Aussie student in OK shot and killed "for fun"

Like we said earlier, we rely on them when we don't need to. We have everything here and don't need theirs, The government is just greedy over oil.

What does being greedy over oil has to do with the killing of this innocent man?
I think their math could be wrong, but US has high homicide rate per 100,000 ratio than Australia but... Australia has more assault rate than US.

You are likely to get killed in US but you are likely to get assaulted in Australia.

You are correct. It's roughly 4x higher homicide in US. Rapes and assault higher in Austrailia.
Like we said earlier, we rely on them when we don't need to. We have everything here and don't need theirs, The government is just greedy over oil.

the government? huh? greedy? how? they are not paying for our gas.... we are.
Would you believe uncle sam is wanting to tax you for using rain barrels to save rain water you collect from your gutters? Tell me yes or no and Ill pull that up, Just to show you all the bullshit they do to make money...Rain really, yup a Rain Tax ! Wanna argue that too Jiro? Its already in effect in places. That's a Fact.

there's nothing to argue about as I'm not interested in quibbling around about conspiracy theories.
Could be, that is the problem with these kinds of numbers. We could say then they are higher in reported rapes.

Hard to tell, it is very important that rape cases should be reported and it will have better information for women.

Australia may have better reporting for rape case, but in US, it is varies by local to local.


This thread is not about oil, war, rape or conspiracy.
These "kids" committed murder because they were bored...WTF? If your gonna do an adult crime then get an adult punishment. String 'em all up. Not so long ago it didn't matter what the age did the crime you got the punishment that went with it. There is no rehabilitation for these sort. Anyone who thinks it's ok to "kill for fun" is already a lost cause. I think public hangings should make a big comeback. make a hell of a deterent, possibly, for future degenerates like these guys.
There was a 14 year old boy executed years ago for a crime he committed.
George Stinney...
Making money off us as well as those barrels...wise up you know that if you are so into all this.

Reba said enough, enough.

Please sticking with topic about Aussie student got murdered by 3 thugs.
Yes, that was 1944.

Just old time.
so whats the difference, he committed a crime, these boys committed a crime, just a few years older...execute them, why feel sorry for them? They did wrong, for fun, for no reason...other than to just shoot someone carelessly in the back.
so whats the difference, he committed a crime, these boys committed a crime, just a few years older...execute them, why feel sorry for them? They did wrong, for fun, for no reason...other than to just shoot someone carelessly in the back.

that's why it's called gray area.
so whats the difference, he committed a crime, these boys committed a crime, just a few years older...execute them, why feel sorry for them? They did wrong, for fun, for no reason...other than to just shoot someone carelessly in the back.

The death penalty for juvenile was ok in 1929 but not anymore after US Supreme Court ruling made death penalty to under 18 as unconstitutional.

Are you saying that I feel sorry for thugs?