ASK javapride ANYTHING!

:rofl: im now drinking my afternoon and evening gf -- the iced tea! :thumb: had to make more LOL
Why is Joey short for Joe, when Joey has more letters?
HEY BBNT ur quirky LOL! joey sounds I truly don't know why they put it short for joe, its an intresting question.... LOL

:wave: HI MAMA how's things going for u ????
New member

I am a new member. I am hearing but have had a love for the deaf community for many years. I have tried to learn sign language and hope to go to school to become an interpreter. Are there any deaf clubs or groups in Broward, FL? I want to not only learn how to sign but to learn more about your cluture.


:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. How in the world did you find the old javapride in this thread which was started in 2003? You should be able to post a new thread in the left upper corner to click post a new thread which might be in the introduction section. Anyway, if you are new to the forum and interest in the deaf subjects and ASL. This might be the place for you to read and post all the threads here. Have fun. See you around here. :wave:

I would like to talk to you about a previous post you wrote a few years ago. can we chat offline - it could be sensitive in deaf community. How can I contact you. Momofdeaf