re your story
I'm new to this site and have enjoyed reading the posts regarding everyones experiences. I work in a hearing-world but the minute I get home my two hearing aids come out and go in their box! My TV has closed-captioning and that's all I need to make my quiet life happy as a single person. I used to live with a hearing guy and every time we had an argument, he'd turn off the closed-captioning on the TV. What a jerk. I decided I wasn't ever again going to put up with that kind of treatment. Now I have two birds and am really happy!
What a jerk! I'd have tossed his butt out the nearest window if he'd been my boyfriend!

Seriously, if I had been in your shoes, we'd have had a lot of chatting on manners.
My family used to (some) complain if I had the captions on, but I couldn't hear the TV good enough to catch everything, especially if there's any other competing noise or talking going on in the same room or nearby, or the actors mumble, slur words, or whisper.
The sound on my TV gets cranked up at my house if there's any competing noise, and I turn on the captions when I watch a DVD if I have to keep backing it up because I missed what they said. My hubby can be talking on the phone in the kitchen, and the captions are on.
I have to have a hearing test again this year at my company. The guy last year said it's still in normal range. I work in an industrial plant upstairs in the office, but they make us take one yearly because of all the machinery that makes noise here.
A few years ago, I thought I was going deaf. I get bad wax build up in my ear, had lots of ear infections as a kid, scarring on an eardrum from that. My family kept complaining I was talking too loud, and I didn't think I was, and I couldn't hear myself being loud. I went to the doctor and he checked me, and said I had some bad wax plugs stuck deep in my ears. He told me some people get more wax than others, and I'm one of those people.
I also sometimes get this annoying ringing/buzzing in my ears. It lasts for awhile, goes away, and comes back. I read it was called tinnitus.
I don't have hearing aids, but there are times in some situations I have a hard time hearing everything. I was in a room with over a hundred people trying to converse with 2 people, and I kept shouting and asking them to repeat themselves because I missed what they said. All the extra noise gave me a headache.
I had to turn the TV off last night while talking on the phone to a girl who called to ask my hubby a question. They have a college class together, but he wasn't home. The background noise was too distracting.
I went to a couple of rock concerts, my first one, no ear protection (2nd one I wore earplugs). I had a headache and my ears hurt and were ringing afterward. I had no idea how loud they were. I was given a free ticket to go, and I'd never been to one before. Oops. I found out later that continual loud noise can damage hearing.
My grandparents both wear hearing aids as their hearing degraded over the years. My grandpa can't hardly make anything out anymore and he gets frustrated.
My dad's hearing was damaged in the Navy. He would turn the TV up really loud when I used to live at home with my parents if anyone is talking, or the dog barked. He doesn't have a hearing aid. He said before he doesn't want one, but he's in his 70's now.
So yeah, I understand a little bit of where you folks are coming from--I'm not as young as I used to be, and I may have more trouble down the road in the future.
Either way, I still want to learn ASL.