Brain differences in political orientation

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No, that was dictating. You often do it without realizing you are.:cool2:
Well, I must not be very good at it then because no one seems to be obeying me. :lol:
Well, I must not be very good at it then because no one seems to be obeying me. :lol:

There is a reason for that, and it has nothing to do with your skill level.
Oh? If someone makes a Biblical reference, the chorus shrieks "No religion!" There is not a huge movement of people that choose "no God" in their lives. I am simply saying a lot of those "No thanks to God" folks make a whole lotta noise about their rights to breathe God-free air.

I will leave you with this; there is absolutely no logic in throwing your life into a faith-based world. You believe because you believe. Nothing logical about it. I was just like you, until...well, you know my story.

Love live death row inmates! :rockon:

Just so I have a reference for bringing this back to the topic...

there are neuronal correlates associated with religious experience, as well. These have been confirmed through the use of fMRI, too.
You are free to choose and practice any religion you so choose. That is the beauty of living in this country. However, the other side of that coin is that people who choose differently have just as much a right. You are not free to infringe on the rights of others.

Exactly. You believe based on what you "feel". That is my point.
How kind of you. BTW, still waiting for the Manson was not convicted of first degree murder rebuttals.

One other thing, people feel love. There is no logic to it, but the feeling is real, and it can be life-consuming. Are you suggesting it is impossible? That it cannot be seen, therefore it does not exist?

Mmmmkay, time for my hot bath. If you want to skip over the Manson guilt verdict thing, it will paint your other comments in a different light. Admit you were wrong. Else, hard to take you seriously.
How kind of you. BTW, still waiting for the Manson was not convicted of first degree murder rebuttals.

One other thing, people feel love. There is no logic to it, but the feeling is real, and it can be life-consuming. Are you suggesting it is impossible? That it cannot be seen, therefore it does not exist?

Mmmmkay, time for my hot bath. If you want to skip over the Manson guilt verdict thing, it will paint your other comments in a different light. Admit you were wrong. Else, hard to take you seriously.

It has nothing to do with kindness. It is a guaranteed constitutional right. As is the right of others to choose differently.

I take it back. Given the tone of your responses, you have definately begun to develop greater volume in one area of the brain than another. That is what lifelong plasticity is all about.

Manson was convicted of first degree murder. Manson did not participate in the actual murders. Technicality is all that allowed him to be charged.

It used to be generally accepted that a suspect could not be charged with murder of their wasn't a body proving the death. Recently, in Ohio, a technicality was used to charge and convict a man of murder without a body.

These situations should cause everyone concern for the ways in which the law is applied. It is extremely inconsistent, and that is the best argument there is for abolishing the death penalty.
Oh? If someone makes a Biblical reference, the chorus shrieks "No religion!" There is not a huge movement of people that choose "no God" in their lives. I am simply saying a lot of those "No thanks to God" folks make a whole lotta noise about their rights to breathe God-free air.

I will leave you with this; there is absolutely no logic in throwing your life into a faith-based world. You believe because you believe. Nothing logical about it. I was just like you, until...well, you know my story.

Love live death row inmates! :rockon:

Do you mean you love all death row inmates???
Just so I have a reference for bringing this back to the topic...

there are neuronal correlates associated with religious experience, as well. These have been confirmed through the use of fMRI, too.

Those neurons must not be working for me. :giggle:
Are you a liberal centrist or a conservative centrist?

It amazes me how many people are missing the whole point brought out in the research.

I'm a centrist, left. But, I also derive my viewpoints based on common sense. Research can be influenced based on what the control being sampled/tested is. I also do not want to be labelled according to some research study.

It's an interesting read; I'll give you that. But, that's all it is to me.
I know of several models that can alter sociopathic behaviors and cognitions.

You have named 4 people out of how many billions in the U.S. See how rare these instances are?
So, instead, you separate them from society for the remainder of their lives.

Or, apply the death penalty when indicated. :cool2:

We can argue this until the cows come home and I usually agree with you. I don't believe the DP should be applied in every single DP case that comes down the pike, but I do believe that there are situations in which it is warranted. I would rather see our justice system overhauled, but, that has yet to happen. Until it is, we are stuck with the system we have. It is flawed, but, it's the only one we have.
I'm a centrist, left. But, I also derive my viewpoints based on common sense. Research can be influenced based on what the control being sampled/tested is. I also do not want to be labelled according to some research study.

It's an interesting read; I'll give you that. But, that's all it is to me.

The control is not what is sampled / tested. The control is the comparison.

No one is labeling anyone. I don't know where that is coming from. You are not the only one that seems to think that. All that is being said is that there have been brain differences associated with the type of world view and perception that is associated with one political orientation or another confirmed through scientific evidence. That is not labeling.:dunno2:

For heaven's sake, it is not like they are going to start doing fMRIs routinely just to determine someone's political orientation.:P
Exactly. There is no way to abolish the risk of executing an innocent person completely. And the risk of state sanctioned murder of one innocent person is too great a risk to take. It simply brings those responsible for carrying out justice to the level of the criminal they are executing.

Therein lies the difference in the more emotionally oriented conservative repsonse to crime and justice, and the broader, more logical response of the liberal thinker.

Yep. MLK.;)

Oh, I see! It is not okay to use the death penalty for a convicted murderer because it is an emotional response, but do you feel it is okay to kill an innocent unborn child because of logic! .:hmm:
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Oh, I see! It is not okay to use the death penalty for a convicted murderer because it is an emotional response, but do you feel it is okay to kill an innocent unborn child because of logic! .:hmm:

I don't recall ever discussing the issue of abortion with you. You are assuming quite a bit for someone who has only been around for a week.:hmm:

An "unborn child" is a mistake in terminology. If a fetus is unborn, it is not a child. Once it has been born, it becomes a neonate. It doesn't reach the "child" stage for some time following birth.

But it's okay. I understand that you, and others like you, don't want to bother with medical and scientific fact, but prefer to use emotion as the way to some sort of understanding. Unfortunately for you, it makes you appear for all intents and purposes, to be willfully ignorant.

Frankly, you have no business meddling in the confidential relationship that I, nor anyone else, shares with their physician. And, as a man, you most certainly have no business dictating my reproductive rights.

You are beginning to look more and more like Steiny. So many parallels in the things you post.:hmm:

And you attempting to manipulate and use a deaf forum for no other purpose than to further your own conservative agendas is completely unethical. Don't they teach you about ethics in your "cop" training?
Now, back to the differences in brain structure in those of a conservative bent compared to those of a more liberal bent. I think perhaps it is time to start discussing the behavioral manifestations related to these structural differences that we see.
Now, back to the differences in brain structure in those of a conservative bent compared to those of a more liberal bent. I think perhaps it is time to start discussing the behavioral manifestations related to these structural differences that we see.

They're becoming remarkably predictable. :hmm:
Now, back to the differences in brain structure in those of a conservative bent compared to those of a more liberal bent. I think perhaps it is time to start discussing the behavioral manifestations related to these structural differences that we see.

I don't know if it's my imagination or not but those of a conservative bent seem to be more inflexiable to new approaches and less open to people outside their circle.
I don't recall ever discussing the issue of abortion with you. You are assuming quite a bit for someone who has only been around for a week.:hmm:

An "unborn child" is a mistake in terminology. If a fetus is unborn, it is not a child. Once it has been born, it becomes a neonate. It doesn't reach the "child" stage for some time following birth.

But it's okay. I understand that you, and others like you, don't want to bother with medical and scientific fact, but prefer to use emotion as the way to some sort of understanding. Unfortunately for you, it makes you appear for all intents and purposes, to be willfully ignorant.

Frankly, you have no business meddling in the confidential relationship that I, nor anyone else, shares with their physician. And, as a man, you most certainly have no business dictating my reproductive rights.

You are beginning to look more and more like Steiny. So many parallels in the things you post.:hmm:

And you attempting to manipulate and use a deaf forum for no other purpose than to further your own conservative agendas is completely unethical. Don't they teach you about ethics in your "cop" training?

Apparently you didn't even read my entire short post! Figures! I was asking a question!

You are quite wrong indeed once again. As soon as a baby is born in the USA it is considered a child. Because if you kill it it will be considered murder! Playing God again aren't we?
And you attempting to manipulate and use a deaf forum for no other purpose than to further your own liberal agendas is completely unethical.:ty:
They're becoming remarkably predictable. :hmm:

Just keeps adding more credence to the research findings. And the behavioral manifestations across domains is consistent and predictable, as well.
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