Bakers refuse to makes wedding cakes for same sex couples

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What if a gay man wants to apply for a job there? That would make things interesting.

I don't recommended gay people to tell about their sex orientation in job interview, except if you work in GLBT businesses.

If baker hires employee and didn't know about sex orientation until one year later, so baker can't fire gay employee because of state law.

Only religious organization like church can fire you for any reason.
not only that, a gay baker, cake decorator is likely to be better than straights, (hope i havent said anything wrong), but like, gay people likes colours (tends to) and are quite detail-minded in decorating (thinking tailors for high fashion clothes, or the Gok Wan on TV...) clever people!, with its success, i'd doubt that " a year later would the boss want to rid the talent!)...just a thought
No, Grummer was making a joke about you sleeping with the baker's wife and said that would make her bi.

I said no, still straight because you are male.

It would still mean the wife was immoral because that would mean she is cheating on her husband.

Forgot to say - I agree with you about cheating on someone is immoral.
id have to say, its not immoral, its just a flaw, and a flaw that hurts feelings, but its not a crime worthy of capital punishment or social disgrace, or disowning. I mean HOW many people in AD, or do you know that youre freinds or were with or yourself actually cheated, but like it was an 'accident' like you didnt plan to , it happened because you werent happy with a 'current relationship' or didnt 'know how to commit' like, wasnt ready to commit or not really a committing type, but prefer to try out people before committing , and then sometimes just sometimes, you are hooked into someone, whos' way to clingy, and thats' where disaster starts, -they know (or society knows) how to use the situation against the very person ready to break off, its like ' we expect you to marry the first you met' youre not allowed to .. when committment is sometimes a ro******* to REAL love because like you're not allowed to find the right one in the first place...because people (freinds and expectations) glue you into a bad unwatned situation, and that is sometimes mistakenly seen as 'cheating'
so i disagree.
immoral would fit in a genuine relationship yes but i doubt it does not fit for all situations.
The cheating on spouses are very unacceptable and very immoral in the US.

It isn't criminal, though but divorce can be serious consider for cheating.
im still not sure if this widely held as popular opinion anymore, why so many divorces??
Believe it's common knowledge that Gays are (for the most part) highly intelligent and artistally inclined....I worked with a lot of them.

As for why so many divorses...too many reasons to list...and feel the ladies from the South (G.R.I.T.S)...."girls raised in the South" are much more educated than before....Hence the notion was for Southern ladies, they stayed home and raised the children...So...boy! Have times changed....
on a brighter subject: ‘Ace of Cakes’ Star Offers to Bake Wedding Cake for Same-Sex Couple Denied by Bakery - ABC News

Looks like the couple is offered a cake from Duff :-D How nice of him!


Duff Goldman is my new favorite character.

Look at his cakes - very beautiful.
Told ya it would all work out. Now everybody is happy.
Dunno... unless you consider anal sex as love... lol...

but seriously, yeah, love is love. :) Best post I've seen so far in this thread.
You are weird! Lesbians don't usually do anal sex.
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