. And the most fundamental Catholic is still more liberal than the fundamental non Catholic Christians.

Devout and conservative are not interchangable terms. And quite likely to be more liberal in doctrine than a Fundamentalist.

You are trying too hard to to make every organization or religion all conservative or all liberal. There is a continuum in any religion. There are conservative Catholics and there are liberal Catholics. But neither is related to the devoutness of their spiritual beliefs and/or practices. There are liberal Methodists and there are conservative Methodists. Both can be equally devout in their spiritual beliefs and practices. And so on down the line with all denomiinations and all religions. Like I said earlier, your thinking about the topic is simply too restricted to be able to grasp the implications. But then, that is exactly what the brain differences are all about.
I had a terp in Charlotte who was a devout Christian but also a liberal. Baptist too.
I had a terp in Charlotte who was a devout Christian but also a liberal. Baptist too.

Exactly. There are liberal Baptists and there are conservative Baptists. One is not more devout than the other, although the conservatives would generally consider themselves to be more devout. But again, that is related to that consistently conservative mindset across domains.
Evidently, you didnt grow up Southern Baptist. :P They would disagree - strongly- especially the more Fundmentalist faction of the Southern Baptist church.
Beach girl was talking about Catholics. What does that have to do with Southern Baptists? I didn't grow up Southern Baptist either, so maybe that's why I'm missing the connection.
As for Fundmentalist beliefs, here's an outline of Fundmentalist beliefs:

The five "fundamentals" of Christian belief that were enumerated in a series of 12 paperback volumes containing scholarly essays on the Bible that appeared between 1910 and 1915, entitled The Fundamentals. Those included:
Biblical inerrancy
The divinity of Jesus
The Virgin Birth
The belief that Jesus died to redeem humankind
An expectation of the Second Coming, or physical return, of Jesus Christ to initiate his thousand-year rule of the Earth, which came to be known as the Millennium.

1) A strong emphasis on the inerrancy of the Bible;
2) a strong hostility to modern theology and to the methods, results and implications of modern critical study of the Bible, and
3) an assurance that those who do not share their religious viewpoint are not really "true Christians"
This is greatly simplified and there's more to it but that's the core of their beliefs. Catholiocs may have a core set of beliefs that could be "fundmentalist" but I don't think they follow them as rigidly as the Fundmentalists.
Oh, brother. YOU asked "How many religious conservatives do you know that are liberal politically?" The implication being, precious few.

You are the one who is trying your damndest to fit people into little boxes. My experience is that those narrow definitions just don't fit the real world.

Unless you change the definitions as you go along, which you always love to do. Must be your brain just works that way.
Beach girl was talking about Catholics. What does that have to do with Southern Baptists? I didn't grow up Southern Baptist either, so maybe that's why I'm missing the connection.

It is a contrast and comparison between sects of Christian religions. As opposed to a contrast and comparison within sects.
Oh, brother. YOU asked "How many religious conservatives do you know that are liberal politically?" The implication being, precious few.

You are the one who is trying your damndest to fit people into little boxes. My experience is that those narrow definitions just don't fit the real world.

Unless you change the definitions as you go along, which you always love to do. Must be your brain just works that way.

There's that emotional response.:laugh2: Just because you interpreted the question too literally is no reason to have an emotional knee jerk reaction. You are simply trying to apply incorrect criteria in determining the conservative nature of the religious experience.
Now, back to my question about the brain and political orientation.

In totalitarian or one-party countries, would those members be all emotional or all logical?
As for Fundmentalist beliefs, here's an outline of Fundmentalist beliefs:

This is greatly simplified and there's more to it but that's the core of their beliefs. Catholiocs may have a core set of beliefs that could be "fundmentalist" but I don't think they follow them as rigidly as the Fundmentalists.

There you go. Especially when it comes to using a religious foundation for their social consciousness. The Catholic religion has always been opposed to the death penalty, for example. However, look at some of the more fundamentalists sects in the wide world of Christianity. They are in support of the death penalty. One involves an emotional response and no logical thought, the other requires that good old liberal logic.

The Episcopalians as a whole are supportive of gay rights and have ordained a gay bishop. The more fundamentalist sects of Christianity are vehemently opposed to gay rights, and some will not even allow a woman to preach.

But once again, the conservatives are taking what began as a political thread and confusing it with a religious thread. And that is just more support for that particular cogntive style.
There's that emotional response.:laugh2: Just because you interpreted the question too literally is no reason to have an emotional knee jerk reaction. You are simply trying to apply incorrect criteria in determining the conservative nature of the religious experience.
What kind of reaction do you call this: :laugh2: ? Maniacal?

It could be that some people react emotionally because some posters know how to push those emotional buttons and get pleasure in eliciting reactions that they can further make hash of.
Now, back to my question about the brain and political orientation.

In totalitarian or one-party countries, would those members be all emotional or all logical?

I have answered that twice. Neither. And I have also explained the reasons that it would not be all of one or the other. That is where your dichotomous thinking is getting in the way of understanding. Conservative and liberal thought processes are not unique to a 2 party political system. They can be found, and are found, outside a 2 party political system. It has just been applied, for our purposes in the United States, to that political system that can be found here. This research was done in London. A different political system than our own. Yet the concept of conservative political orientation and liberal political orientation can still be applied.
What kind of reaction do you call this: :laugh2: ? Maniacal?

It could be that some people react emotionally because some posters know how to push those emotional buttons and get pleasure in eliciting reactions that they can further make hash of.

And there is another one.:laugh2:
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