Another recall for AB

Off topic briefly: I don't know the history of this forum-so what? As for human sound/speech use we were "created" that way. Does having a Cochlea/vocal chords mean anything? As for " personal fulfillment" depends on ones philosophical perception.
I guess you should know if you have a deaf daughter- I don't. Why would you be offered an Implant-are you deaf? From my experience in this matter one must start the process on whether one can meet the criteria of implanting. Sunnybrook Cochlear Implant team didn't knock at my front door. Different where you are? Of course-who pays for it?

On topic: briefly mentioned about AB"problems" occurred within the first 60-90 days of implantation. This doesn't apply to me- July 12, 2007 was the operation.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Who cares? If one wants to live the Deaf life...let one live it. You want to live the hearing are an adult, live it.
Who cares how "deaf life" is articulated and by whose edict? Supposedly deaf people. I guess perhaps determined by random sample of what that life entails. Conversely is there such a classification as "hearing life"? Then there would seem to be a slight problem of classification of those persons with Cochlear Implant or Hearing aids- fit into which category.Another thread?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Odd; as having an Advanced Bionics-Harmony implant since 2007 the ONLY letter from them was to have a meningitis injection which I did BEFORE the operation- to avoid possible problems which of course affect every implant user.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Its a widely known fact that AB has had a few recalls of their product, unless you are directly affected with the product you received I'm guessing they don't send out a notice directly to you... But the fact of the matter is AB HAS had recalls from faulty products ..other companies have had recalls and faulty implants and stuff but AB it seems has had bad luck with more faulty implants than the other 2 companies
That is comforting to know how lucky I have been for the last 3 1/4 years with my Advanced Bionics-Harmony. Perhaps having a "lucky horse shoe" under my pillow is the real cause! Anyone is free to copy as well. Secret info in Google!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
That is comforting to know how lucky I have been for the last 3 1/4 years with my Advanced Bionics-Harmony. Perhaps having a "lucky horse shoe" under my pillow is the real cause! Anyone is free to copy as well. Secret info in Google!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

:lol: Doesn't it hurt?
No: Under the pillow I am not using.SHHHHHHHHH secret

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Good news indeed-makes my day! Enjoy the rest of Christmas- today.
New Years eve coming up!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07