
Certainly not in a single sentence. Give me a couple paragraphs and I might be able to do it justice. :)

:laugh2: Do you really think it would be more authentic and "do it justice" to make up your own interpretation of Marschark's thinking in this interview than to use his own words and link to the full text?

I wonder what you could do to improve Derrida and Foucault, Carl Sagan and Harold Bloom so people stop using those terrible direct quotes.
Or a mix of 2) and 3).

She misunderstood the interview, but belive that she got it right in her choice of summary.

What makes you think I've misunderstood any of the interview? That's quite a leap.
Grendel, it sounds like you're open to all possibilities. I understand about the sad part. My "baby" graduates from high school next year. I'm not ready!

Can't even imagine :eek3: --- be strong.
I hope that I can watch PFH's video on my shitty computer. If not, I'm going to borrow another computer.
Honestly, this is my opinion, but I think people are upset about the choice of Grendel's quote because of the phrase "one size doesn't fit all" that is within the quote. That phrase is usually spurted out by pro-oral people. So I think that phrase automatically triggers an anti-oral attack. And they don't want to highlight that "oralist sounding" quote specifically from a man that has given a lot of support to the Deaf community.
What makes you think I've misunderstood any of the interview? That's quite a leap.
The difference between your interpretation of the quote in your signature and my readings and real life conversations with Marschark.

I don't think I can help you here anyway.
Honestly, this is my opinion, but I think people are upset about the choice of Grendel's quote because of the phrase "one size doesn't fit all" that is within the quote. That phrase is usually spurted out by pro-oral people. So I think that phrase automatically triggers an anti-oral attack. And they don't want to highlight that "oralist sounding" quote specifically from a man that has given a lot of support to the Deaf community.
Thanks for associating GrendelQ with pro-oral people. That explains some, I guess.
Thanks for associating GrendelQ with pro-oral people. That explains some, I guess.

The difference between your interpretation of the quote in your signature and my readings and real life conversations with Marschark.

I don't think I can help you here anyway.

I don't think so either. But maybe it would help us reconcile this if you provided your interpretation.

Happy to be associated with marschark. Are all who respect his work considered oral people?
Arr, Grendel. You have angered the pitchfork mob and they are rallying up with torches and hay forks.

I once spoke to Marsharck directly about an issue to prove a point here (guiltily, for debating purposes). Very explaining and patient man.

Ok, I'm going to need a little help with this. I'm at Kung Fu class w/my daughter right now, expect her TOD to arrive any moment -- her kid takes gymnastics at same gym. I'm going to enlist her in some interpretation as I work my way through it. You'll likely see many hits, as I tend to have to play it over and over. Hoping my ipad battery holds up.
Ok, I'm going to need a little help with this. I'm at Kung Fu class w/my daughter right now, expect her TOD to arrive any moment -- her kid takes gymnastics at same gym. I'm going to enlist her in some interpretation as I work my way through it. You likely see many hits, as I tend to have to play it over and over. Hoping my battery holds up.

Sorry I had to do it in ASL. It's just that it's very exhausting for me in English.
Sorry I had to do it in ASL. It's just that it's very exhausting for me in English.

It's good, Pls don't apologize, I need the practice, signing with my daughter, her friends, and husband is easy, not so with other adults.
It's good, Pls don't apologize, I need the practice, signing with my daughter, her friends, and husband is easy, not so with other adults.

Please keep in mind - it uses information that we have gone through here, so... hopefully the TOD picks up on these. :)

At the end about one group thinking they are superior over the other group. It has been the feeling I have had for quite a while hence my reason for less participation in those arguments.

You hit the nail on the head. We have personally experienced audism while they havent and no explaination or justification will ever measure up to real life experiences.
You did:

And you believe that the single line in itself is distorted when not appearing with his comment about how important H&V is, that deaf children have to be seen as individuals and so on ...? I think it stands alone without distorting his oevre. But again, here's the answer he gave the interviewer:

Include the quote that states that even if he implanted his own child he would still insure that child has availability of ASL, his concerns about language deprivation and its impact on education, and his explanation of the often misused reading level scores, and it would be in context. Use it to point out that education has been attempting to address literacy issues from the wrong position, it would be valid. Otherwise, his meaning and his intent are distorted.