Aussie student in OK shot and killed "for fun"

Yeah, Like when are you gonna buy that bridge? Fiction right?

You need to get on the lighter side of things. Hey, its just and idea, what if it did work. Hell forget about the island, just execute them. People will open there eyes and say, Hey...theres no second chance if we get caught. Things have gotten too relaxed with the justice system, and these lawyers, most are a joke. WHY try to make a criminal look innocent and save him from death and give him life? Why provide shelter,food,clothes for them when they are worthless to society in every way...examples, serial killers, repeat offenders? just to name a few. Worthless to society and you cant return them to society. Why waste yours or mine or anyone elses hard earned money supporting them.Not only in jail but once out if anything they cant get jobs and we still support them on welfare. Fiction...think you better look into that one.

it's how a person sees it. your view doesn't work.
Yes we depend on other countries, but we don't have to.
We make trades, good enough.
But if they have problems, let them sort it out.
If your friend and his wife were fighting, are you gonna run over and side with one or the other, Hell no. Lose your friendship and/or end up a victim in the middle of it all. Same with America.... Hey, Im just here to borrow a cup of sugarand be gone, you guys work it out.

that's why USA cut off the fundings to Egypt.

but as for other countries..... we're buying their oils and our money is being used to fund their anti-American propaganda.
Is that statistic including justifiable homicides, police shootings and suicides? Just wondering.

I know we have a much higher murder rate involving guns but the overal homicide rate is like 4 times higher. Although i belive rape and assault are higher in austrailia. I guess my point is if we're killing more rapists i'm not sure i have a problem with that.

suicide isn't count as homicide - two are separated.
that's why USA cut off the fundings to Egypt.

but as for other countries..... we're buying their oils and our money is being used to fund their anti-American propaganda.
Like we said earlier, we rely on them when we don't need to. We have everything here and don't need theirs, The government is just greedy over oil.
Like we said earlier, we rely on them when we don't need to. We have everything here and don't need theirs, The government is just greedy over oil.

I believe that our economy need oil or fossil fuel to grow.
The government doesn't want to use our oil as they want to save it for war. So, use every one elses oil to try and deplete them... the way it always has been. If you noticed, gas prices went up once we started dicking around on foreign soils.
The government doesn't want to use our oil as they want to save it for war. So, use every one elses oil to try and deplete them... the way it always has been. If you noticed, gas prices went up once we started dicking around on foreign soils.

See #69 and the import oil is declining as our government use more oil in our country right now.
suicide isn't count as homicide - two are separated.

Yea, the quote was that you where 15 times more likely to be shot in the us. That's why i questioned it because these arguments when worded that way usually include suicides, justifiable homicide and police shhotings.
Yea, the quote was that you where 15 times more likely to be shot in the us. That's why i questioned it because these arguments when worded that way usually include suicides.

I think it will be criminal or spray bullet from somewhere (accidental), including police shooting.

or their math could be wrong.
Do you have source to support your claim?

We are depending on oil to make almost everything.
and that's why the government is raising prices higher and higher, they are greedy and want it for war. They are also forcing everyone to find alternatives to fuel sources (solar, Hydro, batteries...ect...)
and that's why the government is raising prices higher and higher, they are greedy and want it for war. They are also forcing everyone to find alternatives to fuel sources (solar, Hydro, batteries...ect...)

No, the demand for oil is VERY HIGH so that why oil price goes up.

China and India are using MORE and MORE oil that cause oil price goes up - more demand.

When demand goes down so oil price will go down, when demand goes up so oil price will go up.

It is fact, according to economic course that I learned.
Would you believe uncle sam is wanting to tax you for using rain barrels to save rain water you collect from your gutters? Tell me yes or no and Ill pull that up, Just to show you all the bullshit they do to make money...Rain really, yup a Rain Tax ! Wanna argue that too Jiro? Its already in effect in places. That's a Fact.
I think it will be criminal or spray bullet from somewhere (accidental), including police shooting.

or their math could be wrong.

I cannot find numbers anywhere for the x15 claim so even if it's true one would have to assume they are refering to ALL shootings otherwise they would have said murdered by guns
I cannot find numbers anywhere for the x15 claim so even if it's true one would have to assume they are refering to ALL shootings otherwise they would have said murdered by guns

I think their math could be wrong, but US has high homicide rate per 100,000 ratio than Australia but... Australia has more assault rate than US.

You are likely to get killed in US but you are likely to get assaulted in Australia.