Brain differences in political orientation

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People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks!

The actual quote is "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

Wow, you make as many mistakes as Steiny does.:giggle:

You cannot compare yourself to me on any level, in any domain, for any purpose.:D
And trying to further your own conservative agenda is somehow ethical? Yeah, right.

As far as I can see, no one is trying to push a liberal agendas here.

Liberals do not push their agenda on anyone. For the conservatives, however, it is another story. Their entire agenda is based on forcing others to believe what they believe, live as they live, and accept the same norms and standards as they do.:cool2: They are not satisfied with having choice. They don't want anyone else to have a choice.
hmm... never heard of anybody convicting on technicality... only mistrial

Not convicted on a technicality. Charged based on technicality that exists and creates loop holes as a result.
The actual quote is "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

Wow, you make as many mistakes as Steiny does.:giggle:

You cannot compare yourself to me on any level, in any domain, for any purpose.:D

Who really cares what the quote was? I wasn't quoting anyone. I was making a statement in my own words. So no mistake on my part. My only mistake was to engage you in conversation! Although I am not without fault, all you have done since I've been here or at least 98% of the time is to badger me and anyone else who thinks like me. Seeing that you apparently have no real interset in the gun topic you must have been trolling just to pick a fight. It amazes me how people like you get off on belittling others and calling them names. You really need counseling for your mental disorder. It must be a lonely and cold dark world that you and your followers live in. I seriously doubt they would be so vocal without your prompting or backing.
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No, last I checked killing a newborn child is still murder. You libs like to do anything you can to soften the tone. Call it whatever you want but it is still murder and in many states if you murder a pregnant woman you can be charged with two murders. As far as I'm concerned and I'm not alone, an unborn child is a baby from the moment of conception. That is why God says He knit us together in our mother's womb. Now start the Bible andd anti-Christian bashing!

See, the bolded is where you are making your mistake. A newborn child has already been borm and is viable. That would be infanticide when a newborn or an infant is murdered. A fetus has not yet been born. Your comparison is a falllacy.

But that's okay. I know that you emotionally oriented conservatives don't let science and fact get in the way of forming opinions based on falsehood and lack of logic.
I have nothing to feel embarrassed about. I absolutely have changed over my lifetime. I was a cold, logical, extremist Liberal at one time. Funny how a Liberal is often an animal lover; remember "Save the Seals" but that is not an emotional response. Got it.

Yeah, I see those same "logic rather than emotion" people when I volunteer with "Save the Bay" and "Keep Tahoe Blue" :lol: Being the conservative among the liberals I just ignore it and row the boat.

Now I will say the first time they saw me (twice the size of the little fellas) they asked if I minded rowing the boat. That seemed pretty logical, I will give them credit for that. I even got special permission to continue eating meat. :giggle:
Yeah, I see those same "logic rather than emotion" people when I volunteer with "Save the Bay" and "Keep Tahoe Blue" :lol: Being the conservative among the liberals I just ignore it and row the boat.

Now I will say the first time they saw me (twice the size of the little fellas) they asked if I minded rowing the boat. That seemed pretty logical, I will give them credit for that. I even got special permission to continue eating meat. :giggle:
Nothing wrong with mixing political opinions in a boat, as long as you are a strong swimmer. :wave:
See, the bolded is where you are making your mistake. A newborn child has already been borm and is viable. That would be infanticide when a newborn or an infant is murdered. A fetus has not yet been born. Your comparison is a falllacy.

But that's okay. I know that you emotionally oriented conservatives don't let science and fact get in the way of forming opinions based on falsehood and lack of logic.

You must be confused:hmm:. You said newborn child and I thought it was supposed to be an infant? Most unborn babies are viable! There is no logic in killing the unborn!
Who really cares what the quote was? I wasn't quoting anyone. I was making a statement in my own words. So no mistake on my part. My only mistake was to engage you in conversation! Although I am not without fault, all you have done since I've been here or at least 98% of the time is to badger me and anyone else who thinks like me. Seeing that you apparently have no real interset in the gun topic you must have been trolling just to pick a fight. It amazes me how people like you get off on belittling others and calling them names. You really need counseling for your mental disorder. It must be a lonely and cold dark world that you and your followers live in. I seriously doubt they would be so vocal without your prompting or backing.

You sound frustrated, and I feel for you. I think that in spite of some of your posts, you are a pretty honest guy, honest enough to know that this post didn't help. Relax, dude. It takes time to feel everything out, and who knows? You may discover things about yourself you want to change. :wave: It happened to me, lol.
You must be confused:hmm:. You said newborn child and I thought it was supposed to be an infant? Most unborn babies are viable! There is no logic in killing the unborn!

Yep, exactly like Steiny. You referred to a "newborn child" in your post. I even quoted it so that it is there for time unlimited.

"Most unborn babies are viable"? At what point in gestation do they become viable?

The unborn what? You can't kill that which is not viable. You can only interupt the potential for life. But then, you do the same thing every time you use birth control to prevent pregnancy, or use your hand as a substitute. BTW, God called spilling your seed upon the ground an abomination. Are you going to try and convice us now that you have never masturbated?:laugh2:
Who really cares what the quote was? I wasn't quoting anyone. I was making a statement in my own words. So no mistake on my part. My only mistake was to engage you in conversation! Although I am not without fault, all you have done since I've been here or at least 98% of the time is to badger me and anyone else who thinks like me. Seeing that you apparently have no real interset in the gun topic you must have been trolling just to pick a fight. It amazes me how people like you get off on belittling others and calling them names. You really need counseling for your mental disorder. It must be a lonely and cold dark world that you and your followers live in. I seriously doubt they would be so vocal without your prompting or backing.

You were quoting a well known phrase. That is a quote. Those words certainly were not the result of your original and creative thought.

I have a great deal of interest in gun threads. You are assuming that which you do not have enough information to even venture a guess, much less make a pronouncement.

I haven't called anyone a name. And if you feel belittled it is coming from something in you, not from anything outside of you.

You have just insulted 90% of this forum. They are not my "followers". They are independent people who can think for themselves. Just because they have taken the time to look at the facts and have reached conclusions similar to my own doesn't mean they are "following" me. And whether you realize it or not, deaf people are perfectly capable of expressing their thoughts without any prompting from anyone.

You are getting more offensive with each post. You might want to take a break and get your emotional outbursts under control.
Yep, exactly like Steiny. You referred to a "newborn child" in your post. I even quoted it so that it is there for time unlimited.

"Most unborn babies are viable"? At what point in gestation do they become viable?

The unborn what? You can't kill that which is not viable. You can only interupt the potential for life. But then, you do the same thing every time you use birth control to prevent pregnancy, or use your hand as a substitute. BTW, God called spilling your seed upon the ground an abomination. Are you going to try and convice us now that you have never masturbated?:laugh2:

Haven't you ever heard of a premature birth? My first son was premature and was delivered by C section. Where is your logic? You are offensive and repulsive. You might want to look in the mirror or read your own posts.
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You were quoting a well known phrase. That is a quote. Those words certainly were not the result of your original and creative thought.

I have a great deal of interest in gun threads. You are assuming that which you do not have enough information to even venture a guess, much less make a pronouncement.

I haven't called anyone a name. And if you feel belittled it is coming from something in you, not from anything outside of you.

You have just insulted 90% of this forum. They are not my "followers". They are independent people who can think for themselves. Just because they have taken the time to look at the facts and have reached conclusions similar to my own doesn't mean they are "following" me. And whether you realize it or not, deaf people are perfectly capable of expressing their thoughts without any prompting from anyone.

You are getting more offensive with each post. You might want to take a break and get your emotional outbursts under control.

I have never said anything offensive about the deaf. I am only speaking of a rare two or three others like you.
Haven't you ever heard of a premature birth? My first son was premature and was delivered by C section. Where is your logic? You are offensive and repulsive.

A premature birth only survives if the fetus has reached the point in pregnancy where it is viable. Otherwise, it is considered a miscarraige Or to use the proper terminology, a spontaneous abortion.

I know you find facts and truth to be offensive and repulsive. It really messes with your desire to live in a fantasy land. But if it bothers you that much, you don't have to continue to respond to my posts.:wave:
I have never said anything offensive about the deaf. I am only speaking of a rare two or three others like you.

Yes, you did in the post I just quoted. You are just blind to your own offensivness.

Others like me? Outspoken and knowlegable? There are more than 2 or 3 on this forum.:lol:
A premature birth only survives if the fetus has reached the point in pregnancy where it is viable. Otherwise, it is considered a miscarraige Or to use the proper terminology, a spontaneous abortion.

I know you find facts and truth to be offensive and repulsive. It really messes with your desire to live in a fantasy land. But if it bothers you that much, you don't have to continue to respond to my posts.:wave:

WoW! All I can do is say WoW! You really take the cake! Not right once again. If the baby had not been taken it would have died! You don't know much about viable do you? I am saddened by your thoughtless bashing of people.
WoW! All I can do is say WoW! You really take the cake! Not right once again. If the baby had not been taken it would have died! You don't know much about viable do you? I am saddened by your thoughtless bashing of people.

I am not the one that does not know what they are talking about when it comes to the topic of viability. A premature birth has to have reached the stage of viability in order to survive.

I am saddened by your ignorance. I haven't bashed anyone. I have presented medical and scientific fact. You somehow confuse truth with bashing.

But hey, thanks for the demonstration that supports what the research in the OP finds.
Just wondering.

I am not the one that does not know what they are talking about when it comes to the topic of viability. A premature birth has to have reached the stage of viability in order to survive.

I am saddened by your ignorance. I haven't bashed anyone. I have presented medical and scientific fact. You somehow confuse truth with bashing.

But hey, thanks for the demonstration that supports what the research in the OP finds.

Those 15 weeks fetuses ( 15 weeks pregnant ultrasound - YouTube ) are "wanted" that would be considered as viable ones. So, if a 15th week fetus is not able survive at outside of the womb, the fetus is not viable one.

On the another hand, 30th week fetus ( 30 weeks pregnant ultrasound - YouTube ) is more viable because he/she could have a chance to survive at outside of the womb.

Am I understand you, yes? Don't worry, I am not going to hag you. ;)
Those 15 weeks fetuses ( 15 weeks pregnant ultrasound - YouTube ) are "wanted" that would be considered as viable ones. So, if a 15th week fetus is not able survive at outside of the womb, the fetus is not viable one.

On the another hand, 30th week fetus ( 30 weeks pregnant ultrasound - YouTube ) is more viable because he/she could have a chance to survive at outside of the womb.

Am I understand you, yes? Don't worry, I am not going to hag you. ;)

Thanks for posting these youtube pics.
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