Anybody are interesting to part of being a purple person for a free MVP?

You PM me
Hovrs had gotten listings of 40,000 customers in USA and part province of Canada who have interested to get MVP and got purple ticket numbers. Wow! I will go to take MVP training soon. I believe that I would got very busy to install MVP for new customers in starting in autumn.
:eek3: I mean I was joking that I was the 15,986th person to order the MVP!
LMAO! You guys are so dramatic! LOL......Damn! I am still in 4th of line behind MVP door. I need more purple connections. Anybody can invite me and invite back each other. Name: Jeffrey Bechtel....Email:
i already had hovrs connected with sorenson vp-200 so umm should i change new log in? but one bigger problem is one of deaf guy work for hovrs will keep peek my and my girlfriend's log in and my friends's email and phone lists that i worry about it. he told us that he was checked our's hovrs lists few weeks ago. we were upset. he like curious who is our "friends" he looking for female... we already know some our deaf friends was angry and called us about him and he live in texas. my girlfriend was his ex-hubby are work for hovrs got it. some my friends was report to hovrs already but he didn't fired yet.. what if i get mvp then he can be contuine peek my mvp huh?

YOu should call Hovrs and ask them about it they should help you with it but do not use your vp if you have computer get online ask ask them in your email so your friend can't get thru one of your email that are not in your account with hovrs that way yu know what to do and to avoid him from knowing what you are up to . Hope this help alittle .
LMAO! You guys are so dramatic! LOL......Damn! I am still in 4th of line behind MVP door. I need more purple connections. Anybody can invite me and invite back each other. Name: Jeffrey Bechtel....Email:

You'll be expecting mine invitation on the way , do the same once you get my email watch for it today dont' forget to check spam or junk mail if you do not get mvp invitaion ok. Later
I am member of HOVRS MVP purple members. any invite of MVP I need more people connections you can send me invitation Please PM Me your name and email address and I will give you my email address via PM or email you
will this work in Manitoba Canada ?? I signed up with HOVRS but haven't used it yet ...
I'd LOVE to get a MVP ... but I'm not sure if it will work if I'm outside that USA ??

Can anyone in Canada that uses HOVRS etc help me ?
You'll be expecting mine invitation on the way , do the same once you get my email watch for it today dont' forget to check spam or junk mail if you do not get mvp invitaion ok. Later

You asked me to send you a PM to share puprle member but you don't have PM yet and you need 50 posts total then PM will be unlocked for you to use PM.

Look like you need 5 more post to get PM unlock hehehe ... Go make 5 more post then PM me Cheers!

Anyone not yet get my Name and Email for purple connect invite .. send me a PM!

will this work in Manitoba Canada ?? I signed up with HOVRS but haven't used it yet ...
I'd LOVE to get a MVP ... but I'm not sure if it will work if I'm outside that USA ??

Can anyone in Canada that uses HOVRS etc help me ?

Ontario only.
PM me your names and email addresses, then I will add you to mine. I'm already purple and needing more neat VP users. ;)
Hello, I do not have lot of friends here but you may add me..

Samuel Sandoval

SamuelS1289 AT GMAIL DOT COM. :aw:

Thank you!

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