- However, people still "emulate" crimes committed by the pathetic fools in prison so society doesn't make a difference, whether bonded or not and your comment is irrelevant. 
Actually society does see a difference. It does not matter if other criminals emulate other criminals..society is organized and operated under a rule of law.
And society doesnt seek nor wish to emulate those that live contrary to its rules..,besides the Death penalty i should add..society doesnt.rape rapists, or sell drugs to drug sellers, or steal from theifs..
Why you cant grasp this is an interesting question worth exploration
[C2: - Indeed you are correct about that! Many studies have been done and continue to be done and my chosen method of chaining someone to a wall 24/7, is actually based on what they do in Uganda, Africa, India - to name a few. I prefer more brutality and pain if someone commits a horrific crime and the world su.cks for changing it's horrific personality system to something more nice and with a pillow and a TV and a nice comfy bed, pffft..OR]
You prefer more burtality and pain inflicted on other human beings...meh..
If youve experienced or seen a man treated as you wish them, and still wish it..you have deep pychological issues...
Im no stranger to violence...i do and teach it for a living...im always amused when those with litte or no experience wish to infict violience and brutality on others
That kind of behavuor actually erodes the state..not help it..
Nice models of nations you have their....
Id rather us in the west make our own way thank you very much, without emulating third world nations...
[C3: -Long term effects can either effect a man/woman in a good way or a bad way. There is no prediction of a good treatment or a bad treatment of what it's going to do on someone. I can feed an inmate a cheeseburger and milkshakes and they will still continue to murder whilst I feed the next inmate rocks and dirt and they choose not to kill anymore.OR]
If there is no corralation between how we as a society treat prisoners and what they do and how they act upon releas back into society...tell me
Why did the west do away with meadeval torture methods? Should we bring back tortureur guilds? Maybe drawn and querter people at half time sunday football games? How about burning them alive at the stake to launch baseball season?
We can start there....before we get into.the detals...
Do you think I care if someone is broken Mentally, Emotionally & Spiritually? I laugh at the pathetic fools in prison while I sit here and eat my food and breathe in my fresh air, knowing, I can do what ever I want.
If you commit a crime, then don't ask for forgiveness and say your sorry! You shouldn't of done the crime in the first place. Simple and relevant. I don't pity anyone below me.OR]
Clearly you dont care if someone is broken mentality...
Why breaking a human mentaly and physicaly who will then be released back into society is a good idea is any ones guess..
And the tax payers will flip the bill, of wither theie returned incsrceration, or their instituionilzation, or what ever lives these broken men ruin by themselves being broken...
Your demonstrating clearly how close-minded you are. How question-reluctant you are. How de-minded you are. How strongly opinionated you are and how you are not willing to open your eyes to other views. I'm also glad to say your not letting your education get in the way of your ignorance. 
Me, not wishing to break, torture or brutalize other human beings. If that makes me closed minded...de minded, ignorant, and opinionated...
I stand guilty as charged..