Are We Getting Lazy At Each & Every Generation?


Active Member
Feb 17, 2008
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It seems to me that the value of "hard work" is losing it's meaning to each and every passing generation.

I'm getting sick & tired of dealing with people who want to work, but don't want to work. I get the impression that they prefer to stay home and hold out their hand for their paychecks all for nothing and go out to party with friends who are just like them.

Take for example, before my wife became sick, I worked in a real nice medical factory assembly plant that makes plastic assembly parts and ships them to be assembled and then ships them to the receiving end to be picked up and delivered to places like hospitals, nursing homes and so on.

That plant is by no means easy work. The plant has a HUGE turnover in employees. Some come in and worked for one day and then quit. Some worked half a day and walked out of the job during lunch break.

It's a nice place to work, clean, good people, good supervisors and so on. Unfortunately, I lost my job when my wife's health went south. But my wife isn't the point.

The point is, it seems that people are unappreciative about hard work and the rewards that they could reap, such as raises, bonuses (i.e. health insurance, sick days, etc.)

People don't seem to stick around in jobs anymore. I even worked Retail for 25 years and retail is the easiest job in the world, especially if you worked in a C-Store environment. Nonetheless, it's been my observation that coming to work is the hardest thing to do (OMG! You mean I have to do physical labor in order to actually get money instead of pulling your money out of your wallet and hand it to me?????????).

Today, a nurse whom we don't know came in and took a look at my wife who is a double amputee and bedridden in her medical bed. She rolled her eyes and walked right out of the door like my wife is too much of a hassle to take care of for just a few hours while I go shopping to get more food stuffs.

WTF is wrong with these people??? Now I can't do my plans today and the medical company is unable to find anyone else to take her place, so I'll have to wait until Thursday to do it.


They stick around... If it's their dream job. They will learn to suck up when they end up having no money to spend and want things.

I don't think it's the "hard work" that turn them off. The way consumerism has set us up for is this:

If we don't get the jobs we aspired for and went to university for (ie. we went in to become a doctor, but ended up working as a mechanic), it's the end and life isn't worth living anymore.

So I don't think it got anything to do with work ethnics.
Even if they did go to a medical college to become a nurse, they still act all icky about physical labor like this nurse did today whom walked right out of the door.

Even if they did go to a medical college to become a nurse, they still act all icky about physical labor like this nurse did today whom walked right out of the door.


Depend on what they went in for.

Humans are notorious for not being able to deal with the aftermath of a plan that went awry.
Wirelessly posted

Not necessarily, it's discipline that's gone to hell! :D
Maybe the agency didn't inform the nurse of your wife's particular needs and sent someone unprepared and unable to deal with the situation? Some people cannot physically lift patients without appropriate equipment. Maybe the agency doesn't understand your needs?

I hope that you find a good agency to send a good nurse. I can imagine that it's hard to function without help.
I don't know that it is generation to generation, but there is an issue with work ethics. I have worked at all sorts of jobs from high end retail to low end retail, factory work, housekeeping, doctor's office, hospital and so on and in each place there are only a small number of employees that work in a professional manor. People are late, take long breaks, don't want to work or do anything extra. I don't know why this is. The people are both young and old and I don't know that it is about laziness. People seem to want to make a lot of money to do nothing! Work ethics need to improve drastically!
I don't think we are getting lazier. Getting less physically active, to be sure; but that doesn't equate with laziness. Someone who uses their brain all day and actually accomplishes many things as a result isn't lazy. It is just as exhausting as physical labor...often times more so.

Technology has afforded the opportunity for many to do things without having to exert themselves. It's called progress. And that is a good thing.
I think people have more demanding schedules both at work and at home lives than they did back then so people are stretched out thin these days.
Laziness on the job is not always because of the physical activity or lack of it involved. People with desk jobs waste time on the job by surfing the web when they should be working. Office workers show up late and take too long for lunch. Staffers call in sick when they're not. Professionals don't keep up with journal reading current training opportunities. Sometimes they just don't bother to return calls or follow up on clients.

Yes, there is white collar laziness as well as blue collar laziness.

There's also too much working world snobbishness. There are too many people out there who claim to be looking for jobs who say, "I'll take any kind of job, I just want to work." Then, low and behold, when they're offered a job they turn it down because it's too lowly for them. They might have to get dirty or sweaty, or maybe it doesn't pay as well.

Or college graduates who expect to jump into a profession without having to work their way up or pay their dues.

Yes, there is lack of work ethic in all areas. Not every employee but every field has its dead weights.
I was born and raised on a farm. So I knew what hard work was about. I helped out my dad and my brother getting the farm equipment ready and often rode with either my dad or my brother on the tractors as we plowed the field.

Helped getting the seeders ready as well.

Then when it comes to harvesting time, I helped with a shovel as we opened up the side panel to let out the seeds that was harvest into the feeder as it goes up to the storage bin, using the shovel to keep the seeds from building too high, smoothing them out so it's evened out on all sides inside the feeder.

Then we start making bags of bushels and used the zip gun to close the bags and stacked them on pallets so they're ready for sale.

Did this over half of my life until my grandparents died. They owned 80 acres of land, plus leased another 80. I sure miss the farm living.

So that's my background on learning to appreciate the work ethics growing up, learning to value the meaning of hard work and the rewards that we reaped.

Today, I see young kids complaining about everything, work schedules, how it messes their partying time, guys skating with the buds or girls hanging at the mall or banging their boy/girlfriends. So they often call in sick, come in late and even quit.

I see so much immaturity, even with peeps in their late 20s and early 30s. I even see some in their 40s. For the most part, I see late 40s and up seem to have a reasonable work ethic and they stick around alot longer. They show more appreciation for their paychecks and their attitudes toward customers is much better than those younger than 40. But that's my observation and I guess it also depends on location. Not every single town and state have the same problem.

I do not think companies take the same pride in what they made any more!
Everything is being made to use for a shot time then you throw it away! I think this would made people be lazy about the way they made things , like clothed shoes , home appliances, etc. If the company does not care about the quality of their products , why should should the employees! Yes I think people are lazier today !
Yes, many people don't take their pride of their work much anymore. I have a co worker who doesn't give a shit or care about his job. He just works slow, sloppy, lazy, etc.
Lack of caring or interest is not necessarily due to laziness.:cool2:
Lack of caring or interest on the job can manifest itself in laziness, absenteeism, employee theft, sabotage, carelessness, and just plain bad attitude.
Lack of caring or interest on the job can manifest itself in laziness, absenteeism, employee theft, sabotage, carelessness, and just plain bad attitude.

Tsk, that Obama administration.

Oh, you mean....
Lack of caring or interest on the job can manifest itself in laziness, absenteeism, employee theft, sabotage, carelessness, and just plain bad attitude.

It can manifest as laziness....that doesn't mean that laziness is the root cause.
Tsk, that Obama administration.

Oh, you mean....

Laziness is blaming the Obama admin for everything one dislikes. Takes much more energy to actually become informed and educated regarding the issues.
Laziness on the job is not always because of the physical activity or lack of it involved. People with desk jobs waste time on the job by surfing the web when they should be working. Office workers show up late and take too long for lunch. Staffers call in sick when they're not. Professionals don't keep up with journal reading current training opportunities. Sometimes they just don't bother to return calls or follow up on clients.

Yes, there is white collar laziness as well as blue collar laziness.

There's also too much working world snobbishness. There are too many people out there who claim to be looking for jobs who say, "I'll take any kind of job, I just want to work." Then, low and behold, when they're offered a job they turn it down because it's too lowly for them. They might have to get dirty or sweaty, or maybe it doesn't pay as well.

Or college graduates who expect to jump into a profession without having to work their way up or pay their dues.

Yes, there is lack of work ethic in all areas. Not every employee but every field has its dead weights.

Factual. There was a survey - People in white collar jobs worked a great deal less than these in the blue collar industries. The reason being they spent a lot of time on internet, phone, etc...