Anybody are interesting to part of being a purple person for a free MVP?


New Member
Mar 16, 2007
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Hello, I am actually new here. I am sure some of you already heard about new device called "MVP" as Mobile Video Phone. It is more advance and lot of new features than Sorenson VP 200. If you haven't sign up to become a member of hovrs? I would like to have your email addresses So I can send you the invitations to sign up to become a purple VIP in order to receive a free MVP. All you can reply me back on the email for the prepare to fetch purple ticket numbers after signing up. It will ask you for the numbers. You can give me your email addresses so I can prepare to send the invitations to you, guys before you can signing up and enter the purple ticket numbers. Ask me for the numbers. If you need some helps or some questions. Feel free to email me
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i can't rejoin hovrs because one of deaf worker for hovrs. he is really big trouble because he didn't follow the rules for looking friends's email list. he did delete my purple person and password... i was piss! i knew him very well...
i can't rejoin hovrs because one of deaf worker for hovrs. he is really big trouble because he didn't follow the rules for looking friends's email list. he did delete my purple person and password... i was piss! i knew him very well...

Oh, no wonder. That's totally suck to hear that. So maybe create another new user name? If you do, don't even think to give ur password or whatever to that hovrs worker.
Hello, I am actually new here. I am sure some of you already heard about new device called "MVP" as Mobile Video Phone. It is more advance and lot of new features than Sorenson VP 200. If you haven't sign up to become a member of hovrs? I would like to have your email addresses So I can send you the invitations to sign up to become a purple VIP in order to receive a free MVP. All you can reply me back on the email for the prepare to fetch purple ticket numbers after signing up. It will ask you for the numbers. You can give me your email addresses so I can prepare to send the invitations to you, guys before you can signing up and enter the purple ticket numbers. Ask me for the numbers. If you need some helps or some questions. Feel free to email me

I sent you an invite .. send me one too.

Oh, no wonder. That's totally suck to hear that. So maybe create another new user name? If you do, don't even think to give ur password or whatever to that hovrs worker.

Okay, but you are carefully that some stranger or spammer might bother you in using your email address. you should use PM.
Okay, but you are carefully that some stranger or spammer might bother you in using your email address. you should use PM.

I noticed you keep said use PM all times but most new member CAN'T USE PM when they are under 50 posts.
Hello, I am actually new here. I am sure some of you already heard about new device called "MVP" as Mobile Video Phone. It is more advance and lot of new features than Sorenson VP 200. If you haven't sign up to become a member of hovrs? I would like to have your email addresses So I can send you the invitations to sign up to become a purple VIP in order to receive a free MVP. All you can reply me back on the email for the prepare to fetch purple ticket numbers after signing up. It will ask you for the numbers. You can give me your email addresses so I can prepare to send the invitations to you, guys before you can signing up and enter the purple ticket numbers. Ask me for the numbers. If you need some helps or some questions. Feel free to email me

finally i got purple number after entered into mvp quailification process. I saw that where am I in MVP line ..Oh No ( smile) i am in slow line . I hate to have an age in the dark by myself . I will try to work on my friends. I do not want war rope with you ( smile ) . i will help the deaf people to enter mvp quailification process after accepted an invitation . I learned from HOVRS ..
ask you question about hovrs...

i dont know if i rejoin purple person hovrs or not... i wonder if i get one mvp for myself but one problem is my parent don't have a computer ok. if i could get one more mvp for my parent only because they live in eastern coastal and i live in western parent don't like vrs. i felt bad.. more thing..

i already had hovrs connected with sorenson vp-200 so umm should i change new log in? but one bigger problem is one of deaf guy work for hovrs will keep peek my and my girlfriend's log in and my friends's email and phone lists that i worry about it. he told us that he was checked our's hovrs lists few weeks ago. we were upset. he like curious who is our "friends" he looking for female... we already know some our deaf friends was angry and called us about him and he live in texas. my girlfriend was his ex-hubby are work for hovrs got it. some my friends was report to hovrs already but he didn't fired yet.. what if i get mvp then he can be contuine peek my mvp huh?
By the way, what is PM? Does it stand as PurpleMail? If so, It is not ready to use it because it is currently coming soon. If you want to be connected each other so send me a email, ingore because it won't work to click accept invitation. Oh WELL! Give me ur emails too so I can send you invitations.
Pm is Private messaging System that the forum have but it wont be enabled when you reach 50 Posts.
By the way, what is PM? Does it stand as PurpleMail? If so, It is not ready to use it because it is currently coming soon. If you want to be connected each other so send me a email, ingore because it won't work to click accept invitation. Oh WELL! Give me ur emails too so I can send you invitations.

PurpleMail is video mail system which allows customer receive video message when they aren't able to answer a call. It can also let record a message and send it to a friend if they don't answer call.

You should change your home email address into your profile of
PurpleMail is video mail system which allows customer receive video message when they aren't able to answer a call. It can also let record a message and send it to a friend if they don't answer call.

You should change your home email address into your profile of

Yeah, I already changed my home email address in my profile because Hovrs worker just called me and explained everything to what right to be in my account to fix everything right. I got it all right. Thanks for telling me. :)
I signed up and am a purple member as well. when I got an invitation from a friend, that friend got an extra purple in order to move up in line and I asked the friend accept mine.. and he hasn't done so. I'm still waiting for several others to accept mine as I did theirs.

However... How do i find the purple ticket number?
Ask for the person who has it and ask for it, if you don't have it. I have the ticket. Please PM me if you want a copy.

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